The Little Circle

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Yes I believe Socs, Bulldozer and CYOF are members of the platinum lounge 😆

is it worth 400 GBP per annum ?, well personally I'd pay that just for the entertainment value 😆

I believe that socrates is the gatekeeper this allows him to keep out the undesirables. As most people know socrates has very little time or patience for bull****ters, he only wants to be associated with winners i.e. real traders who make between at least 5-10k per day trading.

I have had a brief look at the forum open to the general public, there is not really a lot happening there.
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I wish Socrates every success with his site and hope that it keeps him fully occupied.

Is any one a member of the platinum lounge?

Is it worth 400 pounds?


you asked if its worth £400 to join the PL over at
this is a subjective answer but in reality relative but i will explain below
Im a full member of the Platinum Lounge over at citybulls, the fee does not automatically qualify you access, there are steps and procedures for membership,
the main reason for this is that not everyone can be a profitable trader especially in option, there are several formalities one has to go through to be permitted in and i can assure you that the £400 entry fee is not a requirement for the site to operate; irrespective of what some will say. Then of course there is the ultimate step in being accepted into the Elite34s but im not a member of that group at this moment so i cannot comment.
You see even though there are a few here that mock the PL the main reason for this is not what you may think, the negativity stems from one or a few that have a personal vendetta against The Maltese Bul, and then of course the heard mentality gang up and throw insults without actually understanding why they are doing it.
Im a professional trader in commodities and futures, and there is a very little if anything T2W can teach me but i have learned what i never knew could be learned from Bully, now some may find it difficult to understand, options has never been my strong point in the world of trading but incredibily its far easier to understand than i ever though possible and thats because if you are taught by someone who is an absolute expert they have an uncanny way of making the very complex seems simple.
Naturally this is not an amateur enviroment over at citybulls PL it has professionals and those wanting to be, who are very close to achieving their goals.
The whole purpose of the site is to have similar thinking people, even though experiences vary, the correct mindset is what ultimately qualifies the individual.
now as for describing the £400 to be relative
this is simple, to some £400 could take several days, a week a month or maybe never out of trading, lets just say £400 is easily achievableform one simple scalp
do you see now??


you asked if its worth £400 to join the PL over at
this is a subjective answer but in reality relative but i will explain below
Im a full member of the Platinum Lounge over at citybulls, the fee does not automatically qualify you access, there are steps and procedures for membership,
the main reason for this is that not everyone can be a profitable trader especially in option, there are several formalities one has to go through to be permitted in and i can assure you that the £400 entry fee is not a requirement for the site to operate; irrespective of what some will say. Then of course there is the ultimate step in being accepted into the Elite34s but im not a member of that group at this moment so i cannot comment.
You see even though there are a few here that mock the PL the main reason for this is not what you may think, the negativity stems from one or a few that have a personal vendetta against The Maltese Bul, and then of course the heard mentality gang up and throw insults without actually understanding why they are doing it.
Im a professional trader in commodities and futures, and there is a very little if anything T2W can teach me but i have learned what i never knew could be learned from Bully, now some may find it difficult to understand, options has never been my strong point in the world of trading but incredibily its far easier to understand than i ever though possible and thats because if you are taught by someone who is an absolute expert they have an uncanny way of making the very complex seems simple.
Naturally this is not an amateur enviroment over at citybulls PL it has professionals and those wanting to be, who are very close to achieving their goals.
The whole purpose of the site is to have similar thinking people, even though experiences vary, the correct mindset is what ultimately qualifies the individual.
now as for describing the £400 to be relative
this is simple, to some £400 could take several days, a week a month or maybe never out of trading, lets just say £400 is easily achievableform one simple scalp
do you see now??

andycan you are very privilaged to be a member of this organisation.
Maybe its just me but all this reminds me of an episode of some silly sci-fi programme on the tele last night, stargate series I believe it was... 'Haloed are the Ori' or something like that..

I too earn the 'required' income consistently yet still learn plenty from T2W and there's no extra money nor invitations required to speak to other traders.

