Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

This a fact that I find difficult to face but it is true. Pakistan is one of the West's biggest examples of hipocracy and one of the reasons that the Taliban find shelter there. Wherever terrorists can exist we should question our friendship with those nations. Libia was another one.

did u know that the us sends money to pakistan,which gets sent to al qaida,the us knows of this and they are still sendim them the money
the reason us wants to destroy lybia and pakistan is because they are chinese allies,they are trying to take down syria with their own cia led propaganda protests,but they cant
if they take syria down,iran looses support,israel could nuke iran easily,iran will strike back,there u go 3rd world war.usa comes,rusisia comes,nato fags come ,china in allie support for russia,its all in teh hands of israelis,
they are the one who killed and kicked out millions of palesitnians,who allowed them into their home,they kick the palestinians out,then call them extremists for defending themselves

when u start to talk against israel they call u anti jew,they always start to throw in the hitler and ****,why dont they start to throw in what they did to palestinians,
is anyone asking that
That's because the title of the thread says it all and we have been fighting a war on terror - to coin a phrase... Which not suprisingly may explain why the US has been going down the pan. Dog chasing its tail comes to mind... 😱

Oh well at least Obama is making good political capital and I do like him and he gets my vote. Sock it to the Republicans I say... 👍

ye a president that gets $450k a year,used to get like $70k a year from his college teaching,now has a $8m stake in a major fund in usa
i wonder where all the money came from?
hmmm ,ill take a guess,soros,rockefeller,rothchilds,goldmanites,jp,israel,albanian drug lords and human trafickers,and other 😈
Pakistan has weapons of mass destruction and hates Israel, India and USA.

We should nuke Pakistan asap, and be done with the terrorist hellhole.
Pakistan spends billions of dollars buying US military hardware

Pakistan does not spend such a huge amount on military hardware by world standards.
half its military equipment is donated by the the U.S

Most of its military budget is spend on its nuclear arsenal
aimed at India.(India has never initiated any of the wars fought so far)
Sadly the amount spent on its military accounts for 16% of its budget.
forcing it to neglect other essential basic services for its people which might to some extend explain the appeal of fundamentalism
should India retaliate similarly it would be only the second highest military spender after the States, and about 6/7 times China's military budget.

pakistan's military budget is 5billion
source imf:itsi national statistics

Basically a bandit country of no use.
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The USA should use its military hardware on the Islamoterrorist country of Pakistan.

If necessary, we should nuke the Osama-hiding Pakistani terrorist baastaads. Or at least we should give India our blessings to do it.
Pakistan does not spend such a huge amount on military hardware by world standards.
half its military equipment is donated by the the U.S

Most of its military budget is spend on its nuclear arsenal
aimed at India.(India has never initiated any of the wars fought so far)
Sadly the amount spent on its military accounts for 16% of its budget.
forcing it to neglect other essential basic services for its people which might to some extend explain the appeal of fundamentalism
should India retaliate similarly it would be only the second highest military spender after the States, and about 6/7 times China's military budget.

pakistan's military budget is 5billion
source imf:itsi national statistics

Basically a bandit country of no use.

Which makes the recently tripled aid budget from the UK to Pakistan of £650 Million over the next 4 years something of a mystery.

To claim it is all for education to prevent fundamentalist indoctrination is a bit of a stretch.

What are we missing?

Pakistan does not spend such a huge amount on military hardware by world standards.
half its military equipment is donated by the the U.S

Most of its military budget is spend on its nuclear arsenal
aimed at India.(India has never initiated any of the wars fought so far)
Sadly the amount spent on its military accounts for 16% of its budget.
forcing it to neglect other essential basic services for its people which might to some extend explain the appeal of fundamentalism
should India retaliate similarly it would be only the second highest military spender after the States, and about 6/7 times China's military budget.

pakistan's military budget is 5billion
source imf:itsi national statistics

Basically a bandit country of no use.

Pakistan is not a bandit country. It is a country in a dificult region of the world.

As for aid - when countries give aid to the poor - usually they can only spend that money with conditions attached.

It's simply money coming back into the lending country to prop up their military sales (call it subsidies).

As for India - it should know a stable well managed country is better than one that is like Afghanistan.

You have to ask where does Pakistan spend its money buying weapons?

Does India seriously believe US and UK has India's and Pakistan's best interest at heart?

Many Indians and Pakistanis fall into this trap of nationalism and ethnicity without wondering asking wtf is going on here... :idea:
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As for aid - when countries give aid to the poor - usually they can only spend that money with conditions attached.

It's simply money coming back into the lending country to prop up their military sales (call it subsidies).

'International aid' sadly is a euphemism which actually should be called a bribe or 'monies paid for services rendered'. I hate to sound cynical but it shocks me how many people seem to think that this is some kind of 'present'; of course in reality, the rich nations would not hand over any cash if they didn't think that they were getting something substantial in return. It is an international power-game of give and take.

Many Indians and Pakistanis fail into this trap of nationalism and ethnicity without wondering asking wtf is going on here...

