Further observations on Animal Lessons No 2 ~ The Game of Croquet.
We have seen how it is that by reviewing the story ot the Twig Bird , first we have a series of realisations that we now begin to view through the point of view of a separate persona we are creating specifically for the purpose of trading, which we shall call the Trading Persona. This Trading Persona has to be built up and trained to act and think in a very different way to the Ordinary Persona. Now we have to gradually nourish the new Trading Persona so that it is able to acquire form. We have to cultivate the ability to start viewing things through the eyes of the new Trading Persona instead of through the eyes of the Ordinary Persona.
The Ordinary Persona has served us well all our lives and because we are alive and not dead, we can say that the Ordinary Persona has fullfilled its mission, which is the preservation of life. Now the new Trading Persona has to be allowed to grow, for it to preserve our trading interests, which is equivalent to it preserving our trading life. This is what we are now going to proceed to do.
The difficulty is that we have to develop a Trading Persona without allowing the Ordinary Persona to interfere. We can only do this if the Ordinary Persona can be tricked into believing or at least being lulled into a sense of security (false or not) that the creation of a Trading Persona does not in any way constitute a threat to life.
Bear in mind that the ordinary persona has a very acutely tuned defence mechanisms in place to deal immediately with anything, be it an action, a response, and idea, a thought, a feeling or something we hear, it considers (whether correctly or not and whether justifialbly or not) to be life threatening. For this reason we have to be very careful how to go about this excercise, because if we blunder, all the defence triggers are set off, thus negating the results, such that they are effectively wiped.
This means we have to start all over again, like trying to climb a greasy pole. For this reason the process is very delicate and each tiny step forward has to be considered in detail before it is taken.
Over the next few sessions we are going to look again at the story of the Game of Croquet but htis time from a new angle and in a different light to hitherto. So far we have used it for it to yield to us realisations as to what we should be putting our attention on; we are going to further refine this idea.
As I am very busy at the start of the week I do not expect to be able to progress this next stage till Thursday at the earliest.