The Next US President

None of the candidates has come across as a nice and interesting person I would like to meet over a cuppa.
US politics is dominated by the money people who are mostly mean and suspicious. The Jewish lobby will be endorsing both sides as usual for future favours etc.
The irony of a new nation of immigrants pulling up the drawbridge to further immigrants isn't lost on me.
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Hi hhiusa

You are extremely entertaining and have many of the attributes of your great Donald Trump - high IQ - living in la- la land - conveniently missing out many truths in your stories - a total wind up merchant to get reactions and been educated with loads of misconceptions.

Do tell about this la-la-land. You always point out that I am missing the point but you never completely make any points yourself. You state that I have been educated with loads of misconceptions. You have not addressed my points. What are those "loads of misconceptions"?

Banks are like Lawyers and marketing people ie they are parasites and should be looked upon differently to other businesses that actually are helping the whole economy - rather than ripping it off.

Prove it. When are you guys going to put your money where your mouth is? You are the one living in la-la-land about what banks and the world should be doing. Stop focusing upon how things should be and start focusing upon how things are. I am not asking questions because I do not know. I am asking questions to you because you need to back up your statements up with evidence. How are they ripping you off? I do not consider any of their practices illegal.

I do not have the same negative experiences with my bank or banks as you do. The recessions happened in 2001 & 2008 and even before that, and I just kept moving along. The world kept on turning.

Charging overdraft fees is a completely legitimate practice. If you do not have money in your bank account when you buy something, the bank is, in essence, charging you a fee for a micro-loan on the money they gave you to purchase whatever it was that caused the overdraft.

Even during the subprime mortgages period, banks were not completely at fault. The ignorant masses were so greedy that they let the banks give them a mortgage on a house that they could never afford. That should have raised so many red flags in their mind, but instead they only saw dollar signs. They thought that they could ride the bubble, sell and get the inflated equity out of their house. The poor are just as greedy as the wealthy. It is the pot calling the kettle black.

They all started with good intentions and then realised the power they had and started to take over assisted maybe by "soft" governments rather than being put firmly into their correct place and made to give proper services and not abuse their customers money.

You are so wrong in so many of your comments - even dividing people by their intelligence and wealth and not realising so many of your Billionaires borrowed money as well as stealing it from the government and more importantly the public

Here is a concept. Why don't you let your argument do the talking and have it show how in-the-know you are instead of just being lazy and saying someone is wrong?

When you make a statement, the burden of proof is on you to prove that it is true. The burden is not on me to prove that it is not true. Classify what you mean by stealing! Name the billionaires who borrowed money! Explain how their actions could legally be classified as stealing. Cite you sources! Do you have any veritable sources besides Wikipedia and the BBC?

Lets look at Donald Trump has he is my favourite "thick and devious" American with a massive mindset problem. His first fortune came from the US government via his Father in the early 1940's and he inherited it. He then borrowed like mad and was way over leveraged - but being a very "clever" businessman ( which he his ) was able to make it that if he went down - so did many others - including a few smaller banks - ie he did a "blackmail " job and stitched them up rotten. Extremely clever in being ruthless and strong in business - but again brought up in a "private US school " system that basically brainwashed their students to think they were superior to anybody else ( ie a bit like the IS as of now) and that the US and world needed them.

Prove it. Prove that he blackmailed people. The slanderer is required to prove to he is telling the truth. Explain how what he did what illegal.

You hhiusa need to get out into the big wide world and then you would understand that you have been "brainwashed" as well.

You need to realize how lackluster your arguments are. Ad hominems statements mean nothing to me. It seems as though all you can do is throw metaphorical stones and sound bites at me without providing any evidence.

I worked closely with a UK billionaire in the mid 1980's ( at that stage he was only a multi millionaire ). He was also brilliant at borrowing money but without paying interest on it. Instead he used cashflow to grow ( even having to go to jail for a short period for not paying his VAT taxes ) and took up to 180+ day to pay his suppliers and creditors - things that you frown upon being undertaken by mere normal mortals who should not borrow to buy a car or house.

