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What on earth has global warming got to do with this ? A realistic assessment of the risk of global warming depends on climate science. The validity of the science is not dependant on whether a bunch of lunatics might want to hop on the bandwagon or not.
The stuff on eugenics conflates mutiple issues (very badly) and appropriately is posted on a web site devoted to consipracies.In particular attributing advocacy of sex education for children to a consipracy driven by eugenics is downright peculiar to say the least.
can you tell me what was the climate science propaganda that was deemed as the "consensus" in the 1970s?
can you also tell me how accurate this "consensus" prediction was 30 years later?
I am puzzled how you cannot understand the link between the current AGW propaganda and depopulation/eugenics. The following quotes should clarify matters:-
".......Man-made global warming feeds into humanity's arrogant self-importance in thinking that it has become the master and therefore the decider of the earth's destiny. On an individual level, it also helps a person stroke their ego and feel good about themselves for recycling a few beer cans or wine bottles in the belief that they're saving the planet, and also gives them the excuse to exercise their judgment against anyone who doesn't do likewise........".
".......The extremist wing of the environmentalist movement, characterized by people like Dr. Erik Pianka, advocate the mass culling of humanity via plagues and state sanctioned bio-terrorism, in order to "save" the earth from the disease of humanity. Nazi-like genocidal population control measures and the environmental establishment have always held a close alliance.....".
"..........Forrest M. Mims III has reported in a Special Feature in The Citizen Scientist ("Meeting Dr. Doom," 31 March 2006) on a lecture he recently heard at a meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. The Academy chose to honor one Professor Eric R. Pianka, an eminent ecologist who studies desert ecologies, with its 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist Scientist award. Professor Pianka used the occasion to champion the notion, apparently without sanction of the Academy, that the Earth can only be saved if ninety percent of the human beings alive today are purged form the planet. He championed airborne Ebola as the most efficient virus to accomplish this. And while he stopped short of calling for terrorist action to bring this result about, he clearly implied that this was a right and proper future for our species and our planet. Astonishingly, after advocating for a future in which more than 5,000,000,000 persons would die a slow and agonizing death, many members of the Texas Academy of Science stood to their feet and applauded".............