The Little Circle

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You set out to prove that writers have the edge over buyers. You did not just fail miserably, but you failed spectacularly :cheesy:

No I did not, I succeeded, but the extent of my success is not your business...😆 ..nor are details of margin...or account size..or what transpired next...LOL..or anything else...🙄[/COLOR]..and now I am continuing, but out of your reach...LOL...and what is more...despite your pleas under different I am the gatekeeper....I will not let you in...just to teach you a lesson not to be impertinent to your elders and may now continue to contemplate your navel...LOL.[/B]
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Does that mean what I think it means?

It means he is a full member because I invited him and therefore has unrestricted access to the Platinum Lounge.

You are welcome, but are not granted access to the Platinum Lounge.😆

You may only have access to the public boards.

...despite your pleas under different I am the gatekeeper....I will not let you in....

Pleas ? MY pleas ?

Let me in ? ME in ?

I think you're suffering from a severe mental disorder ! But at least you're containing it on this thread 😆
Pleas ? MY pleas ?

Let me in ? ME in ?

I think you're suffering from a severe mental disorder ! But at least you're containing it on this thread 😆

I will explain to you very clearly, let us see if you understand.

Admission is by invitation only. You personally are not invited. You personally are not welcome.

Only people who are personally known to me are selected to be invited.

The operating phrase is PERSONALLY KNOWN.

This means being a member of any website including this one does not qualify anyone to be selected to be invited because I am not interested in people who hide behind nicks.

I am only interested in people I personally know who earn the right to be trusted, and therefore become elegible for selection to be invited.

This automatically disqualifies 99.99999% of members of any website.

But anyone who wishes to subscribe to any website is free to do so, but not to restricted sections, including the Platinum Lounge and the Elite 34S Club and the Star Chamber.

Do you now understand ?
This automatically disqualifies 99.99999% of members of any website.

I must take issue with your figure of 99.99999%.

If you excluded 99.99999% of the sites current membership of 73,499, then only approximately 0.7 of a member would be eligable for membership of the platinum lounge 😆

To my knowledge there are a minimum of 4 members of T2W who are also platinum lounge members. Yourself, Bully, Andycan, and Mr Gombeen Man

I think the number that you are looking for is therefore 99.9945577% of the sites membership would be disqualified.

But anyone who wishes to subscribe to any website is free to do so, but not to restricted sections, including the Platinum Lounge and the Elite 34S Club and the Star Chamber.

Do you now understand ?


my, how this site is a worse place for your absence😆

my oh my
if you went serious it would be almost laughable.
your style of writing mmmh there seems to be a sniff in the air of familiarity. lol
I recomend you re read the last few post but incase thats too much let me explain it in a way you can understand.
the thread was not revived by anyone from the PL (even if it does not ignite a thought) its pretty safe to assume that there is some sort of interest to what is happening over at citybulls.
so out of courtesy for the T2W members. i wanted for the record to put any misunderstanding to bed
naturally there are those that will need a little more help than others to grasp this rather simple concept, but let me oblige.

The membership to the PL is by invitation only, as Socco has elequently stated
no 'honuary' members that i know of

Not everyone wants to trade derivatives

Some may show a preference to directional trading, you know stocks, futures that kind of thing.

The particular style of trading due to the complex nature of options may not be to everyones liking
and most importantly to be successful in options trading one needs some rather large cojones which you may have not been blessed with
this is not penny trading the DOW this is serious trading for serious money. are you following so far?

oh the £400 which appears to have you psychologically stumped,
its no biggy, if you want to learn the correct way its money for nothing,
are you now beginning to get the picture?
with all the meetings we have had, the venues, the food and drink the £400 does not even come close to covering those expenses, any light bulbs yet?
here is a link to one of the places we frequent with real people and real traders


Whatever you say, Andrew.


How's Soccys tradesmans entrance? :|
🙄 Gatekeeping involves keeping unsuitable people out, like in your case, for example.

😆 ...Your assuming again...that anyone is interested in being in...and most certainly not me. that a promotion or a demotion ? guess is a demotion since your exploits as a trader came spectacularly undone a month or so ago.....not that any of it was real in the first place....but there we are...😆

Out of interest, how many £400 memberships have been taken up thus far...and what is the fee for anyway ? 😉
😆 ...Your assuming again...that anyone is interested in being in...and most certainly not me. that a promotion or a demotion ? guess is a demotion since your exploits as a trader came spectacularly undone a month or so ago.....not that any of it was real in the first place....but there we are...😆

Out of interest, how many £400 memberships have been taken up thus far...and what is the fee for anyway ? 😉

hows the professional penny trading

utterly reprehensible reply. I personally think that someone like you, andycan, would be a little bit more gentlemanly. But, na, let's get degenerate into outright lashing out instead. If you are successful and making decent money (which I'm sure you are), pray tell, why do you need to say this to someone?