Anecdotal evidence is completely useless. I am surprised that someone who supposedly worked with the educated wealthy cannot make sound arguments. I have many friends that work at multinational companies. They work closely with the executives who are very wealthy. They are not any better off. This is a fallacy of false authority that you are relying upon to boost your statements. Working closely with "a UK billionaire in the mid 1980s" is a straw man argument as well. It is completely useless. His wealth is not your wealth. His success is not your success. You sound like you like to live vicariously. Tell me about your successes, not some anecdotal nameless UK billionaire.

You really do take the "biscuit" for being very intelligent but just not understanding what really is going on out there.

I dont like your contempt but then again I do like your entertainment value

Please keep it up



The Irony of that statement is not lost on me. You say that I have entertainment value but you get rather flustered for someone who says he finds it entertaining. Additionally, it is your posts that have entertainment value, being fraught with fallacies.

I will not say something as self-serving as "keep it up" to you.

What do you understand by the term "Fractional Reserve Banking"?

The practice whereby a bank accepts deposits, makes loans or investments, and holds reserves that are a fraction of its deposit liabilities. Reserves are held at the bank as currency, or as deposits in the bank's accounts at the central bank.

There is nothing wrong with that. The bank is required to keep excess reserves, which are only a fraction of the total deposits. The bank then issues loans to people, who otherwise could not afford things. This is essential to the economy. No one woul be able to buy a house or a car if banks did not give out loans. Banks are investing and making loans on your money with your consent. If you do not want the bank to do this, then do not put your money in the bank. That is really simple.

Do you have a credit card? Did you pay cash for car? Do you have a house?
This is essential to the economy. No one woul be able to buy a house or a car if banks did not give out loans. Banks are investing and making loans on your money with your consent. If you do not want the bank to do this, then do not put your money in the bank. That is really simple.

Do you have a credit card? Did you pay cash for car? Do you have a house?

Complete turn around by hhiusa ?

One minute he's grumbling out people too poor to buy a car with cash and borrowing - then next minute he's supporting the idea of people borrowing

Make your blooming mind up !!

You dont have to do anything "illegal" to be a parasite - banks and lawyers do it perfectly legally - with a smile on their faces - whilst ripping people off with excess cost and charges .

They say in the UK - "the Law is like the Ritz Hotel - its open to everyone"

Now you are clever enough to work out the irony here - how do normal working class people afford to dine at the Ritz or spend $50 for an afternoon tea and biscuits ? They can't - but the Rich can - and so they win and are the buddies of Banks and Lawyers.

Loads of billionaires borrow big time to get to their end result - its make good business sense if you do it correctly - the UK billionaire I mention is not nameless its Sir Richard Branson - I am sure you have heard of him ?

Donald Trump - brilliant at legally stitching others up and well known for his tricks in the business world - surely you are aware of the methods used ??

I am now thinking you have been brainwashed and also not very "streetwise" - you need to get some lessons off some experienced business people in the US to understand how you deceive and remain legal

Still - you have loads of time on your hands - maybe one day - you might end up on the way to becoming a very wealthy multi millionaire - all before you are 30 !


Do tell about this la-la-land. You always point out that I am missing the point but you never completely make any points yourself. You state that I have been educated with loads of misconceptions. You have not addressed my points. What are those "loads of misconceptions"?

Prove it. When are you guys going to put your money where your mouth is? You are the one living in la-la-land about what banks and the world should be doing. Stop focusing upon how things should be and start focusing upon how things are. I am not asking questions because I do not know. I am asking questions to you because you need to back up your statements up with evidence. How are they ripping you off? I do not consider any of their practices illegal.

I do not have the same negative experiences with my bank or banks as you do. The recessions happened in 2001 & 2008 and even before that, and I just kept moving along. The world kept on turning.

