The Journey from the Basement

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The Sultan is the big player. He has his orders in. The carpet is the trend, herd of donkeys(I've heard of donkeys :cheesy: ) is the carrying on of normal business.
The normal business is temporarily disrupted by "noise". Chaos rules.........if you're astute, you will take advantage of unexpected interruptions to the flow of normal day to day business as the market will settle back to the trend again..........and the donkeys are settled down and carry on with the rest of their day's work. The Sultan's carpet is delivered. Day's orders filled.
We also learned how easy it is to disrupt or manipulate for pleasure/profit.
Oaty, you are the first to pinpoint an important fact which is that whilst the donkeys are braying
they are not working, hence the annoyance of the drivers.
None of this is nonsense, although you may not be consciously aware of it you are
heightening your awareness and improving your understanding which helps you
to develop lateral views you had not forced yourselves to have before.
This is progress. You will recognise the progress only after you have made it.
You will then notice the difference in your thinking.

Oh! And Oaty, please, don't mention donkeys too pointedly in case the trinity
see this and decide to re appear again, please Oaty. Let us not tempt
providence.....there has already been a hell of a to do elsewhere this morning
with one of them straying into an area that he should not have strayed into....
and braying loudly...please...Oaty, please.
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Yes, we need to avoid being ambushed by the noise in order to remain focused on the eventual outcome.
oatman said:
Yes, we need to avoid being ambushed by the noise in order to remain focused on the eventual outcome.
And another point. The carpet had not been yet taken to the top of the hill.
All this noise created an interruption in the proceedings and halted the
progress that had already been achieved in the ascent. No wonder
the drivers were irate, and there was a lot of shouting and dust and whatnot !
And Barjon, you are also quite right in what you say in 1417 # above.

This was a very valuable instrument whose market price was quite
considerable and which up till then been transported first by camel
train, then by steamer all the way across the Mediterannean Sea
without incident, to arrive, be unloded intact, and now....
all these problems.

A damaged or soiled carpet constitutes "not correct delivery".

This has nasty implications for the middle men who now have to
sort out payment and so on, as the requirement is for "clean delilvery"
of the item as per the contract note.

You see what a to do from the angle of settlement as well ? Dear ! Dear !
tradesmart said:
Steady on Chaps, Lets keep a little decorum in the forum….!?! (or slippers and dunces caps may be produced…….)

Just to assure you that I’ve cracked the trading code…….

Donkeys = bulls

Gannets = bears

Or is it Duffers = Donkeys……..!?!

I now see my charts as a menagerie……….

Yours Sincerely

Plum Duffer

(let me know if I'm completely wrong and delete this if it disrupts the flow of consciousness…)
No unfortuanately you are completely off the track, things are not what they seem.
We are having a very important and meaningful discussion in what is developing
rapidly as "darksider code".

You have to go back to the trading academy first and then read ALL of this thread to get up to speed. And by the way, if you want to join in, it must be with proper and meaningful contribution, otherwise you get into trouble in a flash in here.

So be warned. No nosense like the exchanges with W Anchor the
other night will be tolerated. That was a one off. Don't do it again and upset the
discussion we are pursuing here. If you do not yet understand it best be prudent and
keep quiet. Otherwise all who behave properly are welcome. That's all.
bracke said:

In your explanation you didn't say anything about the one who set them braying, why he did it, what he got from it and his departure.


What he got was something money cannot buy.
He was able to observe not just see or gaze you see. He observed .

This observation enabled him many years later to ponder on all this
and to have important realisations about how an incident can have
meaningful parallels with a topic not remotely connected but
nevertheless of great interest to a lot of people.

Then this incident can be used as a model to study other things, and when attention is put on those things that require that they should be studied, then, when they are studied in detail, this brings forth realisations that
help to enrich what is already known but not consciously realised.

This is a Treasure, but only those ready for it recognise it as such.

All else --- totally baffled ! They think we are talking of carpets, donkeys,
sultans, and so forth. They miss the message because they are not
ready for it.

Do you agree with my drift , my Dear Bracke?
I know you do.
TheBramble said:
It's easier and much more comfortable to be part of the herd. To do what they do, when they do it, whether it makes sense or not. So setting one off braying it's heart out will encourage the others to follow suit, because there's obviously a reason for it - isn't there?

So the collective herd just follow each other. Which makes it easy to manipulate them. Just start one off and they all follow. You only need to lead the first donkey - the rest will follow.

