The FTSE 2006

The FTSE, Thursday 19th October 2006

Wednesdays results:
Close: 6150, up 41pts [0.68%]
Range: 6166 - 6108.

Last 5 TD: up 1.24%.
OTM: up 2.99%.

11992, up 42pts [0.36%].

Last 5 TD: up 1.18%.
OTM: up 2.66%

S&P 500
1366.96, up 1.91pts [0.14%].

Last 5 TD: up 1.18%.
OTM: up 2.24%

News items of note:
Telegraph - 'Unemployment jumped by 45,000 to its worst level for six years but the chances of an interest rate hike increased after minutes from this month's meeting of Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee showed two members voted in favour of a rise.

A total of 1.7m people were out of work in the three months to August, a quarter of a million more than a year ago. The annual increase was the highest since 2000, which pushed up the unemployment rate to 5.5pc - a rise of 0.1pc on the previous three months.'

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Wednesdays were mixed; 3 day remains in a neutral area [could go either way], daily saw a moderate early rise. Thursday, both 3 and one day are losing strength in regards to a rise and so favour little movement either way.

The PoM System: +0.75, interpretation: favours the weak rise.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Companies reporting:
None UK but several US companies

Economic Data:
09:30 UK Retail sales Sep
09:30 UK Public finances PSNCR Sep
13:30 US Initial jobless claims
15:00 US Leading indicators Sep
17:00 US Philidelphia Fed Oct

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data:...I asked where the FTSE would go tomorrow and a thousand replies pointed to the DOW. The DOW is still hesitant at the 12000 mark although today's show was quite remarkable, but tomorrow we have major US ED results and as such it's the area to watch. Charts are showing that the Bull market is weakening but no clear direction for tomorrow, whereas the PoM favours a weak rise; no CR and ED for the UK is moderate; business news is mixed and the SB companies have the FTSE opening down approx 5pts.

Early gut feeling: Neutral.

Will I bet? One failed and two successful Binarys today. Tomorrow, I expect the market to stagnate a touch until the US markets open and as such it may not be the best of days for scalping.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Friday 20th October 2006

Thursdays results:
Close: 6156, up 5pts [0.09%]
Range: 6166 - 6108.

Last 5 TD: up 0.54%.
OTM: up 3.08%.

12011, up 19pts [0.16%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.54%.
OTM: up 2.82%

S&P 500
1366.96, up 1.00pts [0.07%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.30%.
OTM: up 2.32%

News items of note:
Telegraph - 'Interest rates are still forecast to go up next month despite data released today showing an unexpected fall in September's retail sales.

Retail sales fell 0.4pc in September from the previous month compared to analysts' expectations of a 0.3pc rise as clothing retailers complained warm temperatures had depressed sales of the new autumn lines.'

NEW YORK (Reuters) - 'Factory activity in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region fell for the second straight month in October after contracting in September for the first time in more than three years, according to a survey released on Thursday.'

NEW YORK - 'Oil prices rose above $58 a barrel Thursday after Saudi Arabia signalled its support for an OPEC production cut of 1 million barrels a day.

Ministers from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries were meeting in Doha, Qatar, to hammer out an agreement on how to allocate the cut, which would begin Nov. 1.

The anticipated move by the cartel follows a more than 25 percent decline in oil prices since a mid-July peak above $78 a barrel and would be the first cut since December 2004, when oil traded slightly above $40 a barrel.

Light sweet crude for November delivery rose 99 cents to $58.64 a barrel in afternoon trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.'

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Thursday, both 3 and one day are losing strength in regards to a rise and so favoured little movement either way. Fridays, 3 day continues to grow weaker and the 1 day has changed to a weak dip.

The PoM System: +0.50, interpretation: a weak chance of a rise.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Companies reporting:
None UK.

Economic Data:
09:30 UK GDP est.

Areas to watch: Banking sector, Oil and miners.

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: well the DOW is over the fence, but in my eyes it was pushed. And the DOW doesn't like to be pushed! The FTSE reversed today to fall in line with the US markets and any unfavourable news tomorrow with certainly send it spinning south; charts favour the dip and the PoM has a weak rise for the day; business news is negative; no CR but the ED may shuffle the market south. SB companies have the FTSE opening up at evens.

Early gut feeling: A hard fall.