Charging overdraft fees is a completely legitimate practice. If you do not have money in your bank account when you buy something, the bank is, in essence, charging you a fee for a micro-loan on the money they gave you to purchase whatever it was that caused the overdraft.

Even during the subprime mortgages period, banks were not completely at fault. The ignorant masses were so greedy that they let the banks give them a mortgage on a house that they could never afford. That should have raised so many red flags in their mind, but instead they only saw dollar signs. They thought that they could ride the bubble, sell and get the inflated equity out of their house. The poor are just as greedy as the wealthy. It is the pot calling the kettle black.

Here is a concept. Why don't you let your argument do the talking and have it show how in-the-know you are instead of just being lazy and saying someone is wrong?

When you make a statement, the burden of proof is on you to prove that it is true. The burden is not on me to prove that it is not true. Classify what you mean by stealing! Name the billionaires who borrowed money! Explain how their actions could legally be classified as stealing. Cite you sources! Do you have any veritable sources besides Wikipedia and the BBC?

Prove it. Prove that he blackmailed people. The slanderer is required to prove to he is telling the truth. Explain how what he did what illegal.

You need to realize how lackluster your arguments are. Ad hominems statements mean nothing to me. It seems as though all you can do is throw metaphorical stones and sound bites at me without providing any evidence.

Anecdotal evidence is completely useless. I am surprised that someone who supposedly worked with the educated wealthy cannot make sound arguments. I have many friends that work at multinational companies. They work closely with the executives who are very wealthy. They are not any better off. This is a fallacy of false authority that you are relying upon to boost your statements. Working closely with "a UK billionaire in the mid 1980s" is a straw man argument as well. It is completely useless. His wealth is not your wealth. His success is not your success. You sound like you like to live vicariously. Tell me about your successes, not some anecdotal nameless UK billionaire.

The Irony of that statement is not lost on me. You say that I have entertainment value but you get rather flustered for someone who says he finds it entertaining. Additionally, it is your posts that have entertainment value, being fraught with fallacies.

I will not say something as self-serving as "keep it up" to you.

The practice whereby a bank accepts deposits, makes loans or investments, and holds reserves that are a fraction of its deposit liabilities. Reserves are held at the bank as currency, or as deposits in the bank's accounts at the central bank.

There is nothing wrong with that. The bank is required to keep excess reserves, which are only a fraction of the total deposits. The bank then issues loans to people, who otherwise could not afford things. This is essential to the economy. No one woul be able to buy a house or a car if banks did not give out loans. Banks are investing and making loans on your money with your consent. If you do not want the bank to do this, then do not put your money in the bank. That is really simple.

Do you have a credit card? Did you pay cash for car? Do you have a house?


So what happened to Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and
10s of other banks that had to be rescued by 800bn + of injection in to the nothing wrong with that system?

So what happened to Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and
10s of other banks that had to be rescued by 800bn + of injection in to the nothing wrong with that system?

They forcefully accepted the bail out, paid themselves huge bonuses, and still refused to lend money until the credit crunch receded, safely in the knowledge that they are too big to fail...😆, It would be funny if it wasn't true..
They forcefully accepted the bail out, paid themselves huge bonuses, and still refused to lend money until the credit crunch receded, safely in the knowledge that they are too big to fail...😆, It would be funny if it wasn't true..

Yes I agree and to this day I still wonder about the rationale to pay the money to the perpetrators ie the banks instead of paying just a small % of the bailout to the victims ie those people who could not afford to keep paying their mortgages?

If the Ninjas were able to service their mortgage payments then this whole issue could have been postponed until the banks built up their reserves by raising money from their shareholders or simply cutting bonuses and dividend payouts.

Instead the private sector got a big income transfer from the public sector.

What's even worse is that all those victims losing their homes and jobs are the same crowd who will need to pay out of their taxes to service Government debt eventually.

Tragic indeed. Bankers, government and the elite have just mega slapped mass public with the heist of the millenium imo.

