The Journey from the Basement

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Rognvald said:
It may have been BB2 but it was definitely b&w in our house

My fav was Magic Roundabout - same sort of vintage and much too clever for kids - like most good stories for little kids in fact!:cheesy:

i.e can be taken at many different levels - any parallels with trading perhaps?
It was definitely black and white, and the colander that Quercus mentions had several
what looked like knitting needles as aerials. Yes, not exactly parallels with trading,
but parallels with the conduct of traders, well behaved and considerate to civilians,
harmonious, ordered and talking in whistles, and so on.
ChartMan said:
Whilst we're off topic, then, I'll have a Gromit from 'Wallace and Gromit.' :cheesy:
You can get those in the shops but a Clanger is a different proposition altogether.
OOPS ! Sssshhhhhh ! We dont want to wake up what is asleep.....
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Skimbleshanks said:
Well, nip round to Brenda's and get the pattern and the wool, and I'll see what I can do. No promises, mind! LOL
Really ? ! That is really exciting Skim ! They were not very big you know, only I think
2or 3 inches tall. Quercus, Rognvald, as you are veterans, do you concur or not ?
Look, now everybody is crowding in here to see what is the latest going on.

It's a FALSE ALARM ! The Code Books for Darksiders have not been issued yet. Do not panic !
frugi said:
Socrates I'm glad you like the Clangers as much as I do. An upstanding community of well mannered creatures who were happy to explore their terrain with an extremely open mind and had no time for status or material possessions, except of course the sustaining soup and blue string pudding tirelessly provided by the tolerant, maternal Soup Dragon. I have all the episodes on video and I believe they are still available, if you are interested.
There is a heartbreaking episode in which Small Clanger's inquisitive nature causes him to cast aside all caution and he soon becomes lost in a dark, confusing cave rife with bizarre, possibly malevolent plants who offer rather poor advice, if I remember correctly. Fortunately there are sympathetic glowbuzzers on hand to rescue him, their guiding light pointing out the route back to the cave entrance. A crude but apt analogy to your teaching on this thread, perhaps.

Judging by your analysis of my chart, for which I thank you, I didn't at least seem to make any hideous blunders, which is indeed encouraging; however I must not suddenly become over confident and expect to trade in a discretionary manner, except when, as you say, I am as sure of my decision as my limited knowledge allows.

Rognvald though I wait in hope for a second Clanger to join our household, I realise that Skim has far more important bears to knit for infinitely more deserving people, so would not wish to force the issue 🙂
Regarding my mention of breakouts perhaps I was working an a more micro scale than you, in that I was only looking at the previous few bars as opposed to the big picture. There is a place for both and it is interesting that on your chart the breakouts are hardly visible. There are a lot of perspectives a darksider can take: do we stick to one or take them all into consideration? To do the latter consistently would require a use of brainpower, especially given the fractions of time in which one often has to act decisively, and more importantly correctly, that may be beyond me, but I sure will try. I am reminded of a rather cheesy quote from the "Matrix" - "Don't try and hit me, just hit me!". The days on which I just trade, rather than trying to trade are the ones on which I make money, if that makes any sense? Perhaps this has something to do with the cold "acceptance" of whatever the price action throws in my face. I will try and expand on this when I've had more time to think of what I mean and less time to be pompous!

Q oh yes the Iron Chicken was superb 🙂

Oh ! Yes indeed ! Anything infantile like this immediatly, immediately makes me very enthusiasic ! The reason is that I come from a family where learning and academic achievement is treasured. The only trouble is, I lost a great part of my childhood as a consequence.

Whereas all my peer group were at the seaside or camping or playing
rounders, all I could look forward to was a huge pile of books at least one foot high.

All my toys were removed at the age of 9, and from then on swot, swot, swot ! All through
the summmer holidays, Easter, and Weeekends. My mother was an intellectual, who was
an international chess player to grandmaster standard, all by post. I can remember the
chess boards with games in progress all over the house, labelled so and so, Auckland.
So and so, Edinburgh. So and so, Cape Town, at least 10 or 12 on the go at any time, throughout my life, and then she played the piano to concert standard and was a pupil
of Myra Hess. She was able to play all of Frederic Chopin's works by heart. I remember
when I was a child coming back from school seeing her still sitting at her baby grand
(Challen)or her upright( iron frame Chasagne Freres) playing away in a trance almost,
oblivious to my arrival. The silk dresses she wore absolutely drenched with perspiration,
she had been playing all day oblivious to everything and everybody, for hours and hours,
without stopping.