Will I bet? I saw a possible reverse in the market early on in the day and so a Binary 'up on the day' did exceptionaly well. My gut says down and my data says neutral for tomorrow, so I intend to scalp if it rises, but will be watching for signs of another possible, and perhaps heavier, reversal. If it falls early / on opening, I believe it will stay down for the rest of the day.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Monday 23rd October 2006

Fridays results:
Close: 6155, down 1pt [0.01%]
Range: 6199 - 6134.

Last 5 TD: down 0.03% [first time in negative territory since 25th September]
OTM: up 3.07%.

12002, down 9pts [0.08%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.35%.
OTM: up 2.74%

S&P 500
1368.6, up 1.64pts [0.12%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.22%.
OTM: up 2.44%

News items of note:
Worth a read:

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Fridays, 3 day continues to grow weaker and the 1 day has changed to a weak dip. Monday has both 3 day and intaday at neutral.

The PoM System: +0.25, interpretation: a weak chance of a rise.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Companies reporting:
None UK.
Busy day for US. Also, busy week ahead on the whole.

Economic Data:
None UK or US.

FOMC rate announcement on Wednesday.

Areas to watch:

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: the DOW slipped as anticipated on Friday, but the FTSE rebounded to end the day almost at evens which surprised me; Monday is looking positive in regards to general business news; Charts show no clear direction and the PoM favours the weak rise; no CR or ED and the SB companies have the FTSE opening up between 7-10pts.

Early gut feeling: A rise.

Will I bet? Notch up another Binary on Friday. As anticipated the market reversed, not as hard as expected, but a down is a down. Monday, at the moment business news favours a rise and seeing as both charts and PoM are not showing any clear direction this may be the deciding factor.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Tuesday 24th October 2006

Monday’s results:
Close: 6166, up 10pts [0.18%]
Range: 6181 - 6129.

Last 5 TD: down 0.09%
OTM: up 3.24%.

12116, up 114pts [0.95%].

Last 5 TD: up 1.14%.
OTM: up 3.70%

S&P 500
1377.02, up 8.42pts [0.62%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.58%.
OTM: up 3.05%

News items of note:
None at time of writing.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Monday had both 3 day and intaday at neutral. Tuesday sees a rise.

The PoM System: +2.25, interpretation: a moderate chance of a rise.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:

Economic Data:
CBI Industrial Trends Survey (10:00)
Durable Orders (08:30)

FOMC rate announcement on Wednesday.

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: yet another reversal for the FTSE today and one which wasn’t anticipated, another tomorrow? Narrrr! Charts and PoM agree on a rise; CR and ED are moderate but not expected to rattle the market either way by much and SB companies have the FTSE opening up 14pts.

Early gut feeling: A rise.

Will I bet? Broadband went down at 12pm today so no trading. Tomorrow looks positive on paper, but the FTSE is over the top in regards to where it should be. I’ll be going Long tomorrow with a 20pt SG.

Raw Data: So far this year the FTSE has a 31% chance of rising on a Tuesday.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Wednesday 25th October 2006

Tuesday’s results:
Close: 6182, up 16pts [0.27%]
Range: 6186 - 6161.

Last 5 TD: up 1.21%
OTM: up 3.51%.

12127, up 11pts [0.09%].

Last 5 TD: up 1.48%.
OTM: up 3.79%

S&P 500
1377.38, up 0.36pts [0.03%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.97%.
OTM: up 3.08%

News items of note:
Telegraph – ‘Debenhams blamed unseasonably warm weather in September for a sharp drop in sales at the start of its financial year, as customers steered clear of overcoats and other winter wear. The department store group, which floated on the stock market in May after two and a half years in private hands, said like-for-like sales fell 4.2pc in the seven weeks since September 3.’

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Tuesday saw a rise. Wednesday, putting aside the FOMC, they favour the weak rise.

The PoM System: +1.25, interpretation: a slim chance of a rise. Also recommends a ‘No Bet’ due to the unpredictability of the US ED.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:
None UK

Economic Data:
None UK
US FOMC meeting [1300hrs].

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: although weakly, all three indices rose as anticipated; business news is mixed, but on the whole is leaning towards being negative; charts favour the rise and the PoM also which recommends a ‘no bet;’ no CR but the US ED is the one to watch. SB companies have the FTSE opening up by 4pts.

Early gut feeling: A rise.

