Yes, in most cases it does.
85% of Americans who are wealthy, are first generation wealthy. They made their money aside from any inheritances. There is a direct and positive relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and brain development. The articles all describe how poorer parents are less educated and read less to their children. They live in areas with fewer parks for their children to play in. The children have more stress which causes an excess and continued release of cortisol, which is detrimental to the brain, even in adult stages. That is just the icing on the cake. There are many more example which can be gleaned from the articles.
University of Southern California Pediatrics by Sowell
Center for Neuroscience and Society - University of Pennsylvania
Socioeconomic Status and Brain
Poverty may affect the growth of children’s brains
Wrong! It does not matter what you say after the fact.
You are a terrible liar. You obviously meant WTF for what it is used for the majority of the time. By your logic,
WTF does this mean? = what's that for does this mean. How does that make any sense. You quite clearly meant the other WTF.
You are a pathetic child. OMG is not an expletive infixation like WTF is.
You have no clue what you are talking about. You are absolutely incapable of forming your own educated opinions. Stop citing others and create your own. What should I expect from someone who justifies foul language and perjoratives because the Queen does it.
Come back and say something intelligent when you know how many delegates New Hampshire has. Do you even know what type of primary New Hampshire will be holding? New Hampshire's and Iowa's delegates are a drop in the bucket.
The only behaving like that is you. I do not even have to call you names to show your level of ignorance. Your posts do the job for me. Every post of yours has been a temper tantrum, complaining about alienation and religion. Your lack of faith is irrelevant to me.
Well you clearly do not understand. You stated that the delegates will decide. You certainly can state the obvious. The delegates in Iowa chose based upon the masses. Cruz got the most popular vote and so he got the most delegates. Whoa, what a concept! Do tell! What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding? How many delegates do they have? At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?