We will all need to be patient...he's still making it up
But I'm genuinely curious as to how the Pope is involved in the secret plot. Is he the mob leader?
We will all need to be patient...he's still making it up
We will all need to be patient...he's still making it up
But I'm genuinely curious as to how the Pope is involved in the secret plot. Is he the mob leader?
does this thread relate to trading? (it is in the Foyer section, so need not be trading related)
would the answer to the "popes" question help gain insights into trading, and acquiring an edge?
We will all need to be patient...he's still making it up
On a technical issue.
If you are quoting a post that has an extraneous "Quote" tag in the top left corner of the post, can you please delete it before submitting your post so that it shows the correct Username in the quote box.
Dunnit. Thanks for pointing it out.![]()
Yes, it relates to trading, very much so.
What is more it relates to trading success, not trading failure or difficulty.
But you cannot have it all in one go, otherwise you would suffer shock...fright...trading indigestion...you have to be patient and have it drip fed to you.... and all the bits...will fall into place like a giant jigsaw puzzle falling from the sky like Manna from Heaven in pieces that make up the whole picture for you to understand.
We are on the subject of Popes, but out of curiosity, does the bigger picture also involve the destruction of false Prophets?
I can only go as fast as circumstances permit, just like when you are in front of a screen trying to force does not work, you just have to wait.
Actually, I, unfortunately think Socrates is alluding to this sort of thing (seriously) . . . .
"We fully recognize the heartening fact that a host of true followers of Christ are scattered all through the various churches of Christendom, including the Roman Catholic communion. These God clearly recognizes as His own. Such do not form a part of the "Babylon" portrayed in the Apocalypse."
Not the sort of thing I want to link to, Google it to find out who spouts this sort of drivel.
Younger Ones..😆 😆
You have to be patient and wait until Roguetrader returns so I can discuss it with him as it is patently obvious to me he is well clued up on these matters, which for some reason, seem to elude everyone else.
Nearly everybody overlooks the significance of the obvious...nearly everybody...but not quite....:cheesy: ....what relief !