Will we ever see anything like it ever again in our life time??? 😱 :-0 :whistling
What could possibly go wrong , selling the ninjas a 1/4 mil mortgage with a discount period, As long as the broker makes his 2k on the sale who cares, Greed is good...( according to Gordon Gekko)
This is essential to the economy. No one woul be able to buy a house or a car if banks did not give out loans. Banks are investing and making loans on your money with your consent. If you do not want the bank to do this, then do not put your money in the bank. That is really simple.

Do you have a credit card? Did you pay cash for car? Do you have a house?

Complete turn around by hhiusa ?

One minute he's grumbling out people too poor to buy a car with cash and borrowing - then next minute he's supporting the idea of people borrowing

Make your blooming mind up !!

You have terrible reading comprehension. There is a difference between how I would like things to be and how things are. You also appear to lack the maturity to value and accept the so called necessary evils. Just because something is different than what I wanted, does not mean I do not see the importance of how things are.

Fractional reserve banking is necessary for almost everyone to live. You never answered. Do you have a credit card? Did you pay for car in cash? Do you have a mortgage or did you manage to pay for that in cash as well?

You dont have to do anything "illegal" to be a parasite - banks and lawyers do it perfectly legally - with a smile on their faces - whilst ripping people off with excess cost and charges .

You continue to show your naiveté. It is not illegal and I was not affected; thus, I do not care. There are two main types of crimes. Malum prohibitum and malum in se. Malum prohibitum says that the crime is wrong only because the law says that it is wrong. There is no law prohibiting what they did. To argue against that, is to argue for that which brings the best consequences and that is never logical. Malum in se says it is wrong all by itself. I rely upon the law for my ethics. I do not use appeal to emotion and ad consequentiam falacies.

They say in the UK - "the Law is like the Ritz Hotel - its open to everyone"

Now you are clever enough to work out the irony here - how do normal working class people afford to dine at the Ritz or spend $50 for an afternoon tea and biscuits ? They can't - but the Rich can - and so they win and are the buddies of Banks and Lawyers.

That is a convenient excuse. It sounds more like a problem with your country than with the banks.

Lets look at Donald Trump has he is my favourite "thick and devious" American with a massive mindset problem. His first fortune came from the US government via his Father in the early 1940's and he inherited it. He then borrowed like mad and was way over leveraged - but being a very "clever" businessman ( which he his ) was able to make it that if he went down - so did many others - including a few smaller banks - ie he did a "blackmail " job and stitched them up rotten. Extremely clever in being ruthless and strong in business - but again brought up in a "private US school " system that basically brainwashed their students to think they were superior to anybody else ( ie a bit like the IS as of now) and that the US and world needed them.

Prove it. Prove that he blackmailed people. The slanderer is required to prove to he is telling the truth. Explain how what he did what illegal.

I worked closely with a UK billionaire in the mid 1980's ( at that stage he was only a multi millionaire ). He was also brilliant at borrowing money but without paying interest on it. Instead he used cashflow to grow ( even having to go to jail for a short period for not paying his VAT taxes ) and took up to 180+ day to pay his suppliers and creditors - things that you frown upon being undertaken by mere normal mortals who should not borrow to buy a car or house.

Working closely with "a UK billionaire in the mid 1980s" is a straw man argument as well. It is completely useless. His wealth is not your wealth. His success is not your success. You sound like you like to live vicariously. Tell me about your successes, not some anecdotal UK billionaire.
You continue to show your naiveté. It is not illegal and I was not affected; thus, I do not care. There are two main types of crimes. Malum prohibitum and malum in se. Malum prohibitum says that the crime is wrong only because the law says that it is wrong. There is no law prohibiting what they did. To argue against that, i

Prove it. Prove that he blackmailed people. The slanderer is required to prove to he is telling the truth. Explain how what he did what illegal.


Hi hhiusa

There are a lot more nerves to touch with you yet - and I have not really started ;-)

It is not illegal and I was not affected

thus - I do not care

So basically what you are saying is - if it was illegal and it affected me - I would care ?

If that is so - why are you being SO naive with what's going on in your country especially with regards to Politics and Mr Donald Trump?

In case you and the rest of your buddies don't know - Mr Donald Trump is a Narcissistic Sociopath and a brilliant one at that.

Amongst the stupid laws you have in your country - ie an example - is different states having the death sentence whilst others no longer have it - even though you have gun lovers running a mock all over the place. That make the Law in the US an ass and so easy to be abused - and of course Mr Trump is brilliant in spotting weaknesses and taking advantage in the Legal system.

Certain types of "blackmail" in your country does not seem to be illegal - whereas in the UK and many other countries it's different

Donald Trump has admitted openly that hes had donated money both to Republicans and Democrats because as he said - "I dont want them getting in the way of my business interests.

He buys people or he craftly stalks and blackmails them

He even tried to do that with a well known UK broadcaster who did a documentary on him years ago - a Selina Scott.

This link is to help you as you just do not have a clue

Furthermore as I am sure you know - and there is nothing wrong with this - his Father was German and changed his name from Drumpt to Trump when he came over here. For year old Donald had to tell all his Jewish business acquaintances that his parents were from Sweden simple because he was worried about the consequences it might have.

Nowadays he's maybe not so bothered as he has so much "dirt" on so many people of influence on both sides of the political fence he probably thinks he could "walk on water" if he had to - He also admits he thinks he made of Teflon ;-)

He learnt his skills from his father Fred and soon found out the ways to take advantage of local governments and extort ( yes extort) grants to assist his cash flow on growing his real estate business.

He recently showed his true colours in Scotland - in fact just google that and you will have a list of papers and broadcasters who have covered this in the last six months

With regards to your current President - Mr Obama - Trump has massive leverage ( he calls it that rather than blackmail) on Barack as well of course the Clintons

In most other countries around the World - Mr Teflon - walk on water - Donald Trump would be sitting doing a long stint in jail now - but you stupid Americans let the dollar rule - I am sure its your God hhiusa - because unfortunately that's how it is.

If you want me to nail a few hundred cases involving the dirty tricks Mr Trump has got up to then that might take me an hour - and I just cannot be bothered

Now of course if all of this is just made up stuff - my name is Mickey Mouse - but you still cannot see it - #USABRAINWASHED

Best Regards


PS -
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They all started with good intentions and then realised the power they had and started to take over assisted maybe by "soft" governments rather than being put firmly into their correct place and made to give proper services and not abuse their customers money.

When you make a statement, the burden of proof is on you to prove that it is true. The burden is not on me to prove that it is not true. Classify what you mean by stealing! Name the billionaires who borrowed money! Explain how their actions could legally be classified as stealing. Cite you sources! Do you have any veritable sources besides Wikipedia and the BBC?

Banks are like Lawyers and marketing people ie they are parasites and should be looked upon differently to other businesses that actually are helping the whole economy - rather than ripping it off.

Prove it. When are you guys going to put your money where your mouth is? You are the one living in la-la-land about what banks and the world should be doing. Stop focusing upon how things should be and start focusing upon how things are. I am not asking questions because I do not know. I am asking questions to you because you need to back up your statements up with evidence. How are they ripping you off? I do not consider any of their practices illegal.

Hi hhiusa
There are a lot more nerves to touch with you yet - and I have not really started ;-)

Well, you have not been doing a very good job. You never get to the point.

It is not illegal and I was not affected

thus - I do not care

So basically what you are saying is - if it was illegal and it affected me - I would care ?

If that is so - why are you being SO naive with what's going on in your country especially with regards to Politics and Mr Donald Trump?

This is definitely a non-sequitur. You obviously do not know the definition of naiveté. You are also confusing ignorance with naiveté. You are being quite ignorant. You actually believe that everything in this world should be fair. That is the epitome of naiveté. 😆

Try answering questions!