Will I bet? I’ve closed yesterdays Long and will be looking to scalp tomorrow.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Thursday 26th October 2006

Wednesday’s results:
Close: 6208, up 32pts [0.52%]
Range: 6216 - 6178.

Last 5 TD: up 1.04%
OTM: up 4.03%.

12134, up 6pts [0.06%].

Last 5 TD: up 1.18%.
OTM: up 3.84%

S&P 500
1382.22, up 4.84pts [0.35%].

Last 5 TD: up 1.19%.
OTM: up 3.43%

News items of note:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - 'The U.S. Federal Reserve on Wednesday kept its benchmark interest rate steady for a third straight meeting, saying the economy was likely to expand at a moderate pace but that it still sees some inflation risks.

As expected, the central bank's policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee voted to keep its overnight federal funds rate target at 5.25 percent, the level it reached in June after 17 straight increases since mid-2004.

The decision to keep rates steady was not unanimous.'

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Wednesday, putting aside the FOMC, they favoured the weak rise. Thursday's have no definitive direction indicated but do slightly favour the dip.

The PoM System: -2.25, interpretation: a moderate chance of moving south.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:
BHP Billiton
British American Tobacco
Royal Dutch Shell

Economic Data:
13:30 UK Durable goods orders Sep
13:30 US Initial jobless claims (000's)

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: 'The trend is your friend' is a catch phrase I loath! A trend has no pre-definitive range or time frame, is nay-on impossible to recognise at an early and profitable stage, is only quoted by people who happen by chance to be heading in the same direction and who never quote it prior to the happening only when they're sitting pretty with loads of dosh to waggle in your face. Better to say, You'll recognise the trend at the end.' This is not to say it will come sliding down the hill to land face down at your feet tomorrow, but the market needs to give up some of its recent gains in order to regain strength and push on. Don't forget your SG if your going Long tomorrow.

Charts have no clear direction and the PoM favours the down; a lot of big guns reporting tomorrow and we may see a lot of profit taking: CR is moderate but the US ED is the one to watch. Business news is neutral and the SB companies have the FTSE opening up by 10pts.

Early gut feeling: neutral, but slightly favour a fall.

Will I bet? Not sure where the market will go tomorrow and so I think its best to sit back and watch early morning market sentiment for clues.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


ukhero said:
The FTSE, Thursday 26th October 2006

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: 'The trend is your friend' is a catch phrase I loath! A trend has no pre-definitive range or time frame, is nay-on impossible to recognise at an early and profitable stage, is only quoted by people who happen by chance to be heading in the same direction and who never quote it prior to the happening only when they're sitting pretty with loads of dosh to waggle in your face. Better to say, You'll recognise the trend at the end.' This is not to say it will come sliding down the hill to land face down at your feet tomorrow, but the market needs to give up some of its recent gains in order to regain strength and push on. Don't forget your SG if your going Long tomorrow.



At last someone has come out and said it! Now I can stop calling myself a blithering idiot for not having spotted it before!

Hear, hear - there are too many patronizing and dumb cliches spouted about trading and this one is a particular classic.
Well said UK !
I've been checking the weeklies and reminded myself that this rally is not that unusual, from october 2005 to may 2006 it went up from 5119 to 6148 (not exact figures) that's a rise of 1030 points. After the may correction and a drop of 686 points the ftse started again its relentless rise, this time from 5462, and if we add 1030 we get 6492. This figure seemed improbable back in September, when the ftse was struggling with the 5800 level, but six weeks and almost 450 points later it is not as far fetched as it appeared at the time. I hope it would not get there, as I am currently short and looking for a turn between now and Monday, but I have a nasty feeling that my top guessing days are truly over, this is my last and final attempt at second guessing where the top will be, it really is a losing game. I have exhausted both my patience (with myself) and my financial resources.


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mark twain uk said:
I've been checking the weeklies and reminded myself that this rally is not that unusual, from october 2005 to may 2006 it went up from 5119 to 6148 (not exact figures) that's a rise of 1030 points. After the may correction and a drop of 686 points the ftse started again its relentless rise, this time from 5462, and if we add 1030 we get 6492. This figure seemed improbable back in September, when the ftse was struggling with the 5800 level, but six weeks and almost 450 points later it is not as far fetched as it appeared at the time. I hope it would not get there, as I am currently short and looking for a turn between now and Monday, but I have a nasty feeling that my top guessing days are truly over, this is my last and final attempt at second guessing where the top will be, it really is a losing game. I have exhausted both my patience (with myself) and my financial resources.