I personally cannot understand why, such rich, wealthy and successful traders need to have a little club on the internet and charge as andycan put it 'one simple scalp' worth of money to just get in the door. Grey1 has people around his house all the time and I doubt he charges.

Each to their own but it seems the daftest thing going, but hey, if you learn in there and you want to be in the Sclub whatever it is, you go for it...

EDIT: Agree with Kiwi next post too.
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I am happy to be counted in the tiny group of member who do not miss Socrates.

He was arrogant, noisy, and valueless.
I am happy to be counted in the tiny group of member who do not miss Socrates.

He was arrogant, noisy, and valueless.

Yes, I can understand why most people could consider him noisy and valueless. It’s because he didn’t usually write things like: “Make sure you have your chart on 5min candlesticks and look for a head and shoulders top. Sell when the exponential 5min MA crosses below the 10 min MA. Check your Stochastics for an overbought condition etc…etc..etc yadda yadda”

This is what “traders” want to read..
Yes, I can understand why most people could consider him noisy and valueless. It’s because he didn’t usually write things like: “Make sure you have your chart on 5min candlesticks and look for a head and shoulders top. Sell when the exponential 5min MA crosses below the 10 min MA. Check your Stochastics for an overbought condition etc…etc..etc yadda yadda”
. . .

No. Absolutely incorrect.
Noisy and valuless because he was caught lying.
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I am happy to be counted in the tiny group of member who do not miss Socrates.

He was arrogant, noisy, and valueless.

he clearly casts a long shadow, as here we are, writing about him after his departure.

I found him to be rather arrogant as well, and had a hypocritical attitude to manners, expecting to be respected, but being rude to others.
and he wrote some incredibly waffly garbage.

BUT, there were some good posts, and I learned some concepts about the markets. (none of which I can use).
I still cant get the twig-bird out of my head!

He certainly had entertainment value. and in some ways, I miss him.
Yawn . . . . new poster . . . . blue text . . . . first 8 posts resurrecting an old thread about banned members . . . . simliar posting style to . . . . 🙄

😢 Hope not-- I've still got Socrates on Ignore. Will I have to put SCHOLAR on Ignore, too?

SCHOLAR - Join Date: 26-05-2007

Very first post :
Is any one a member of the platinum lounge?

Is it worth 400 pounds?
Ressurection of an old thread 🙄

I know that socrates is clever enough to outwit everyone else.
Implication? He knows Socrates . . . hmmmmmmmmm 😉

most members want socrates back posting on this forum
Er . . . hang on, this guy's supposed to be a newbie? 🙄

he is doing very well indeed thank you
I definately know Socrates. 🙄 🙄

What do you call something that floats on water and goes "Quack"?
Maybe its just me but all this reminds me of an episode of some silly sci-fi programme on the tele last night, stargate series I believe it was... 'Haloed are the Ori' or something like that..

I too earn the 'required' income consistently yet still learn plenty from T2W and there's no extra money nor invitations required to speak to other traders.

I personally cannot understand why, such rich, wealthy and successful traders need to have a little club on the internet and charge as andycan put it 'one simple scalp' worth of money to just get in the door. Grey1 has people around his house all the time and I doubt he charges.

Each to their own but it seems the daftest thing going, but hey, if you learn in there and you want to be in the Sclub whatever it is, you go for it...

EDIT: Agree with Kiwi next post too.

The PL is not for everyone it is an option to the individual (pardon the pun)
its realy a gathering for like minded people who have a passion for the markets
in all honesty whist i was posting here i have come across some genuine people and respect those that i have had private conversations with.
but many are not full time traders here on T2W some are learning others are more advanced but the majority for the right or wrong reasons are not doing this for a living and their intent and approach is very disimilar to those that work it day in day out.