In case you and the rest of your buddies don't know - Mr Donald Trump is a Narcissistic Sociopath and a brilliant one at that.

That was a waste of a sentence. You are adopting @Atilla's penchant for mudslinging and use of sound bites.

I love how you go on these crazy tangents, the more flustered that you get. You use more indentations between sentences as if to make look like you have written more.

Donald Trump has admitted openly that hes had donated money both to Republicans and Democrats because as he said - "I dont want them getting in the way of my business interests.

That does not matter. Even though you never answer questions, I will ask anyway. Why does it matter if he donated to both parties?

He buys people or he craftly stalks and blackmails them

He even tried to do that with a well known UK broadcaster who did a documentary on him years ago - a Selina Scott.

Prove it! Put up or shut up as they say! I erased the rest of your post because it was a massive tangent about his heritage and other boring irrelevant nonsense.

When you make a statement, the burden of proof is on you to prove that it is true. The burden is not on me to prove that it is not true. Classify what you mean by stealing! Name the billionaires who borrowed money! Explain how their actions could legally be classified as stealing. Cite you sources! Do you have any veritable sources besides Wikipedia and the BBC?

That does not matter. Even though you never answer questions, I will ask anyway. Why does it matter if he donated to both parties?

Are you deliberately acting like a 9 yr old . People who donate to political parties do so to help fund the party they support and want to win.

The few people who donate to both parties - or in Trump's case any party he might have a business conflict with only do so because they have other mo
tives etc etc. If you don't know of these motives go back to first year at college

Prove it! Put up or shut up as they say! I erased the rest of your post because it was a massive tangent about his heritage and other boring irrelevant nonsense.


Hi Mr wound up hhiusa

My comment in red

You must be a big Trump supporter then - lol

The rest of my post gave examples of Donald and his way of stalking / blackmailing and having what he calls "leverage" on people

Funny enough - I have used many of similar tactics when I was in business and I got in trouble with the UK monopolies commission - as it was called in the early 1990's - but nothing to the extent Donald get us up to he takes everything just too far.

Boring irrelevant stuff - ie like getting people arrested at his Birthday celebrations and paying staff at local government offices to tell him who was checking out his new business applications and of course - ripping of government departments with excess rental charges on equipment etc.

He makes the Mafia look like amateurs - but of course its ALL irrelevant if you are trying to become the next President of the great and honest U S A

What a joke


Best regards

Hi Mr wound up hhiusa

My comment in red

You must be a big Trump supporter then - lol

The rest of my post gave examples of Donald and his way of stalking / blackmailing and having what he calls "leverage" on people

Funny enough - I have used many of similar tactics when I was in business and I got in trouble with the UK monopolies commission - as it was called in the early 1990's - but nothing to the extent Donald get us up to he takes everything just too far.

Boring irrelevant stuff - ie like getting people arrested at his Birthday celebrations and paying staff at local government offices to tell him who was checking out his new business applications and of course - ripping of government departments with excess rental charges on equipment etc.

He makes the Mafia look like amateurs - but of course its ALL irrelevant if you are trying to become the next President of the great and honest U S A

What a joke


Best regards


Stop with the diversion tactics and just answer the questions. I will say for a third time prove it. You have not cited any sources for your claims. Getting arrested on your birthday makes for a great soundbite it does not make for educated conversation and makes you look foolish. It does not matter when where the other if he was arrested on his birthday.

You can make all the faulty assumptions you want about me being a Trump supporter. The truth is that I am arguing for a decent debate. I don't care about whether or not he wins.
Stop with the diversion tactics and just answer the questions. I will say for a third time prove it. You have not cited any sources for your claims. Getting arrested on your birthday makes for a great soundbite it does not make for educated conversation and makes you look foolish. It does not matter when where the other if he was arrested on his birthday.