So you are doing the same as me? trying to spot the new trends! This is a question that I have been asking myself every morning since I have been day trading Footsie, which is only for about six weeks, having come from the swing and position trading school (going back there, too, if I don't get a turn in my fortunes, soon). The question is necessary so that I can enter on, what I believe, may be the bottoms or tops. "What trend are we in?"

The FTSE, Friday 27th October 2006

Thursday’s results:
Close: 6182, down 32pts [0.52%]
Range: 6244 - 6179.

Last 5 TD: up 0.42%
OTM: up 3.51%.

12134, up 6pts [0.06%].

Last 5 TD: up 1.18%.
OTM: up 3.84%

S&P 500
1382.22, up 4.84pts [0.35%].

Last 5 TD: up 1.19%.
OTM: up 3.43%

News items of note:
None at time of writing.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Thursday's had no definitive direction indicated but did slightly favour the dip. Friday's 1-3 day and intaday have both slipped back into neutral territory.

The PoM System, AM: +0.50, interpretation: a weak chance of a rise.

The PoM System, PM: -1.25, interpretation: a slim chance of a fall.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:

Economic Data:
None UK
13:30 US GDP
14:45 US University of Michigan confidence

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: the FTSE's turnaround was expected, but the US markets reversal was not and I think it will all end in tears if it continues. charts are neutral and the PoM favours a switch in the day; business news is swinging towards being negative; CR is tame and no ED for the UK; SB companies have the FTSE opening up by 22-27pts. A strong possibility that the FTSE will rise early morning only to fall back prior to the US markets opening.

Early gut feeling: still favour the down.

Will I bet? Did well today on the FTSE and lost it all with a bold 'Down on the day' Binary with the DOW. Hay ho! Teach me to stray into other markets. Tomorrow is not favouring any one direction so I intend to scalp again until the FTSE shows which hat she will wear.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The Monday 30th October 2006

Friday’s results:
Close: 6160, down 23pts [0.39%]
Range: 6244 - 6179.

Last 5 TD: up 0.05%
OTM: up 3.12%.

12090, down 73pts [0.60%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.74%.
OTM: up 3.48%

S&P 500
1377.34, down 11.74pts [0.85%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.64%.
OTM: up 3.08%

News items of note:
None at time of writing.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Friday's 1-3 day and Intaday had both slipped back into neutral territory. Monday’s conflict, 1-3 day are showing a strong decline whereas the Intaday shows a weak rise.

The PoM System, AM and PM: +0.25, interpretation: a weak chance of a rise and susceptible to reversing.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:

Economic Data:
09:30 UK Consumer Credit
09:30 UK Consumer Mortgages

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: the FTSE’s southern move on Friday may be seen by some to be the ‘End of the Trend,’ personally, according to my own data, until we hit the 6080ish mark will are still in an up trend, and as such Monday and Tuesday will be the telling days.

Charts show a mixed day tomorrow and the PoM favours a weak, initial rise; business news is neutral; CR is moderate and ED could rattle the market in a negative way; SB companies have the FTSE opening down by 6pts.

Early gut feeling: still favour the down.

Will I bet? When will I learn! Friday was the second day running that had me jumping for joy with profits on the FTSE only to see them dry up when I switched and misjudged the direction of the DOW. Durrrr! Stick to the FTSE UK, stick to the FTSE. Tomorrow I still favour the down, although not strongly, and therefore will be looking to capitalise via scalping.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Tuesday 31st October 2006

Monday’s results:
Close: 6131, down 29pts [0.48%]
Range: 6244 - 6179.

Last 5 TD: down 0.60%
OTM: up 2.64%.

12089, down 3pts [0.03%].

Last 5 TD: down 0.25%.
OTM: up 3.45%

S&P 500
1377.93, up 0.59pts [0.04%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.07%.
OTM: up 3.12%

News items of note:

Worth a read:

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Monday’s conflicted, 1-3 day were showing a strong decline whereas the Intaday showed a weak rise. Tuesday’s, overall, show a greater move towards a decline [1-3 day] but still contradicts with a sharp Intaday early rise.

The PoM System, AM: +1, interpretation: a slim chance of a rise.

The PoM System, PM: recommends a ‘no bet.’