Another of her talents was cryptography and code cracking. The British Museum used to send her photographs and prints of esoteric and extinct languages for her to unravel that she did effortlessly in minutes and sent them back by post same day. A most extraordinary lady who could fill in the Times Crypic Crossword Puzzle in 15 to 20 minutes. Amazing.

She taught me mental arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus, already
at the age of 9, 10, 11. ....I was made to learn 7 languages, so you see I never had a real
childhood in the conventional sense of the word, but my goodness I had a whale of a time
past the age of 25. I had already made my fortune and retired at a very early age, and then
through various upheavals carried on and all of this is so exciting it is impossible to stop.
I am a firm believer that our experiences in childhood and adolescence are definitely

So yes let us have some Clangers, please.
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my modest contribution to Clangers wud only be a small Mexican pony painted in black and white stripes and sold to gringos 🙂 as "a real Mexican zebra"
Animal Lesson No 6

The story of the Sultan's Carpet:~

Let me put you in the picture so that you can not only enjoy this story but also so that you can actually
imagine yourself at the scene.

My family is spread all over the world, in different countries, that have different cultures and different
customs and different languages, and as a matter of traditional policy we are all able to speak each
others language and we are in communication all the time. The internet has made all this much
easier and travel is faster and more efficient, but a few years ago a family reunion was truly an event.

These family reunions occurred at weddings mostly. There used to be an established branch in Tangiers because I had an uncle who was the Director of a French Shipping Line, La Compagnie Paquet, that operated Cruise Liners, between Marseille, Oran, Tangiers, Senegal and Cote Ivoire.

On one of these occasions when one of my girl cousins got married, my parents and I went to Tangiers
for the wedding. Of course to a little boy a trip like this was like some story out of 1001 nights.
We were in Tangiers for about a week, and during that time, my uncle had a chauffeur called H'med who took me out with him in the car on his rounds and as a consequence I was able to see all the local sights from the safety of the front seat. Not that there was any danger as, in those days Tangier wasan International Zone under the aegis of the French Government. This is just before the uprisings in neighbouring Algeria when France pulled out of its North African Territories leaving a huge powervacuum that took years to heal, and lots of Europeans left and settled back in France including my family. But in those days it was safe, so my parents allowed me to go out under the protection of a trusted servant.

One day, one of my uncle's ships had a special cargo on board. It was a huge carpet consigned to
the Palace of the Sultan. The carpet was so huge it needed cranes to get it ashore, now the problem
was how to transport it........... Bramble are you paying attention ?

So it was devised that the carpet should be rolled up like a huge cigar and pulled by donkeys.
The idea was for this huge rolled monstrosity to be slung between donkeys. I happened to arrive
at a time when the carpet was already slung and the column of donkeys,( a total of 80, because I
counted them),began to make its way from the harbour, up the hill .......

It occured to me that I ought to do something to cheer them up. So in all innocense
I made a braying noise.This started one donkey off. In no time at all, another donkey joined in. And soon all the donkeys were braying together. The racket was unbelievable, just imagine ! The porters were frantic,the more they tried to silence the donkeys the louder it got.
All the donkeys were busy braying and not cooperating.The porters were by now very irate. They turned their wrath on me waving their sticks and yelling in arabic.

The chauffer, who had sloped off somewhere, now reappeared, snatched me, pushed me into the
car and drove off with a roar and a cloud of dust, admonishing me all the time but I suspect inwardly
extremely amused by the incident as he went round, I was told, for weeks recounting the incident,
to anyone who would listen. I was never allowed near any donkeys ever again.

And now I am off to bed, see you in the morning, goodnight.
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Socrates mate u remind me of an excellent story....

when i was still "dating" my ex-wife from Bs As her father gave us 2 best tickets for River Plate - Bosta derby at Monumental. The problem was that my ex-wife was a decent woman 🙂 who supported River HOWEVER her dad was a Bostero, so the tickets were for the yellow-blue part.....

I first did not want to go there suggesting we get some cheap tickets on the River side. Of coz all good Argentinian family "dynamics" kicked in and i had no choice.....

anyway we r sitting there surrounded by posh Bosteros. I am getting steadily plastered without saying a word. We r down 1-0 and Enzo Francescoli gets a free kick. What do i do? I start yelling "Bo-oo..Bo-oo..." which for a River Plate supporter means only one thing: "Bosta Juniors go to hell" 🙂 I can already see my ex-wife rolling her eyes.... guess what happens? our neighbour picks it up, then another and in a second all those Bosteros round me pick it up and the whole section of the stadium starts singing their rotten song 🙂

now i have a problem. my ex-wife is clearly amused (like i said she was a decent Riverplatense 🙂 ) BUT what did I cause? and what if i tell my Riverplatense mates what i did? 🙂

my only consolation was that Enzo "marco" so Bosteros sang in vain..... 🙂

top lesson Socrates!
Que lindo cuento, viejo ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
(what a lovely story ,old boy ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !)
Animal Lesson No 6
The story of the Sultan's Carpet:~

The collective noun for Donkeys can be either a drove, herd or pace. Let's for simplicity's sake call them 'the herd' in this story.

