The Great Global Warming Swindle

Atilla said:
I've heard in many cases where the brain has deficiency in one area it compensate by being over developed in another. Fascinating.

That means you're a kind of mutant and have special powers. I reckon it puts you in the X-Men league...
Yes I guess you could call me a mutant who have made a lot of money from the markets. 😆
Yes I am predictable ....with me you always know what you are going to get ,.

OK, you want a GBW argument, here it every other hot scary topic that scientists and govts have played with over the last 40 to 50 years I confidently predict this will come to pass as nothing more than hotair which gives me all the license I need to ignore what is just more market noise. Why do I believe this ,because basically we (the human race) are just not that smart that we can objectively assess what is a future outcome when the data involved is so conflicting and ambiguous..just like you really do not know that gold is going up 😉 until it becomes more transparent that it will...up until then it is just best guesstimate and risk control which is a million miles away from 'knowing' what is happening before it does see it's about asking the right questions 😉

So as in the market as far as GBW is concerned we will have to wait until the market becomes clearer and confirms that there is a problem to deal with before we know how to deal with it...meanwhile I am quite sure people who think they can tell the future ,or have an innate reason for 'believing' will continue to bang the GBW drum.

I solve problems...they are problems which exist right now ,not scary might be's that the govts and interested parties wish to promote.
So why don't we stop pi''sing money down non existent drains and drag a few hundred million kids out of poverty and worse...I'll even sell the brute if that happens.
There are very real right now problems with the way we use natural resources that we can deal with right now ,pity people would rather waste time and money dealing with their fears instead.
Trees are good

At least all the scientists seem to be in agreement that GW does exist. TGGWS simply attributes this to solar activity rather than man. Yes THE SUN, that great big ball of burning gas that contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of our Solar System (Jupiter contains most of the rest).

The way i see it, i have earned the right not need to worry about my greenhouse gas pollution (even if it is real).

This is because during autumn 2006, besides planting many trees, i also scattered about 20,000 acorns, & 5000 cherry, plum, apricot, horse chestnut seeds, and wild crab apple, apples, & pears, over approximately 20 acres of wasteland etc. (places unused by farming or industry and unlikely to be used in the futures - bankings, slag heeps/disused colliery land with new trees already planted on them etc.).
I can recommend it, as it is not only fun, but good exercise & fresh air.

Even if only 1 in 200 seeds grow to become trees that is 125 trees.

One acre (65m * 65m approx.) can gold lets say 36 mature trees at a squeeze (in rows of 6*6 - leaving around 10 metres of horizontal space per tree).

Therefore I would have been responsible for the growth of enough trees to cover over 3 acres of land.............

# Trees keep our air supply fresh by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
# In one year, an acre of trees can absorb as much carbon as is produced by a car driven up to 8700 miles.
# Trees renew our air supply by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
# The amount of oxygen produced by an acre of trees per year equals the amount consumed by 18 people annually. One tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year.
# One acre of trees removes up to 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide each year.

However -
#The death of one 70-year old tree would return over three tons of carbon to the atmosphere.
😕 🙄 :?:
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Whats next - a breathing tax? - If you want to live & breathe, you must pay for the privaledge?
JTrader said:
Whats next - a breathing tax? - If you want to live & breathe, you must pay for the privaledge?

tax according to lung capacity!? Playboy bunnies would go bankrupt.

EDIT: chumps latest post is very good, regarding humanitys inability to properly assess situations.
When we think about "saving the world", we are only thinking about "saving ourselves" and our lifestyles, which is what chump meant (I believe) when he pointed out that we cant be bothered to spend money to save our fellow human beings from hunger and thirst RIGHT NOW, never mind about the future.
trendie said:
tax according to lung capacity!? Playboy bunnies would go bankrupt.

EDIT: chumps latest post is very good, regarding humanitys inability to properly assess situations.
When we think about "saving the world", we are only thinking about "saving ourselves" and our lifestyles, which is what chump meant (I believe) when he pointed out that we cant be bothered to spend money to save our fellow human beings from hunger and thirst RIGHT NOW, never mind about the future.

Does anyone pay regular money to charity here?
Atilla said:
Does anyone pay regular money to charity here?

I made 3 small donations last year. Two of these to specific small charities.

I've decided not to donate to big charities because i have heard & read on numerous occassions that a lot of the time the money never reaches the people it is supposed to be helping, due to corrupt governements, lack of organisation etc. - Africa, Tsunami appeal etc....

I'd sooner volunteer in some capacity to help a cause or organisation, rather than send a cheque. That way I can see the results.
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Atilla said:
Does anyone pay regular money to charity here?

3 faves I regularly support: NSPCC, GOSH, Unicef.
the unifying theme is saving children.