I am not on anyone's side, and can we all stop being nasty to Socrates, he doesn't actually deserve it . . .
utterly reprehensible reply. I personally think that someone like you, andycan, would be a little bit more gentlemanly. But, na, let's get degenerate into outright lashing out instead. If you are successful and making decent money (which I'm sure you are), pray tell, why do you need to say this to someone?

I am not on anyone's side, and can we all stop being nasty to Socrates, he doesn't actually deserve it . . .

your thoughts are noted, but before you accuse me of an ungentlemanly conduct please read his post 500 and 506
you will also note that his demeaning attacks were without provocation and unfounded comments were insulting at best.
this person does not know me or know anything about what goes on at citybulls
but choses to have an opinion which is clearly distorted.
i would say i was rather gentle with him, i take great offence from someone who is relatively new to this business (or so his posts leads me to believe) and decides to express his thoughts by calling me a sucker. That statement alone implies that i was being taken for a ride, i can tell that could not be further from the truth.
once paul 71 has earned more money than i have lost in the early years then i may accept his opinion as valid until such a time comes... well i wont state the obvious

For the record Im very succesfull at what i do, i have helped out many people here at T2W and helped them see the markets in a very different way to how most see it and those people that i have dialogued with im sure will agree that i have always been straight up and honest with them. I hope that clear up this matter
the whole purpose of my contribution on this thread was to clear up certain misunderstandings it appears i have created more.
Given Socco's seemingly colourfull past...err like why would anyone want to be involved going forwards....I wonder....
And still no clear update from soco about how it all ended.

I bet he was using that secret exchange to trade through.

Tut! You people.

You don't know what you know you see. And neither will you be allowed to know what you think you know because the knowledge you don't know that you think you know is unknowingly far outside your knowledge. I have the key you can buy though. 500 quid to you dear friend, and only you.if you are reading this. You know who you are!

A man earns respect and is judged by his actions alone as this is the only thing that separates one from the other. Since soco's return. Not one post has been of any worth. No answers and slagging people off using painted prose doesn't cut it.

Sorry Bertie, but had you come back on here and said you were right up until the end, then got slaughtered because you held onto a losing position too long, people would have more respect for you. All losses hurt. Even paper ones.

Why even post on here. All you do is slag people off in your own style and say 99.9% of us will never be worthy. There are a lot of detractors as soon as you put pen to paper who are to quick to judge admittedly. But you are just having a laugh with everyone on here aren't you? Best to stick to your citybulls m8 and people you can con into believing you are better than you think you are.

I had a visit from my plumber this morning to overhaul the central heating...he is an old boy and very pleasant and affable and we always sit together and have a cup of tea and a chat when he visits and has finished his work.

He tells me all about his experiences, which I find very interesting.

Today he told me about an experience he had last year.

He took on an assistant, a youngster, 16 years old...

One day he was due to install a central heating system in a flat, he went along to the plumbing supply company and took his assistant with him...

He goes and purchases twelve 20 foot copper tubes amongst other stuff to do the job.

The conversation between him and his assistant goes somewhat along these lines...

P. " I have to go round the other shop nearby and I will be some the meantime...because these pipes will not fit into the van...I want you to cut 10 feet off each one...and like that we can make them fit"

A. "Ah..oh..OK"

P. " Let me give you a tape measure...not this one...not that one...this one"

A. "Ah...oh...OK"

P. " I won't be long"

A. "Ah ...oh...OK"

So my plumber goes and runs his errand and returns 20 minutes later....and sees...that the pipes...look intact...

P. "Well ?"

A. "Wot"

P. "Why have you not done as I asked ?"

A. "But I have...."

P. "No you haven't...the pipes are still the same."

A. "No they are NOT...I cut them"

P. "What do you cut them...they are still the same..."

A. Noooooo....I cut them...10 feet.."

P. No you have not...go me..."

The assistant now points to a pile of one dozen 2 inch tubes on the ground...

P. "That's not 10 feet is it ?"

A. "Yes it is..."

P. Losing his patience...."WHAT ! "

A. "yes...10 feet...that is what it says on the tape (the tape measure)"

P. "Show me...go on"

A. " says here"...pulling out the tape the first 2 inches..."It says here on the end of the tape right here....TEN FEET"

P. "THAT...just shows the length of the whole tape when it is pulled out"...."What is a foot ?"

A. "Dunno..."

P." What is an inch ?...two inches? ...what is a yard?"

A." Dunno....."

And so it is that in all this there is a lesson.

The lesson is that we live in an age where for people to be dumbed down is commonplace.

It is also not unusual, because they are dumbed down, for them not to venture to ask QUESTIONS...and to take any nonsense that comes into their heads to be the right idea...just like you are doing right now.

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Maybe the old duffer should have said 3-metres. Not the lad's fault that the old fella can't do metric :cheesy:
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