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:
Imperial Tobacco

Economic Data:
07:00 UK Nationwide house prices Oct
10:30 UK Gfk Consumer confidence Oct
11:00 UK CBI distributive trades report Oct

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: the US markets are stalling prior to the FOMC rates decision on Wednesday and as such are unpredictable; the FTSE’s additional shuffle south today was anticipated but tomorrow we have mixed messages and perhaps it’s best avoided. Charts still favour the decline and the PoM sees an early rise [after pre-open] but recommends a ‘No bet’ overall; CR is tame and ED is moderate but not expected to shuffle the market, although the market is looking for excuses to move further south. SB companies have the FTSE down a further 22pts on opening.

Early gut feeling: still favour the down.

Will I bet? Got my own back on the DOW today. For tomorrow I think the FTSE is best left alone until the dust settles.

I’ve studied too long and hard tonight and all I see is mush! I’ll be watching from the ‘wings,’ as they say.

Raw data: last day of the month [so far this year] favours the down @ 77%; Tuesdays have 66% change of ending the day down. The last day of October, over the past twelve years, favours the rise @ 75%.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Wednesday 1st November 2006

Tuesday’s results:
Close: 6129, down 2pts [0.04%]
Range: 6149 - 6110.

Last 5 TD: down 0.86%
OTM: up 2.64%.

12080, down 5pts [0.05%].

Last 5 TD: down 39%.
OTM: up 3.40%

S&P 500
1377.94, up 0.01pts [0.01%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.05%.
OTM: up 3.13%

News items of note:

Worth a read:

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Tuesday’s, overall, showed a greater move towards a decline [1-3 day] but still contradicted with a weak Intaday rise. Wednesday’s still favour the 1-3 day dip and Intaday is undecided.

The PoM System, AM: +3.75, interpretation: a strong chance of a rise.

The PoM System, PM: recommends a ‘No Bet.’

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:

Economic Data:
09:30 UK PMI manufacturing

Can anyone confirm the next FOMC meeting, my ED web site says tomorrow but my dairy says otherwise!

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: a lot of stock and share swapping today, which, to me, indicates a rise tomorrow; charts favour the down but the PoM sees a bold rise; CR and ED are tame; SB companies have the FTSE opening up at evens.

Early gut feeling: a rise.

Will I bet? Glad I stayed out of the market today. Tomorrow I’ll be going a small Long.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Thursday 2nd November 2006

Wednesday’s results:
Close: 6149, up 20pts [0.33%]
Range: 6180 - 6129.

Last 5 TD: down 1.05%
OTM: up 0.33%.

12031, down 49pts [0.41%].

Last 5 TD: down 0.85%.
OTM: down 0.41%

S&P 500
1367.81, down 10.73pts [0.74%].

Last 5 TD: down 1.04%.
OTM: down 0.74%

News items of note:
None at time of writing.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: [/Wednesday’s still favoured the 1-3 day dip and Intaday was undecided. Thursday’s, 1-3 day and Intaday favour the drop.

The PoM System, AM: –1.25, interpretation: a slim chance of a fall.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:

Economic Data:
None UK
Busy day for the US.

Areas to watch tomorrow: Miners [estimated as neutral] and Oil [rise expected].

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: if miners fall and Oil rises they will cancel each other out, but if both fall we’ll see a heavy FTSE tumble; Charts and PoM agree on a move south; CR has already seen the profit takers and no ED, but the US ED could be a market shaker at 1330pm; business news is quiet and SB companies have the FTSE opening down a heavy 33pts.

Early gut feeling: a drop.

Will I bet? Long closed and already shorted for tomorrow @6168. The US markets could turn North tomorrow if the ED is exceptional, but I think not. Even so, I intend to close my short prior to there release, or if the market gains strength and climbs above 6135

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Friday 3rd November 2006

Thursday’s results:
Close: 6149, down 1pts [0.00%]
Range: 6172 - 6115.

Last 5 TD: down 0.57%
OTM: up 0.33%.

12018, down 12pts [0.10%].

Last 5 TD: down 1.20%.
OTM: down 0.52%

S&P 500
1367.34, down 0.47pts [0.03%].

Last 5 TD: down 1.57%.
OTM: down 0.77%

News items of note:
None at time of writing.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Thursday’s, 1-3 day and Intaday favoured the drop. Friday’s 1-3 favour a weak rise, intaday is neutral.

