The Next US President

Watching sky news and I hear this.

Trump says - Make America great again!

By my logic this means - America is not great now!

Have I got the wrong end of the stick here. :?:

Along similar lines I'm hearing Clinton speak and her choice of words are...

Improve the lives of Americans. Fulfill dreams and inspirations.

fwiw imo Mrs Clinton has a much better handle on the job of running a Government than Mr I-know-it-all I'm a freaking billionaire...
Along similar lines I'm hearing Clinton speak and her choice of words are...

Improve the lives of Americans. Fulfill dreams and inspirations.

fwiw imo Mrs Clinton has a much better handle on the job of running a Government than Mr I-know-it-all I'm a freaking billionaire...

Just the usual political blarney ! Meaningless generalities.

I expect ad Chumpie is disappointed his hero was a loser yesterday. 😆
Just the usual political blarney ! Meaningless generalities.

I expect ad Chumpie is disappointed his hero was a loser yesterday. 😆

It's all about money.

They think they are smart and I bet right now everybody is calculating risk/reward returns on monies put up for the election. Is it worth putting more money behind Trump?

Trump is thinking is it worth me spending another $100m running for president.

Look at Sarah Palin endorsing Trump after all those words about women. How can any self respecting woman of substance demean her self to endorse such a vile disgusting ugly cob-head?

How much was Sarah paid to endorse trumps campaign after those words he spoke. $50K??? How cheap is that?

Iowa also have realised what kind of a president Trump would be.

What is shocking is he gets a cheer from the crowd. 😱

This is great though. I love Rosie O'Donnell. 😍😍😍
WTF = What's That For???

You can talk the hind legs off a donkey!

See what you want and see what you don't. Nice.

Nuff said I fink.

By your logic, WTF does this mean? = what's that for does this mean. How does that make any sense. You quite clearly meant the other WTF.
Trump is trampled.
Proof there is some modicum of intelligence amongst the colonies.

I am intrigued by your statement. You must recheck the definition of trampled. Trump is only one delegate behind Rubio. It is more apropos to say that Bush, Carson and Paul got trampled.

Secondly, do you even realize how insignificant Iowa is? After these primaries are over, they will only have 6 electoral votes to cast towards the 270 required.

Delegates to the Convention: 2,472
Delegates Needed to Win the Nomination (50%+1): 1,237

This is hardly a landslide victory for anybody. Rubio has 8 out of the 1,237 needed for a nomination. Trump has 7 out of the 1,237 needed for a nomination.


Why would you be excited about a Republican? I am happy to see you root for them.
I am intrigued by your statement. You must recheck the definition of trampled. Trump is only one delegate behind Rubio. It is more apropos to say that Bush, Carson and Paul got trampled.

Secondly, do you even realize how insignificant Iowa is? After these primaries are over, they will only have 6 electoral votes to cast towards the 270 required.

Delegates to the Convention: 2,472
Delegates Needed to Win the Nomination (50%+1): 1,237

This is hardly a landslide victory for anybody. Rubio has 8 out of the 1,237 needed for a nomination. Trump has 7 out of the 1,237 needed for a nomination.


Why would you be excited about a Republican? I am happy to see you root for them.

Once again you miss the point and the significance.

It doesn't matter a jot what the populace cheers for (trump), it is the delegates that vote for the nominee that decide. They have the power, not the uneducated masses.
I meant What's That For as I clearly emphasised in capitals. Learn to deal with it.

Being an atheist I do not believe in God and also detest people who use it in their arguments as non thinking idiots.

So when I see or use OMG I read & mean Oh My Goodness.

So maybe you'd like to have another bee in your bonnet. You hopping mad hatter.

FYI if Trampie loses Hampshire too he can pack his bags and take his tail between his legs and go up to his own throne where the sun don't shine... 😉

These two states are key to winning the Presidency.

However, as someone who gives no thought to alienating 50% of the population and perhaps he is not aware everyone has a grand-mother, mother a sister or an aunt or something he is beyond being PC. He is a super freaking idiot. 🙄

Having lots of money does not equate to having an equivalent brain and application of knowledge. Just that, simply put rich snots become bigger dicks because they can afford to. :cheesy:
I meant What's That For as I clearly emphasised in capitals. Learn to deal with it.

Being an atheist I do not believe in God and also detest people who use it in their arguments as non thinking idiots.

So when I see or use OMG I read & mean Oh My Goodness.

So maybe you'd like to have another bee in your bonnet. You hopping mad hatter.

FYI if Trampie loses Hampshire too he can pack his bags and take his tail between his legs and go up to his own throne where the sun don't shine... 😆

These two states are key to winning the Presidency.

However, as someone who gives no thought to alienating 50% of the population and perhaps he is not aware everyone has a grand-mother, mother a sister or an aunt or something he is beyond being PC. He is a super freaking idiot. 🙄

Having lots of money does not equate to having an equivalent brain and application of knowledge. Just that simply put rich snots become bigger dicks because they can afford to. :cheesy:

Trumps wealth is also questionable....emperor's new clothes anyone !
Once again you miss the point and the significance.

It doesn't matter a jot what the populace cheers for (trump), it is the delegates that vote for the nominee that decide. They have the power, not the uneducated masses.

You do not even live here. You obviously do not know the rules. There are different types of delegates. These current delegates vote by the uneducated masses as you call them. Cruz got the most delegates because he got the most votes what a concept. 😆😛
You do not even live here. You obviously do not know the rules. There are different types of delegates. These current delegates vote by the uneducated masses as you call them. Cruz got the most delegates because he got the most votes what a concept. 😆😛

I don't need to live there to know what's going on 🙂
Having lots of money does not equate to having an equivalent brain and application of knowledge. Just that, simply put rich snots become bigger dicks because they can afford to. :cheesy:

Yes, in most cases it does. 😛

85% of Americans who are wealthy, are first generation wealthy. They made their money aside from any inheritances. There is a direct and positive relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and brain development. The articles all describe how poorer parents are less educated and read less to their children. They live in areas with fewer parks for their children to play in. The children have more stress which causes an excess and continued release of cortisol, which is detrimental to the brain, even in adult stages. That is just the icing on the cake. There are many more example which can be gleaned from the articles.

University of Southern California Pediatrics by Sowell
If you look at the children whose families made $25,000 a year or less, their brain surface area was about 6 percent smaller than the families who made $150,000 a year or more."

Center for Neuroscience and Society - University of Pennsylvania
Socioeconomic Status and Brain

Poverty may affect the growth of children’s brains

I meant What's That For as I clearly emphasised in capitals. Learn to deal with it.

Wrong! It does not matter what you say after the fact.

You are a terrible liar. You obviously meant WTF for what it is used for the majority of the time. By your logic, WTF does this mean? = what's that for does this mean. How does that make any sense. You quite clearly meant the other WTF.
WTF does this mean?

Being an atheist I do not believe in God and also detest people who use it in their arguments as non thinking idiots.

So when I see or use OMG I read & mean Oh My Goodness.

So maybe you'd like to have another bee in your bonnet. You hopping mad hatter.

You are a pathetic child. OMG is not an expletive infixation like WTF is.

FYI if Trampie loses Hampshire too he can pack his bags and take his tail between his legs and go up to his own throne where the sun don't shine... 😉

These two states are key to winning the Presidency.

You have no clue what you are talking about. You are absolutely incapable of forming your own educated opinions. Stop citing others and create your own. What should I expect from someone who justifies foul language and perjoratives because the Queen does it.

Come back and say something intelligent when you know how many delegates New Hampshire has. Do you even know what type of primary New Hampshire will be holding? New Hampshire's and Iowa's delegates are a drop in the bucket.

However, as someone who gives no thought to alienating 50% of the population and perhaps he is not aware everyone has a grand-mother, mother a sister or an aunt or something he is beyond being PC. He is a super freaking idiot. 🙄

The only behaving like that is you. I do not even have to call you names to show your level of ignorance. Your posts do the job for me. Every post of yours has been a temper tantrum, complaining about alienation and religion. Your lack of faith is irrelevant to me.

I don't need to live there to know what's going on 🙂

Well you clearly do not understand. You stated that the delegates will decide. You certainly can state the obvious. The delegates in Iowa chose based upon the masses. Cruz got the most popular vote and so he got the most delegates. Whoa, what a concept! Do tell! What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding? How many delegates do they have? At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?
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Still missing the point.

The significance of the Cruz win.

Cruz will now command more of a hearing and more media attention because the headline news is, Cruz beats Trump into second.

Trump, now being on the back foot will respond by becoming even more outlandish in his rhetoric and as a consequence, will divide opinion even further.
This will be his undoing. You can take that to the bank 😆

So although we know that the Republican nominee is far from decided, what we do know won't be Trump. Republican party is now starting to close ranks and that is where the power lies.
Cruz will now command more of a hearing and more media attention because the headline news is, Cruz beats Trump into second.

Trump, now being on the back foot will respond by becoming even more outlandish in his rhetoric and as a consequence, will divide opinion even further.
This will be his undoing. You can take that to the bank

Ahh. That is the extent of your knowledge apparently. What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding? How many delegates do they have? At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?

I think it is pretty funny that you think I really care if Trump wins. Trump was the only pseudo-Republican. He is running as a Republican, but he is not really a true Republican. He even said he would run on the Independent ticket if he doesn't win the Republican nomination. This is good for me and the Republicans.
Ahh. That is the extent of your knowledge apparently. What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding? How many delegates do they have? At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?

I think it is pretty funny that you think I really care if Trump wins. Trump was the only pseudo-Republican. He is running as a Republican, but he is not really a true Republican. He even said he would run on the Independent ticket if he doesn't win the Republican nomination. This is good for me and the Republicans.

Sounds to me like you are backing away from the position 😆
Yes, in most cases it does. 😛

85% of Americans who are wealthy, are first generation wealthy. They made their money aside from any inheritances. There is a direct and positive relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and brain development. The articles all describe how poorer parents are less educated and read less to their children. They live in areas with fewer parks for their children to play in. The children have more stress which causes an excess and continued release of cortisol, which is detrimental to the brain, even in adult stages. That is just the icing on the cake. There are many more example which can be gleaned from the articles.

University of Southern California Pediatrics by Sowell

Center for Neuroscience and Society - University of Pennsylvania
Socioeconomic Status and Brain

Poverty may affect the growth of children’s brains

Wrong! It does not matter what you say after the fact.

You are a terrible liar. You obviously meant WTF for what it is used for the majority of the time. By your logic, WTF does this mean? = what's that for does this mean. How does that make any sense. You quite clearly meant the other WTF.

You are a pathetic child. OMG is not an expletive infixation like WTF is.

You have no clue what you are talking about. You are absolutely incapable of forming your own educated opinions. Stop citing others and create your own. What should I expect from someone who justifies foul language and perjoratives because the Queen does it.

Come back and say something intelligent when you know how many delegates New Hampshire has. Do you even know what type of primary New Hampshire will be holding? New Hampshire's and Iowa's delegates are a drop in the bucket.

The only behaving like that is you. I do not even have to call you names to show your level of ignorance. Your posts do the job for me. Every post of yours has been a temper tantrum, complaining about alienation and religion. Your lack of faith is irrelevant to me.

Well you clearly do not understand. You stated that the delegates will decide. You certainly can state the obvious. The delegates in Iowa chose based upon the masses. Cruz got the most popular vote and so he got the most delegates. Whoa, what a concept! Do tell! What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding? How many delegates do they have? At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?


😆 - You need some serious help - 😆

'Your' bordering on the stupid insane imo.

Get a handle on your self, jerkoff or do something to chill as in all honesty your rants are reaching epic portions.

Wondering if I should report your posts for abuse as you did mine? What do you think?

😆 - You need some serious help - 😆

'Your' bordering on the stupid insane imo.

Get a handle on your self, jerkoff or do something to chill as in all honesty your rants are reaching epic portions.

Wondering if I should report your posts for abuse as you did mine? What do you think?

Epic purpotions! I reported you because you always used name calling. @Pat494 started this thread just to bash on the presidents and Americans. You don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to calling others offensive.

They didn't do anything about the post I reported anyway. They didn't even remove your post.

The only thing I've done in my post is use facts to rebut your so called arguments with actual sources.

WTF does that mean?
So, you meant "What's that for does this mean?"

It is clearly and medically proven that socioeconomic status has a direct link and cause in brain development. Socioeconomic status leads to up to a 65% variance in the intelligence of a person by the time they reach adulthood. Epigenetic's plays a very important role in intelligence i.e., environmental factors. Growing up in slough or Northamptonshire will result in environmental factors completely different than growing up in Chelsea.
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Sounds to me like you are backing away from the position 😆

Backing away from the position how pray tell? I am for the Republican Party. While I said I agree with many of trump's policies, I never once stated that I hoped he would win. I would not mind if he won or lost the nomination.

What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding? How many delegates do they have? At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?

@Atilla is a self proclaimed atheist. You @counter_violent recently gave a thumbs up to Cruz's win in Iowa. Cruz is the most conservative and Christian of the Republican candidates.
Backing away from the position how pray tell? I am for the Republican Party. While I said I agree with many of trump's policies, I never once stated that I hoped he would win. I would not mind if he won or lost the nomination.

What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding? How many delegates do they have? At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?

@Atilla is a self proclaimed atheist. You @counter_violent recently gave a thumbs up to Cruz's win in Iowa. Cruz is the most conservative and Christian of the Republican candidates.

The ONLY thing that matters is, he is NOT Trump. Presidents are lame ducks anyhow, never get anything done. Look at Obama and how he cannot deal with the US (out of control) gun issue.