You are joking aren't you ? Anyone who finances both sides of a war is peddling in death which is evil in my view.
u see when 2 parties who hav had a tiff and have tried negotiating, and eventually talks broke down and all avenues of diplomacy have been exhausted, and they then both declare war on each other, and they promise to smash each other up despite what anyone else says, where would you stand a s a Rothschild with billions sitting around. Would you rather finance one party by loaning them money with interest due back, or both, given that you dont favour any of them, and given they were gonna fight anyway with or without your money ! Its not a joke , thas serious money for the kids there !
anyway its impossible to measure the Rothschilds wealth.
we could give it a shot by starting with the US and the UK national debts combined and not including interest. Thats a couple a Trillions.
Then we go to the IMF, and try an add up how much all these struggling third world countries owe the IMF, that would add some trillions too
Then we do the same with the World Bank ( im not sure if its one and the same with the IMF).
Then we cross over to GOLD and Diamonds, and try and see how much of this gold and diamond trade they control.
thats a far my eyes can see,
but i think with these folk its not about money in the bank, but pulling every string in the world.
If it was about money then theyd crash Wall Street every 2 yrs, fastrack bailouts, set up multiple TARPS and order every Central bank in the western world to do quantitative easing just for fun:cheesy: