Diageo fell 3.07%
CW. fell 3.04%
Not including the big loser of course

and 49 winners V 53 losers
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Hi chaps a day off for me tomorrow I still have a short and have set limit order to take profit but not to turn the order unless we hit the outer zone.
Hi chaps just thought I would say hello my day off but just had a look and its getting hard to resist as we near the outer
Think we're all on the same wavelength.

I've just sold a 'touch down 60' on a binary for 40 - thought that was way too rich, time will tell!!
Anyone think it's time to get back into the FTSE, it's lost a lot over the last few hours. Thinking of going long myself though not sure bout my stop loss position.
Interesting crossroads....

Can't decide whether the near reversal was bullish or it was just filling the gap back to resistance at 5440. Ummm...thoughts?
Well i managed to get in just before the bounce so am currently sitting on 40points :)

Not sure about where to go from here, before today i thought there was some way to go up (which seemed to be going against popular opinion) - this morning seemed to prove me wrong, but obvously the afternoon was better.

I'm currently reconsidering the 'up' due to unemployment knews out today, so have set a stop to keep me covered and will wait and see.

Interesting to see what other people think

Bounce in oil this afternoon after the oil inventory figures helped pull the oil sector up which was down quite a bit this morning
Yeah, i noticed oil was up when i got back in and thought this might be part of the reason for the bounce. Hopefully it can hold overnight.

What was the actual oil news - i'm assuming a less than expected supply?
Slim Sladey said:
Yeah, i noticed oil was up when i got back in and thought this might be part of the reason for the bounce. Hopefully it can hold overnight.

What was the actual oil news - i'm assuming a less than expected supply?

This is what I read on one of my daily sites..

"Worrisome Signs for the Market11/16/2005 10:45 AM EST
Oil inventories were substantially lower than expected, which is popping oil stocks. But be careful -- the market has consistently traded counter to what you would expect on these numbers. Nonetheless, it is not positive for the market that inventories are down sharply and talk about a cold winter is heating up. "

So not really best to wait and see I guess....
Hi chaps
still holding long from 92 although Im looking for a turn on the FTSE I would like a much better price before going short so will hold for a couple of days stop is now at break even anyway target Im ideally looking for is the 489/92s
The FTSE Thursday, 17th November 2005

Wednesdays results:

Open: 5439.

Close: 5430, down 9pts. My Long curled up and died earlier today, its also my second worst week of the year. Holding up my hand: If the market doesn't pick up come Thursday and Friday it will also be my worst prediction of the year.

Range: 5391 - 5442. A swing of 51pts.

On the Month: up 98pts. This is about right for this time in the month, but it should still climb higher.

Last 5 trading days: Evens.

Dow: 10,674, down 11pts. Note the high of 10,712.

News items of note:

None at time of writing.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Wednesdays stated a weak possibility of a rise! Thursday, evens.
Companies reporting:


Yesterday I stated that I anticipated less then good news from Sainsburys. Today, a number of market annalists have attributed the FTSE's fall to Sainsburys poor results. Personally its all hog wash. The FTSE's dramatic and early fall wasn't solely due to the supermarkets debatable results, there was something else which I've yet to narrow down. One possibility is, that the buyers are switching stocks, if so, we'll see a rise as a mirror image.

Economic data:
09:30 UK Retail sales Oct 0.7% 0.3%

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: the DOW's had another mixed day, and again, it won't be doing the FTSE any favours tomorrow morning; company and economic results should be positive on the main; chart data says evens. On my weekly prediction its behind by 60pts.

Early gut feeling: a 70% chance of a rise.

Will I bet? Debating. My Long was pulled early by my stop gap so I'm free to play the market tomorrow.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


dc2000 said:
Hi chaps
still holding long from 92 although Im looking for a turn on the FTSE I would like a much better price before going short so will hold for a couple of days stop is now at break even anyway target Im ideally looking for is the 489/92s

I thought you had a short!

I did I posted I would take profit at 415 but only turn at outer zone which it hit this morning well it was a point out
Any views today? Thinking about going short around 5470 with a tight stop a couple of points higher than the days high. That or sit on the sidelines.