It's easier and much more comfortable to be part of the herd. To do what they do, when they do it, whether it makes sense or not. So setting one off braying it's heart out will encourage the others to follow suit, because there's obviously a reason for it - isn't there?

So the collective herd just follow each other. Which makes it easy to manipulate them. Just start one off and they all follow. You only need to lead the first donkey - the rest will follow.

That's the obvious part dealt with. But what about what they are carrying. By the sound of it, a very valuable commodity. A carpet for the Sultan. And one requiring 80 Donkeys is obviously a very expensive carpet indeed. However, the donkeys have no idea of the worth of the burden they carry. Most are not even aware they are carrying a burden so used are they doing the same things day after day without any thought.

It's a safe bet the Sultan has used these Donkeys many times before to bring many fine things to his abode. He is well used to accumulating.

Mind you, there has to be a lot more Donkeys than there are Sultans otherwise the system wouldn't work.

As for China and his story, the only thing you are carrying is the burden of GUILT!!!

Fancy sitting with the Bosteros...may you never live it down.

In your explanation you didn't say anything about the one who set them braying, why he did it, what he got from it and his departure.


but covertly, surely the explanation must be overtly for all the duffers 1st, 2nd and 3rd class

Regards ( aspiring to a higher class of duffery )

You are not a Duffer, Bracke. I recognise a Duffer a mile off when I see one,
Dont worry, we value your input , just keep going, keep moving forward.
........or, Our Big Boy Sultan has gone to considerable expense to garner enough of the threads from Magic Carpet. plc to make a luxurious and huge carpet. He and his cohorts have gone to more expense and much effort to transport it to the start of the climb where they have rolled it to make it obvious to, and portable by, the herd. The herd are attaching themselves to it and all is going accordingly to plan. Then an unexpected event.

An innocent bystander starts a rumour (in the Investors Chronicle say 😀 ) that the magic at Magic Carpets.plc is wearing a bit thin. This rumour is repeated by members of the herd and spreads like wildfire 'til they are all spooked and not keen to carry what may be an inferior carpet up such a steep incline, despite the urgings of BBS's cohorts.

Just goes to show that even a BBS can slip on polished floors occasionally (but he''ll probably find some tasty carrots to dangle in front of the herd to get them back on the job)
This Animal lesson appears tricky, and since hardly anyone else has replied I bet they're as bemused as I am..

Anyway seeing as these allegories are always related to the market, it's players and aspects, what we appear to have here is the herd and the master. i.e. the 95% doing the bidding of the 5%.

Then a person totally out of place of this establishment has appeared and has disrupted the activity of the herd, to the anger of the the establishment.

This all sounds very much like the Paul Rotter allegations and the established locals bitterly complaining that someone is making it hard for them to make money from the 95%. Boo hoo..

But this isnt the jungle, this is a story within a civilised society with rules and ownership where as most of these allegories have been in the Jungle where there are no rules and there is no ownership. So I think I'm way off the mark with this one, but I cant see any other lessons from within the story that relate to the market and it's operation.

But supposing I were correct in my analysis I extracted from the story, what is the lesson or moral of it? I guess it would be that unconventional methods that take advantage of the herd and which upset the cushy world of the established locals will make you a target for abuse, jealously and hatred - because no one likes change, especially those making money from the market already.
I've been escorting an aged and infiorm relative to a hospital appointment this morning and so am all behind hand. I'm intrigued as usual and will give the conundrum my attention soon. Leave some for me to try to find please
I am watching, this is very good so far.
But as usual with these allegories, there is more to be
had from them that meets the eye.
There have been explanations of the sultan and the donkeys. I will look to the perpetrater; the innocent Boy Socrates.

He brayed to cheer up the donkeys but his action had consequences which he did not forsee - consider one's actions the effects and the boundaries may be wider than you appreciate

Had he been aware of the reaction to his action could he have profited, unlikely but in the trading world most probably

He did not directly profit from the action but his reputation probably grew as a result . People aware of the episode would undoubtly be paying attention if he and donkeys were in proximity to one another. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage.


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