there is a goldmine of information this thread, yet one or two naughty children persist in derailing the thread.
Care to point out
where those goldmine bits are?
This thread has been complete and utter ****e since the first post. A hidden secret agenda indeed!!!
The only hidden secret agenda is in Socs head! The thread has plenty of words in it but tells no one anything. This is a Soc tradmark. He says in a round about way that you have to think and see for yourself then all will become clear. He can't tell us, we have to discover it for ourselves. This is normal garbage stuff 'teachers'??? spout at you when they really mean. I can't tell you what to look for because it doesn't exist and I am waffling and trying to baffle with long words and anyone who disagrees has to be a complete moron and buffoon if they can't see what I am trying to elude to.
But look at soc's obsessiveness with how many people his threads attract. Is this why he starts one post after another?
Worlds top traders? Who cares. Worlds worst traders? Who cares. The worlds worst traders was going to be a 'knock' at some of the people on here. You could see it coming a mile off.
I, and others on here have read every single word that Soc has posted. I have said before that on occasion I have backed Socs. His journey from the basement had some salient points in. His other long running (winded) dialog also did.
There are quite a few people on here with long memories that know who Soc is.
He is a teacher who hit the headlines because of his 'dubious' teaching methods. I put him up there with some of the all time 'teaching' greats... Akin, Darren Winters etc,
His actual trading (If he actually does any trading) is suspect to say the very least. He may have a few bob, but did it come from teaching or trading?
If he has helped you or any others, then good. As mentioned I have 'gleaned' a bit from him myself. But... If 99% of the people on here are idiots and morons. Why does Soc spend so much time on here with lengthy posts when he should be trading. He is always 'bizzi' isn't he. That's cause he spends so much time thinking up what drivel to write next and waste everyones time in the process.
Yes. He does know how to pull a crowd, All the great magicians do. But as with the magicians it is all smoke and mirrors! The stark truth is that he is showing all of us what we already knew to begin with. There is nothing new to be had here. No mystical 'new' way of doing things. There are a lot of money secrets that no one on these boards will be privy to. There are a select few people that control all the money movement in the world that we will never be part of. Some of the individuals have a bigger bank balance than a few of the third world countries. (I include GB in that). So what? It exists and rabble like us will never be part of it so why have aspirations to join in with any of it?
Soc shot himself in the foot good and proper with the options thread. It doesn't matter how much he and bully and cyof scream otherwise and come up with different endings. It doesn't matter anyway because you always know there is going to be a sequel..."Nightmare on the street of Socrates Part XXV" Pure entertainment value!
He is going for the 1% on here that is not a moron. Those that aspire to be as great a trader as he himself has shown us to be
😆 😆 😆
Now there is one 'club' that they cannot join for Soc is the 'gatekeeper' and he holds the key. Given to that only people personally known to Socs himself are asked to join... Well, it must be a small club. But I'm sure that for 4oo odd quid there will be other clubs the 1% can join. (Why have so many clubs anyway?)
Ah! got it. Different membership fees.
Honestly if Socs offered free membership on here to his 'top' club there would be very few takers from the people that have been here for a few years.
The recent posts have been a bit hard on socs? On the contrary they have been quite soft. Mainly due to the fact that this is a predominant English site. The American counterparts would have dealt with soc to a much harsher degree.
When he answers the simple questions that some people have asked to him on various threads then he may earn a bit more respect.
Other people put their head above the parapet and offer/give intended sound advice. They don't get shot down do they? Why? Because they do not have ulterior motives.
I wouldn't be too surprised to find out that soc is again posting under multi nicks or getting 'friends' to post on his behalf. Then again that is something for the mods to look at. His desire to attain 'god' like status with a group of Muppet followers is unquenchable. I just hope he doesn't go for the mass suicide route.