The benefit of being a member of the PL is to be among others who are at my level and most importantly above me.
is it worth £400? im pretty sure most have payed 10 times that trying to learn to trade either by blowing accounts, buying books which we all know most is horse manure and courses which again are not worth the paper they are printed on.
so imo i think different people will have different thoughts.
i dont need to be taught how to trade futures commodities or equities i can do that perfectly well long before i join the T2W community but options mmmmh!! well those that have looked into it know its a mine field.

i have read everything that has been posted here on this site regarding options, and all i have read is theory, greeks but not one single practical application, which is workable in real life. apart from one person though he did not reveal much he caught my attention. so sorry Wasp i must disagree with you
im not green to the markets but to options the learning curve to do it on my own is long and hazardous and if i can get an edge from an expert and cut the number of years it sounds to me that irrespective of what an expert requires its money well spent.
i dont know Grey1 but his approach from what i have seen is mechanical and that style of trading does not suite me, i like to know what the markets are doing at any given point, the markets is a living breathing entity and i enjoy unraveling its secrets but even with this wisdom options is in another playing field and its one that is unfamiliar to me.
You have achieved great things by learning to trade FX throught here and i salute you but where you were to where i am is not the same so with that said i rather be part of a community that works which i can see for myself, everyday, rather than spend thousands cocking up and learning i have gone through that process and dont really wish to do it again
do you see my point ??

With respect to Soccy
whether you love or hated him he did bring a different dimension to the discussion.
it seems also that since he has stopped posting this site has had a dramatic drop in discussions

The PL is not for everyone it is an option to the individual (pardon the pun)
its really a gathering for like minded people who have a passion for the markets
in all honesty whist i was posting here i have come across some genuine people and respect those that i have had private conversations with.
but many are not full time traders here on T2W some are learning others are more advanced but the majority for the right or wrong reasons are not doing this for a living and their intent and approach is very dissimilar to those that work it day in day out.

Fair enough.

The benefit of being a member of the PL is to be among others who are at my level and most importantly above me.
is it worth £400? im pretty sure most have payed 10 times that trying to learn to trade either by blowing accounts, buying books which we all know most is horse manure and courses which again are not worth the paper they are printed on.
so imo i think different people will have different thoughts.
i dont need to be taught how to trade futures commodities or equities i can do that perfectly well long before i join the T2W community but options mmmmh!! well those that have looked into it know its a mine field.

Again, fair enough, each to their own in their processes of learning.

i have read everything that has been posted here on this site regarding options, and all i have read is theory, Greeks but not one single practical application, which is workable in real life. apart from one person though he did not reveal much he caught my attention. so sorry Wasp i must disagree with you

I know nothing of options, nor am I interested in them so the only Greeks I know make kebabs.

im not green to the markets but to options the learning curve to do it on my own is long and hazardous and if i can get an edge from an expert and cut the number of years it sounds to me that irrespective of what an expert requires its money well spent.
I don't know Grey1 but his approach from what i have seen is mechanical and that style of trading does not suite me, i like to know what the markets are doing at any given point, the markets is a living breathing entity and i enjoy unravelling its secrets but even with this wisdom options is in another playing field and its one that is unfamiliar to me.
You have achieved great things by learning to trade FX through here and i salute you but where you were to where i am is not the same so with that said i rather be part of a community that works which i can see for myself, everyday, rather than spend thousands cocking up and learning i have gone through that process and don't really wish to do it again
do you see my point ??

I do see your point and, if through the PL you achieve your goals, all power to you. My objection doesn't lie in the education gained through being a member of the PL, rather the attitude that comes with. That said, your posts have come over a lot better than certain other PL members posts.

I'm not interested in, not have the time or inclination to get into a slagging match between certain members and ex-members, but its refreshing to see someone say something about the PL who has been a valued member in this site too.

What I find bizarre is the 400 quid part for an internet chat room between pro's when its invitation only (even if periodically there is touting for new custom in its strangest means) when you could just have said room, not advertise at all and only invite worthy people.

I have much respect for yourself Andy, from all I've read you have posted you seem to be a very knowledgeable and successful trader and I wish you all the best and good luck in the PL. Maybe more people would have paid more attention if it was put across amicably instead of calling everyone monkeys and trying to act like the dogs ... *


*maybe 😉
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