This a fact that I find difficult to face but it is true. Pakistan is one of the West's biggest examples of hipocracy and one of the reasons that the Taliban find shelter there. Wherever terrorists can exist we should question our friendship with those nations. Libia was another one.
did u know that the us sends money to pakistan,which gets sent to al qaida,the us knows of this and they are still sendim them the money
the reason us wants to destroy lybia and pakistan is because they are chinese allies,they are trying to take down syria with their own cia led propaganda protests,but they cant
if they take syria down,iran looses support,israel could nuke iran easily,iran will strike back,there u go 3rd world war.usa comes,rusisia comes,nato fags come ,china in allie support for russia,its all in teh hands of israelis,
they are the one who killed and kicked out millions of palesitnians,who allowed them into their home,they kick the palestinians out,then call them extremists for defending themselves
when u start to talk against israel they call u anti jew,they always start to throw in the hitler and ****,why dont they start to throw in what they did to palestinians,
is anyone asking that