You can make all the faulty assumptions you want about me being a Trump supporter. The truth is that I am arguing for a decent debate. I don't care about whether or not he wins.

You really do have your head up all the dark places.

You're no more interested in a decent debate than Trump is interested in serving and representing people running for president.

Prove this prove that, evidence here evidence there. 😴

You are one sad petulant jevunile. Do you have a girlfriend? 😉
Do you have a girlfriend? 😉
You really do have your head up all the dark places.

You're no more interested in a decent debate than Trump is interested in serving and representing people running for president.

Prove this prove that, evidence here evidence there. 😴

You are one sad petulant jevunile. Do you have a girlfriend? 😉


The only thing that is juvenile here, is your complaint about evidence. That thorougly amuses me. The next time that you go to court, I hope they say that they do not need evidence to convict you. The judge will say
Prove this prove that, evidence here evidence there.

It was foolish to think that you could actually hold a conversation where you could back up what you were saying. Who needs evidence right! Evidence is such a silly concept. So that is what is wrong with the legal system today. They expect you to prove things before making a decision. Let us just post sound bites and pictures instead.

Are you deliberately acting like a 9 yr old . People who donate to political parties do so to help fund the party they support and want to win.
That is completely ironic. I would say @Atilla's and your behavior are the epitome of acting like a 9 year old.
  1. You post pictures instead of making arguments.
  2. You mudsling non-stop, calling me "brainwashed" instead of posting evidence to assert your claims.
  3. You make outlandish, unsubstantiated claims and expect everyone to gloss over it or just accept your hearsay.
  4. Complaining that someone requires you to provide evidence and calling them petulant and a 9 year-old.

Donald Trump has admitted openly that hes had donated money both to Republicans and Democrats because as he said - "I dont want them getting in the way of my business interests.

Why does it matter if he donated to both parties? Stating something without explaining why you think it matters shows your naiveté once again. Do you expect everyone to accept what you say prima facie. If you expect this, then it is highly likely that you behave the same way and accept things automatically that cohere to your ideals.

Banks are like Lawyers and marketing people ie they are parasites and should be looked upon differently to other businesses that actually are helping the whole economy - rather than ripping it off.

Fallacy of hasty generalizaton also known similarly as unrepresentative sample. How are you coming to the conclusion that all banks and all lawyers are parasites as you say. Additionally, when you do not preface your statements by saying some lawyers and some bankers, then it is automatically induced that you are talking about all. :smart:

The only thing that is juvenile here, is your complaint about evidence. That thorougly amuses me. The next time that you go to court, I hope they say that they do not need evidence to convict you. The judge will say

It was foolish to think that you could actually hold a conversation where you could back up what you were saying. Who needs evidence right! Evidence is such a silly concept. So that is what is wrong with the legal system today. They expect you to prove things before making a decision. Let us just post sound bites and pictures instead.

That is completely ironic. I would say @Atilla's and your behavior are the epitome of acting like a 9 year old.
  1. You post pictures instead of making arguments.
  2. You mudsling non-stop, calling me "brainwashed" instead of posting evidence to assert your claims.
  3. You make outlandish, unsubstantiated claims and expect everyone to gloss over it or just accept your hearsay.
  4. Complaining that someone requires you to provide evidence and calling them petulant and a 9 year-old.

Why does it matter if he donated to both parties? Stating something without explaining why you think it matters shows your naiveté once again. Do you expect everyone to accept what you say prima facie. If you expect this, then it is highly likely that you behave the same way and accept things automatically that cohere to your ideals.

Fallacy of hasty generalizaton also known similarly as unrepresentative sample. How are you coming to the conclusion that all banks and all lawyers are parasites as you say. Additionally, when you do not preface your statements by saying some lawyers and some bankers, then it is automatically induced that you are talking about all. :smart:

Same ol sh1t 😴

Do you read any newspapers, books or magazines?

Shame you don't apply your same tripe to your aryan beliefs! :idea: