The PL is not for everyone it is an option to the individual (pardon the pun)
its really a gathering for like minded people who have a passion for the markets
in all honesty whist i was posting here i have come across some genuine people and respect those that i have had private conversations with.
but many are not full time traders here on T2W some are learning others are more advanced but the majority for the right or wrong reasons are not doing this for a living and their intent and approach is very dissimilar to those that work it day in day out.
Fair enough.
The benefit of being a member of the PL is to be among others who are at my level and most importantly above me.
is it worth £400? im pretty sure most have payed 10 times that trying to learn to trade either by blowing accounts, buying books which we all know most is horse manure and courses which again are not worth the paper they are printed on.
so imo i think different people will have different thoughts.
i dont need to be taught how to trade futures commodities or equities i can do that perfectly well long before i join the T2W community but options mmmmh!! well those that have looked into it know its a mine field.
Again, fair enough, each to their own in their processes of learning.
i have read everything that has been posted here on this site regarding options, and all i have read is theory, Greeks but not one single practical application, which is workable in real life. apart from one person though he did not reveal much he caught my attention. so sorry Wasp i must disagree with you
I know nothing of options, nor am I interested in them so the only Greeks I know make kebabs.
im not green to the markets but to options the learning curve to do it on my own is long and hazardous and if i can get an edge from an expert and cut the number of years it sounds to me that irrespective of what an expert requires its money well spent.
I don't know Grey1 but his approach from what i have seen is mechanical and that style of trading does not suite me, i like to know what the markets are doing at any given point, the markets is a living breathing entity and i enjoy unravelling its secrets but even with this wisdom options is in another playing field and its one that is unfamiliar to me.
You have achieved great things by learning to trade FX through here and i salute you but where you were to where i am is not the same so with that said i rather be part of a community that works which i can see for myself, everyday, rather than spend thousands cocking up and learning i have gone through that process and don't really wish to do it again
do you see my point ??
I do see your point and, if through the PL you achieve your goals, all power to you. My objection doesn't lie in the education gained through being a member of the PL, rather the attitude that comes with. That said, your posts have come over a lot better than certain other PL members posts.
I'm not interested in, not have the time or inclination to get into a slagging match between certain members and ex-members, but its refreshing to see someone say something about the PL who has been a valued member in this site too.
What I find bizarre is the 400 quid part for an internet chat room between pro's when its invitation only (even if periodically there is touting for new custom in its strangest means) when you could just have said room, not advertise at all and only invite worthy people.
I have much respect for yourself Andy, from all I've read you have posted you seem to be a very knowledgeable and successful trader and I wish you all the best and good luck in the PL. Maybe more people would have paid more attention if it was put across amicably instead of calling everyone monkeys and trying to act like the dogs ... *