Sadly, this is a facet of human nature and recurs again and again throughout history all over the world. Business as usual.
All the UK seem to do is give things away to other countries, don't think that it's benefited them though, our media has constantly proven how corrupt our government and public sector is, hundreds of millions of pounds of tax payers money is lost to fraud in the public sector, from the NHS to foreign aid, all because it's offensive to question what "consultants" do with money.

With regards to Pakistan, Pakistani's can freely move to the UK under the common wealth anyway, anybody who says other wise is living in a dream world, Go to any "Asian" area in Britain and you'll find loads of immigration companies that will legally get all your relatives a British passport for a couple of hundred quid. The government has known about this loophole for over 30 years and done nothing to stop it, again, services rendered.

What worries me is I don't think America is aware just how big the Muslim population is in the UK now and even more worryingly just how much more home grown terrorism is promoted and supported by local councils and in some cases even the government.

Most of these extremist groups now exploit diversity and equality laws to stop others objecting. Anybody who dares question a muslims beliefs will be facing severe sanctions anyway, be it fines, loss of a job and in some cases even imprisonment. Open any local newspaper and gauranteed they'll be a story about how an offended muslim has sued someone. This is the current law and the majority labour voters are pushing for further sanctions to be added to the "equality" act. The equality act 2010 in the UK is treated the same as the Black Economic Empowerment laws of south africa mainly due to fear of repraisal, unsuitable people are taking up key positions within the public sector because bosses are too scared to "discriminate" against them. This is how extremist groups are able to get funding from British public funds, they worm their way into key positions with their comrades in tow and before you know it the money starts disappearing.

I for one don't blame America for its war on terrorism, I thank them for being the only country in the world to be protecting Western values, because I can tell you hand on heart that the UK will eventually be run by the enemy. We are only supporting America out of necessity, in another 10 years UK foreign policies will be drastically different. I'm taking my positions in the market based on the fact that I know people who work in the public sector and trust their warnings and advice.

As traders we are lucky on 2 counts, 1 we can profit from the effects of globalisation and terrorism and 2 we can choose to live anywhere we want in the world with an internet connection. So if you are from the UK and relate to what I've just said, just remember how lucky you are to be a trader, Gibralter, Aus and Jersey are all within reach ;-)
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Pakistan is not a bandit country. It is a country in a dificult region of the world

Pakistan is a bandit country because it chooses to be.the sole purpose of the ISI is supporting terrorism mainly against India
As for aid - when countries give aid to the poor - usually they can only spend that money with conditions attached.
It's simply money coming back into the lending country to prop up their military sales (call it subsidies).
Pakistan loves nothing better than spending every available penny on it army
regardless of whether it is from Aid or sufferance of its people
The Generals are more powerful than the politicians
As for India - it should know a stable well managed country is better than one that is like Afghanistan
Listen to Manmohan Singh, when he talks about Pakistan and how much he wishes the place of his birth will be a democracy one day.
Pakistan claims Indian Territory not the other way around.

You have to ask where does Pakistan spend its money buying weapons
Where do all countries get their weapons from!
Its not where it gets it weapons from but whether, these countries can afford them?

Does India seriously believe US and UK has India's and Pakistan's best interest at heart?
India is big enough not to be bothered about The US and Britain's Intentions.

Many Indians and Pakistanis fail into this trap of nationalism and ethnicity without wondering asking wtf is going on here... :idea:

Nothing wrong in having strong national values!
Brits could learn a bit more about treasuring national values.
And lets not Insult the Pakistanis and Indians about ethnicity. The know that they are essentially the same.
It is the ISI and the BJP that tries to whip up nationalism based on religious grounds.

Does anyone here, know what the true nature of the conflict is here between these two countries?
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Hopefully, within our lifetimes, the only organisms that will be able to survive the radioactivity in Pakistan will be cockroaches.

USA, India, Israel and UK muist prepare the nuclear option against the islamic terrorists of Pakistan.

Pakistan is a bandit country because it chooses to be.the sole purpose of the ISI is supporting terrorism mainly against India

Pakistan loves nothing better than spending every available penny on it army
regardless of whether it is from Aid or sufferance of its people
The Generals are more powerful than the politicians
Listen to Manmohan Singh, when he talks about Pakistan and how much he wishes the place of his birth will be a democracy one day.
Pakistan claims Indian Territory not the other way around.

Where do all countries get their weapons from!
Its not where it gets it weapons from but whether, these countries can afford them?

India is big enough not to be bothered about The US and Britain's Intentions.

Nothing wrong in having strong national values!
Brits could learn a bit more about treasuring national values.
And lets not Insult the Pakistanis and Indians about ethnicity. The know that they are essentially the same.
It is the ISI and the BJP that tries to whip up nationalism based on religious grounds.

Does anyone here, know what the true nature of the conflict is here between these two countries?

I think you are being very harsh gamma.

Don't forget the assasination of Benazir Bhutto and few attempts at Pervez Musharraf too. I would call it a turbulent country with good many power struggles. Not all bad but difficult to rule with such determined forces at work.