That is correct, Bramble, as usual in the front row, all ears....following me all over T2W, wherever I go, yes very good, excellent. The donkeys do not know what they are following or not following. They just follow each other. This is because their levels of awareness are
very, no abysmally low. As a consequence of the donkeys not making an effort they have to do all the dusty nasty jobs no one else will consent to do. The problem is that if the donkeys
stop there are problems.....Have you considered that ? Their sheer quantity of numbers
make them a problem when they do not behave as expected, This incident was a rare
occasion. Normally no one would willingly stimulate the donkeys to stop in this way, unless
the agenda to stop them was deliberate. Which was not the case here, that is why the drivers were frantic and irate. We will come back to this later on in this thread. Remind me will you Bramble, please ?

TheBramble said:
Mind you, there has to be a lot more Donkeys than there are Sultans otherwise the system wouldn't work.

Here you have it ~ this is why carpets can be moved around at the whim of the Sultan,
the Captain of the Ship etc., Because if there were too many Sultans and not enough
donkeys and drivers nothing could be made to move. Barjon ! Look in this direction,
you will find much here to ring bells in connection with... Harrrumph ! You know what !
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Well well, pomp arrogance and mindless name calling are alive and well in Sussex…

In casually nominating some T2W members as dunces, duffers etc etc – name names – who are you calling names…….?

You are the only one who has made reference to “W Anchor” to my knowledge….

You need to be reminded of T2W rules my friend, and perhaps there is a moderator on hand to do just that….

I suspect that trading is not your main interest but something more sinister…..

By all means post/contribute, but avoid any tendency to abuse please.......
This is my interpretation

1) The boy realised the effect of his actions. He realises wot he is going to causes. Notice also, that it is small noise that causes the chain reaction to start...a parallel to moves big moves being caused by small volume?

2) The noise becomes a greater, as "the more they (the porters) tried to silence the donkeys the louder it got" resulting in a volume crescendo. Was the right thing for the porters to do, or was it the the natural thing for them to do? Would it not be better for them just to let the noise subside, pehaps suggesting a lesson in staying out the markets when there is excess noise, as oppose to fighting noise with more noise? Seems illogical.

3) Also, i think it is important to note the reaction of the porters..... "frantic" and "very irate"...when things were not going their way. Also, although the whole event was caused by the boy, and the porters did have a legitimate reason to brandish him, they quickly forget the effect of their own actions on the donkeys. So, lessons of taking responsibility for your own actions and also, wot not to do when things get noisey around you....always stay composed. Could also re-inforce the need for a strategy in case things go wrong (contingency plan in the case of the unexpected).

4) Notice the boy also slipping away in a cloud of dust, not to be seen be everyone.....akin to covert Market Makers operations.

Could also be a lesson of outside factors affecting your game plan????

All the donkeys were busy braying and not cooperating.

They turned their wrath on me waving their sticks and yelling in arabic.

The chauffer, who had sloped off somewhere, now reappeared, snatched me, pushed me into the
car and drove off with a roar and a cloud of dust
That is right , you have understood it perfectly. You also have to ask when there is a lot of noise, what is the reason for it ? The news is reporting the opposite of what is happening. Along comes a reader
who does not understand what he is reading and makes a blunder. The news is not there for his benefit
It is there for the benefit of others. We must not tak notice of noise or news which are only opinions, instead we must act according to what we can see and understand.

"Do you agree with my drift , my Dear Bracke?
I know you do."

I do.

The use of knowledge and experience in one area employed to analyse and understand occurances in another.


"Steady on Chaps, Lets keep a little decorum in the forum"

I quote you back at yourself, does this hoist you on your own petard. No aggravation intended ,merely an observation

You see how we can, dear darksiders, learn a lot from these Animal Lessons,
do you now see how they enrich our ability to have realisations that are meaningful to us.
Persist in following this excercise and you will see how it triggers further realisations.
Well I think they are very useful, even if I 'get it wrong', because it's an entertaining form of engaging and stimulating thoughts. A chart posted by someone trying to help doesnt do this, even though the intention is there to help and stimulate the viewer, it's simply not as effective.

Please keep them coming!
tradesmart said:
Well well, pomp arrogance and mindless name calling are alive and well in Sussex…

In casually nominating some T2W members as dunces, duffers etc etc – name names – who are you calling names…….?