The PoM System, AM: +.75, interpretation: a weak chance of a rise.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:
BA Traffic

Economic Data:
09:30 UK PMI services
13:30 US Non-farm payrolls
15:00 US ISM non-manufacturing

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: the FTSE didn’t know which hat to wear today, such is the fickleness of the index. Both charts and PoM favour the weak rise; business news is mixed; no major CR and ED is tame, but the US NFP is the one to watch, and a bad report will send all the markets tumbling; I notice big institutions are cherry picking stocks, this shows an element of uncertainty; SB companies have the FTSE opening down 7pts.

Early gut feeling: neutral.

Will I bet? My short was plugged early by the SG and just as well considering the up down day we’ve had. No big clues for early morning direction tomorrow, so I intend to watch and choose my moment.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Monday 6th November 2006

Friday’s results:
Close: 6148, down 1pt [0.02%]
Range: 6177 - 6134.

Last 5 TD: down 0.21%
OTM: up 0.31%.

11986, down 32pts [0.27%].

Last 5 TD: down 0.86%.
OTM: down 0.79%

S&P 500
1364.30, down 3.04pts [0.22%].

Last 5 TD: down 0.95%.
OTM: down 0.99%

News items of note:
None at time of writing.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Friday’s 1-3 favoured a weak rise, intaday was neutral. Monday’s 1-3 day indicates a fall, the Intraday favours a weak dip.

The PoM System, AM: -0.75, interpretation: a weak chance of a dip.

The PoM System, PM: +0.75, interpretation: a weak chance of a reverse.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:
None for UK on Monday, but there is a busy week ahead. Expect a greater abundance of profit taking.

Economic Data:
09:30 UK Industrial Production.

BOE on 10th November.

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: The FTSE’s shuffle south on Friday from a high of 6177 could have been much worse, but thanks to the substantial rise in the price of Oil the Oil sector offset any major dip. Don’t expect this saving grace to continue as charts and data indicate a gradual decline in November. Charts and PoM favour a weak dip; business news is neutral; no CR and ED is tame and a high degree of profit taking is expected this coming week. SB companies have the FTSE opening up at evens.

Early gut feeling: neutral – moving towards a southern move.

Will I bet? Will be watching early signs that lend support to a southern move.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.


The FTSE, Tuesday 7th November 2006

Monday’s results:
Close: 6224, up 76pts [1.24%]
Range: 6224 - 6146.

Last 5 TD: up 1.59%
OTM: up 1.55%.

12105, up 119pts [1.00%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.16%.
OTM: up 0.21%

S&P 500
1379.78, up 15.48pts [1.13%].

Last 5 TD: up 0.14%.
OTM: up 0.14%

News items of note:
None at time of writing.

Charts, and nothing but the charts: Monday’s 1-3 day indicated a fall, the Intraday favoured a weak dip. How wrong they were! Tuesday’s 1-3 day are neutral and Intraday supports an early rise.

The PoM System, AM: -0.50, interpretation: a weak chance of a dip.

The PoM System, PM: –2.0, interpretation: a moderate chance of a move south.

The PoM system is a mathematical formula that determines the markets direction. A plus or minus indicates the likelihood and strength of the market going up or down. Note: its weakness is strong trends, whereas its strength lies in a turbulent/up down markets.

Company’s reporting:

Economic Data:
11:00 UK BRC sales monitor.

BOE on 10th November.

The FTSE tomorrow based on present news and data: after today’s unpredicted rise it’s difficult to determine tomorrows direction, we could see an early morning rise only for it to fizzle out if the US markets concede to profit takers, or, a further climb all round as data says there is still room for more. Which is the most likely considering circumstances?

Charts see an early rise whereas the PoM sees a move south; CR is expected to be positive and could quite easily lift the market higher, ED is tame; business news is positive; profit takers are holding back, it could be a case of waiting until the BOE on Friday before they make a final selling/holding decision. SB companies have the FTSE opening up by 5pts.

Early gut feeling: don’t know! Although I can see an up down day.

Will I bet? Charts, PoM and general thoughts were well out of line in regards to the markets direction yesterday. My excuse: I travelled over 400 miles on Sunday visiting relatives. Tired and hungry I failed to study the US markets sufficiently enough and hence got it wrong. Tomorrow will be another day when you’ll need to watch early morning market sentiment for clues rather then data or charts.

If you are betting: make your own decision, watch the markets open and do read the news for clues as to which way the FTSE may go.