But as per JTrader, its important that a hefty proportion goes to where its intended and not swallowed up in "admin and sundries", so I am always wary of street-collectors and local ones, etc.
I like to know who I am sending my money to, and how it will be spent.

funnily enough, I started giving more regularly as a sort of self-imposed tax on trading profits, since I am also aware my trading is unproductive, and helps no-one but myself.

maybe I am just doing it to salve my conscience.
JTrader said:
At least all the scientists seem to be in agreement that GW does exist. TGGWS simply attributes this to solar activity rather than man. Yes THE SUN, that great big ball of burning gas that contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of our Solar System (Jupiter contains most of the rest).

hmm, well what about planning for the future today..... The sun's energy will apparently run out in 5 Billion years from today , give or take a few days.. 🙂

All life on earth will cease and it will become a dead planet or dormant maybe is a better way of looking at it. What I would like to know is where will we all live then?

Lets think about this, no more nipping to the Royal Oak for a few sunday lunchtime bevvies, no more chippies, and if you aint been to Clacton On Sea, then we have to fit that trip-O-A-lifetime in surely before its no longer an option.

hmm but thinking on it, if energy cannot be destroyed, wheres all the suns energy gone? whats it transformed into ?

Are their any more suns in the universe's ? might be a shrewd investment in some land plots nearby :?: :idea:
Crap Buddist said:
hmm, well what about planning for the future today..... The sun's energy will apparently run out in 5 Billion years from today , give or take a few days.. 🙂

All life on earth will cease and it will become a dead planet or dormant maybe is a better way of looking at it. What I would like to know is where will we all live then?

Lets think about this, no more nipping to the Royal Oak for a few sunday lunchtime bevvies, no more chippies, and if you aint been to Clacton On Sea, then we have to fit that trip-O-A-lifetime in surely before its no longer an option.

hmm but thinking on it, if energy cannot be destroyed, wheres all the suns energy gone? whats it transformed into ?

Are their any more suns in the universe's ? might be a shrewd investment in some land plots nearby :?: :idea:

you are not taking this serioualy CB.
if we can put human DNA into rice, why cant we put photosynthetic plant DNA into humans?!
we could get all our energy directly from sunlight.

but that doesnt address the problem that our economy relies on continuous growth, where we buy more and more, using up more resources.
we need to recognise economic growth is not necessarily a good thing. but then, what will people do for jobs?
trendie said:
tax according to lung capacity!? Playboy bunnies would go bankrupt.

EDIT: chumps latest post is very good, regarding humanitys inability to properly assess situations.
When we think about "saving the world", we are only thinking about "saving ourselves" and our lifestyles, which is what chump meant (I believe) when he pointed out that we cant be bothered to spend money to save our fellow human beings from hunger and thirst RIGHT NOW, never mind about the future.

We as a family regularly give to charity on Standing Order and a little more so round Xmas time. However, I was out to make a point that even if a little there are many out there who do try to save humanity. We've got to have faith and do good otherwise bad will take over.

I think human beings are social and on their own are suicidal. The greatest joy one feels is usually when they interact with another human being and or at being one and in harmony with nature.

Assume you were all alone on planet earth and you had everything as you wished. Cars, Villas, Beaches, Food, Blow Up Dolls.

You would still have absolutely nothing.

So humanity and care does exist and it's what makes us happy.

A little like the monkey / banana experiment, a boy grows up dreaming about his Ferrari. Becomes a successful trader and buys the real one. He then has the conception other people and boys look at thim with aspirations as he used to look at other drivers of Ferrari in that light.

However, if we change the young generati0ns view on life that 4 wheelies are naf gaz guzzlers and people who drive them not people we should aspire to then when that young boy becomes a man he will appreciate and care for planet earth and nature and not be reckless like his forefathers.

Call me utopian if you must, but I do have very strong faith on the goodness of humanity.
trendie said:
you are not taking this serioualy CB.
if we can put human DNA into rice, why cant we put photosynthetic plant DNA into humans?!
we could get all our energy directly from sunlight.

but that doesnt address the problem that our economy relies on continuous growth, where we buy more and more, using up more resources.
we need to recognise economic growth is not necessarily a good thing. but then, what will people do for jobs?

Hmm, well Im just looking at the bigger picture, thats where a lot of trouble may lay because perhaps people cannot look beyond the first ripple that their own life creates in the pond so to speak.

All life on earth is solar powered as it is? theres that transformation of energy again, sun, plants, animals, cycles and circles. Beef is solar powered , so the yorkshire puddings.
Atilla said:
Call me utopian if you must, but I do have very strong faith on the goodness of humanity.

Yes at a persons core, all is good. Now if all men are but lost children waiting to find themselves? then who is the shepperd of lost children?
Crap Buddist said:
Yes at a persons core, all is good. Now if all men are but lost children waiting to find themselves? then who is the shepperd of lost children?

I think this hits the mark...

Borrowed from a friend...

Atilla said:
I think this hits the mark...

