Rognvald said:
Your arguments in 1380 are well put and faultless
Thank you, Rognavald, and in addition, I forgot to include the other category of Duffer.
This third caregory really muddles everybody even more.
This Duffer who is a well meaning Duffer, and succeeds in delivering to the audience
what the audience truly needs, now goes and spoils his gift by succumbing to the temptation of on the one hand the pecuniary advantage to be had by trying to extend and add
what is not necessary and superfluous,and on the other hand subsequently succumbing to
the trap of giving the audience what it wants., thus rendering a gross misservice to his
own mission and the requirements of the audience, who are totally prisoner as a consequenc of their inabilities.
This is very tragic, and I have seen it repeated often. This category of Duffer does huge damage when in fact his intentions are honourable. But it is his inability to perceive
what is truly required in order for him to proceed in a correct manner.
Now, if this was not sufficiently tragic, what is even more tragic is that as a consequence of
the audience partly through its inabilities, partly as a result of miseducation, partly as aresult
of an inability to have correct yardsticks that would enable it collectively and individually to
give accurate and correct feedback, the Duffer continues blundering along.
Now what happens is that the Duffer is seen as innovative, clever, and so on,
which is not the case. This does not mean that adults have to be treated like children,
except in an environment in which they are not only children but, if left to their own
devices are apt to behave like naughty children, some of them very naughty indeed.,
and this is why there are elements who are also disrespectful and rude, etc.,
The tragedy is, that as a consequence of the audience not being prepared for this
scenario and in addition the audience persisting in applying their own life experiences
and in addition the audience not being prepared for ruthless and what they view as
unfair or cruel information shocks, and in addition there not being available a structured
alternative for them to be able to change themselves and in addition there being in place
a natural propensity to resist what is unfamiliar, uncomfortable, unusual, strange, odd,
alien, (all this in relation to their opinions as a consequence of their own life experiences)
and in addition a total refusal to change themselves before attempting any projects,
therefore as everybody accepts the Duffery, no one is encouraged to progress, like the example of the Rhino who remained immobile as he believed himself to be imprisprisoned
by solid walls.
This is not so. These are intellectual and emotional cobwebs that people are subject to ,
without even being aware they are subjected to ~ I am doing my best here to try as hard
as I can to raise the levels of awareness of the audience, because until the audience
is able to raise its individual and collective awareness and have realisations the path
to any further progress is not blocked, but they block it themselves. What actually serves
in large measure in addition to all of the above to trip them at athe final hurdle is Acceptance,
the lack of, that is.
I shall persist, I promise.