To feed the hate mongering appetite of people with vested interests is not good. Don't yield to the evil forces that are at play. We should all work towards helping one another.

It would be very difficult for any one person to create an established democracy and well managed government. Just life in its many aspects.

We should be looking to spread good words and win hearts and minds.

Strong national values are good when they are inclusive. Strong national values lose meaning when you have any nation with many rich diverse cultural values. That's a tough one to explain or control and who decides what's included in the list of values or not. I don't belong to this notion of having to belong to some ideal. Just exist as one does. What is the point of trying to define who we are. Just do the right thing - inclusive of humanity as a whole.

I have no idea what India or Pakistan are fighting for but do enjoy their cricket matches especially with all my friends at work. Makes for some wild cheers and interesting humour dynamics... 🙂

I have no idea what that numb nut TP is saying as I have him on ignore but I can see he would revel in hate - like flies hovering over ****...
There you go again Atilla,

Bringing politeness and good reason to a argument.
thereby forcing the argument back to to gentle debate.
I only wish everyone else had your compassion and understanding.

I am merely quoting from the economist however must admit that, the economist can be biased, even thought it tries to convey a degree of impartiality.
The major problem as I see it is,the Generals are just too powerful, and see only a military solution to every issue, leaving the politicians with very little power.
The major problem between India and Pakistan is.
There are five major rivers that start of Indian Kashmir run through Pakistan Kashmir back into India, whoever controls this area has the power of supply to 200 million people.
Pakistan with its major problems with water and India having to provide for 200 million can throw some major issues as you can imagine.This is the basic element of the problem, not religion as the ISi and the BJP like to throw up.
There you go again Atilla,

Bringing politeness and good reason to a argument.
thereby forcing the argument back to to gentle debate.
I only wish everyone else had your compassion and understanding.

I am merely quoting from the economist however must admit that, the economist can be biased, even thought it tries to convey a degree of impartiality.
The major problem as I see it is,the Generals are just too powerful, and see only a military solution to every issue, leaving the politicians with very little power.
The major problem between India and Pakistan is.
There are five major rivers that start of Indian Kashmir run through Pakistan Kashmir back into India, whoever controls this area has the power of supply to 200 million people.
Pakistan with its major problems with water and India having to provide for 200 million can throw some major issues as you can imagine.This is the basic element of the problem, not religion as the ISi and the BJP like to throw up.

Cheers Gamma and I thought it had something to do Kashmir and I agree future wars will be over water that's for sure.

I would like to see India and Pakistan unite to become one country again. I'd throw Bangladesh in their too. Perhaps like the UK.

You know my sentiments as I have no idea why anyone would want to setup their own little government when they can participate in the bigger whole universe.

I do recognise and respect your views and you are correct but if I felt any country needed help and support right now it is Pakistan. I see India as an established well managed thriving democracy already. Good for them too for the hard working people that they are...

I was wondering with cricket and support and celebrities whether Imran Khan can unite and establish some form of stable government in Pakistan. I'd certainly would like him to get elected and try.
I was wondering with cricket and support and celebrities whether Imran Khan can unite and establish some form of stable government in Pakistan.

He couldn't even unite with his missus and establish a stable marriage.

Great cricketer, sh1te politician.

A bit like expecting Botham to be Prime Minister.
He couldn't even unite with his missus and establish a stable marriage.

Great cricketer, sh1te politician.

A bit like expecting Botham to be Prime Minister.

Raegan was a great socialite... Never heard a bad word against him. A true politician.

I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and let him get a few innings ... 👍
I am sure there are plenty good politician's in Pakistan, like the governor of Punjab who was killed.
If the Army were to release its stranglehold, on the country and funds were spent on educating its people, the people will elect the right persons and then the country will be a competitive force in Industry and commerce like India, as the Pakistanis have all the same strengths as India

As a side note has anyone heard any of the speeches Reagan gave, when he was a young Politician, regardless of whether you agree with his views or not. He was a very eloquent orator
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I am sure there are plenty good politician's in Pakistan, like the governor of Punjab who was killed.
If the Army were to release its stranglehold, on the country and funds were spent on educating its people, the people will elect the right persons and then the country will be a competitive force in Industry and commerce like India, as the Pakistanis have all the same strengths as India

As a side note has anyone heard any of the speeches Reagan gave, when he was a young Politician, regardless of whether you agree with his views or not. He was a very eloquent orator

Yep agreed - but they lack free thinkers... Too much into self righteous religion. Staunts growth and development. This is why Islam lost the lead and credibility it had many centuries ago.
I am positive that statistical analysis will demonstrate that most of the world's terrorists are Pakistani. We should rid ourselves of this problem once and for all.
I am positive that statistical analysis will demonstrate that most of the world's terrorists are Pakistani. We should rid ourselves of this problem once and for all.

The great irony of your posts is that you seem to have an identical mind-set to the people you are criticizing. Your attitude simply proves that violent dogmatic extremism is a common feature of humanity.

The tragedy is that more violence breeds more fear leading to more violence and so the cycle is perpetrated.