Borrowed from a friend...


hmm yes, and it seems current day mankind is long the economy and short their own spirituality, no surprise then should it be, that modern man, despite his abundance of "things" he remains in the main, a most miserable sod.
God help him, Please.

Amen to that.
I think human beings are social and on their own are suicidal. The greatest joy one feels is usually when they interact with another human being and or at being one and in harmony with nature.

Atilla this is a very interesting comment... particularly when you talk about interacting with another human being. It's the nature of that interaction which is so crucial... there ought to be some element of "connection" to make the interaction more than superficial. Superfish is cool but in moderation :cheesy:

CB - your comment about mankind being miserable is also interesting.....very interesting and perhaps should be the topic of another thread ?

Sorry to get philosophical here but you guys really got me thinking .......... 😀
Hook Shot said:
CB - your comment about mankind being miserable is also interesting.....very interesting and perhaps should be the topic of another thread ?

Sorry to get philosophical here but you guys really got me thinking .......... 😀

Yes agree. OFF TOPIC. but sort of props up demand for the plastic toys, man needs to fifddle with, and with these toys comes emissions, which pollute,.

LOL off topic. best i could come up with though. Appologies.
Hook Shot said:
Atilla this is a very interesting comment... particularly when you talk about interacting with another human being. It's the nature of that interaction which is so crucial... there ought to be some element of "connection" to make the interaction more than superficial. Superfish is cool but in moderation :cheesy:

CB - your comment about mankind being miserable is also interesting.....very interesting and perhaps should be the topic of another thread ?

Sorry to get philosophical here but you guys really got me thinking .......... 😀

Yeah I really think so too. The idea comment really comes from Emile Durkheim's work on suicide. He was a French socioligist who wanted to explain suicide and did so. Fantastic mind. Basically, he didn't look at individual suicide cases but towards social statistics. Then produced an explanation which still stands true today. His stats showed that,

Less Suicide < --------------- > More Suicides

Married --------------- Single
Catholic --------------- Protestant
Uneducated --------------- Educated
Poor --------------- Rich
With children --------------- No children
Women --------------- Men

There were many more but I can't remember them. You'd think somebody who was better educated smart and rich with no children to worry about would be happier. Not so.

His theory went that the more a human was integrated into society less likely he was to commit suicide. The more individualistic person is more likely to be suicidal.

Did you know that more women attempt suicide then men, but more men die from suicide. It's not that women are incompetent at killing them selves it's just that they use it as a call for help. eg. Take the pills to coincide with the husband arriving home - that kind of thing.

Many other people have taken his ideas and developed them further.

I hear what you are saying about the nature of human interaction but that boils down to peoples perceptions and expectations coupled with the idiosyncracies of individuals to create million and one connections. Somehow, we are programmed to expect others to be like us and when they are not leads to friction and dissapointment and rejection and lots of other issues. I suppose this is when people become miserable. However, I don't think people become miserable, they are made miserable by other human beings.
Atilla said:
Yeah I really think so too. The idea comment really comes from Emile Durkheim's work on suicide. He was a French socioligist who wanted to explain suicide and did so. Fantastic mind. Basically, he didn't look at individual suicide cases but towards social statistics. Then produced an explanation which still stands true today. His stats showed that,

Less Suicide < --------------- > More Suicides

Married --------------- Single
Catholic --------------- Protestant
Uneducated --------------- Educated
Poor --------------- Rich
With children --------------- No children
Women --------------- Men

There were many more but I can't remember them. You'd think somebody who was better educated smart and rich with no children to worry about would be happier. Not so.

His theory went that the more a human was integrated into society less likely he was to commit suicide. The more individualistic person is more likely to be suicidal.

Did you know that more women attempt suicide then men, but more men die from suicide. It's not that women are incompetent at killing them selves it's just that they use it as a call for help. eg. Take the pills to coincide with the husband arriving home - that kind of thing.

Many other people have taken his ideas and developed them further.

I hear what you are saying about the nature of human interaction but that boils down to peoples perceptions and expectations coupled with the idiosyncracies of individuals to create million and one connections. Somehow, we are programmed to expect others to be like us and when they are not leads to friction and dissapointment and rejection and lots of other issues. I suppose this is when people become miserable. However, I don't think people become miserable, they are made miserable by other human beings.

Thanks for response Atilla - I like this...
The results of Durkheim's work don't make pleasant reading- for several reasons which time does not permit and in vain attempt not to bore the readers. However, it does send out a clear message to some wishing to avoid that perilous state which precedes abject despair and sui...
But it may not necessarily have a positive effect on society as a whole.... perhaps

Married, uneducated, poor parents..............mmmh

If they are less likely to top themselves and by inference more integrated into society and less individualistic ............ the implications of this are mind-boggling..... this is cryptic I'm sorry just thinking out loud. A huge penny has dropped which is now reshaping my thinking on the matter. Not the Durkheim directly this just acted as a catalyst for another line of thought. ....... 😕 😎

Thx 😀