The PL is not for everyone it is an option to the individual (pardon the pun)
Fair enough.
Again, fair enough, each to their own in their processes of learning.
I know nothing of options, nor am I interested in them so the only Greeks I know make kebabs.
I do see your point and, if through the PL you achieve your goals, all power to you. My objection doesn't lie in the education gained through being a member of the PL, rather the attitude that comes with. That said, your posts have come over a lot better than certain other PL members posts.
I'm not interested in, not have the time or inclination to get into a slagging match between certain members and ex-members, but its refreshing to see someone say something about the PL who has been a valued member in this site too.
What I find bizarre is the 400 quid part for an internet chat room between pro's when its invitation only (even if periodically there is touting for new custom in its strangest means) when you could just have said room, not advertise at all and only invite worthy people.
I have much respect for yourself Andy, from all I've read you have posted you seem to be a very knowledgeable and successful trader and I wish you all the best and good luck in the PL. Maybe more people would have paid more attention if it was put across amicably instead of calling everyone monkeys and trying to act like the dogs ... *
*maybe 😉