You are the only one who has made reference to “W Anchor” to my knowledge….

You need to be reminded of T2W rules my friend, and perhaps there is a moderator on hand to do just that….

I suspect that trading is not your main interest but something more sinister…..

By all means post/contribute, but avoid any tendency to abuse please.......
We are not calling anybody any names here, we are just having innocent fun amonst ourselves, discussing a topic with which you are obviously not familiar, and what is more
you jump in and make statements totally out of context with what is currently being
disseminated as a consequence ot NOT READING what has been exchanged as
views previous to your entry.

There is nothing sinister here, we happen to be talking of matters which are beyond
your remit and,in addition you are not up to date with the thread, but it suits you to
interfere and snipe like you did with W anchor the other evening in the middle of a
discussion that may seem arcane to you but of importance and value to others.

His post was deleted by the moderator, Chartman, and quite rightly so for its
obscene and objectionalble content. Now you see fit to delete your follow up comments.

You ought not to interrupt discussions purely because you do not understand them.

To be ignorant is not a crime, but to be ignorant and proud of it and to impose
your ignorance on others is a crime.

No one is born knowing all of us have to learn.

I suggested you go back on this thread to get up to speed with what is being discussed.
You do not do this. You come back and interfere and try to derail the thread discussion.

You then delete what you have posted. This is not the first incident. Anymore of this
and you will be dealt with as you deserve, as I will be reporting you to the moderator.
Bramble (QUOTE)

So the collective herd just follow each other. Which makes it easy to manipulate them. Just start one off and they all follow. You only need to lead the first donkey - the rest will follow.

That is correct, Bramble, as usual in the front row, all ears....following me all over T2W, wherever I go,

Socrates, a more sensitive soul than mine might have imagined they'd just been called an ass....

In seriousness though, there are a few Donkeys on this thread who although still Donkeys are now observing the rest of the herd with a slightly more detached and objective view than previously.

Perhaps tradesmart is only seeing and saying whats clear to some.

A mini animal lesson:

Where there are Shepperd's and sheep, its best to be a Shepperd but seldom good to be a sheep. Its never bad to be a wolf.

No aggravation intended ,merely an observation

Ps: dang it, i said i wouldnt post here again 🙁 sorry folks.
ford said:
Well I think they are very useful, even if I 'get it wrong', because it's an entertaining form of engaging and stimulating thoughts. A chart posted by someone trying to help doesnt do this, even though the intention is there to help and stimulate the viewer, it's simply not as effective.

Well, the chart analyses are effective in understanding the more 'mechanical' aspects of 'no inds' trading. For a raw recruit like me, I'll take all I can get.

When I'm as advanced as your are Fordy old mate, I'll be happy. But for now - I really appreciate both streams of education.

But the mechanical aspects are useless if you can't control yourself when it comes to implementing the idea behind it. Pulling the trigger, having a clear mind to be able to reason when a trade is on, a chart doesnt show you how to overcome any of this.

I'm far from advanced, I have been trying to run before I can walk. Now considering SOCRATES has many years of experience in the markets and with training people, I think it best that he set down what I get to grips with first rather than myself asking questions in a completely unstructured fashion. I dont pretend to know everything because I dont, but I'm tired of feeling like I'm grasping in the dark.
darktone said:

Perhaps tradesmart is only seeing and saying whats clear to some.

A mini animal lesson:

Where there are Shepperd's and sheep, its best to be a Shepperd but seldom good to be a sheep. Its never bad to be a wolf.

No aggravation intended ,merely an observation

Ps: dang it, i said i wouldnt post here again 🙁 sorry folks.

Oh ! Hello darktone, we have missed you.
The problem here is that unlike who has followed this thread others jump in
and arrive at I don't know what conclusions, because they have not bothered
to read in detail what has been posted before.
To make it even worse they form the illusion we are talking about them, as if we had
less important things to discuss, and then what is to a certain extent funny but at
the same time aggravating they get personal and assume they are the butt of it,
which of course they are not, but they imagine they are.
They do not pause and consider that what we are discussing here may be arcane
to them but perfectly valid to us. And lastly they start to interfere and make posts,, and
rapidly delete them and display them again, and this is very tedious. Not funny.
How are you ? I have not forgotten the FX matter you brought up.We haven't got to
it yet. I will do it for you asap, and I will PM you in advance, I promise.
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