Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

Just a bad smell about it all - start to end imho.

I reckon the bad smell emanates from Pakistan.

Why didn't they pick him up before ?

They almost certainly knew he was there ... and wtf was Cameron apologising to those creeps for and throwing sh1tloads of money that we can't afford at them.

Diplomacy smells like sh1t too.
I reckon the bad smell emanates from Pakistan.

Why didn't they pick him up before ?

They almost certainly knew he was there ... and wtf was Cameron apologising to those creeps for and throwing sh1tloads of money that we can't afford at them.

Diplomacy smells like sh1t too.

Yep agreed. I reckon the Taliban are/was perceived as an asset to them but I think they now recognise it as a pain in the ass.

I still hold the view though that effing creature on a dialyses machine not exactly a triumph for US intelligence.

I've read that what may be significant is the recent reshuffling of positions between CIA and Pentagon. There may be internal war between the spooks and soldiers. This could be a case of Pentagon kicking spook and old politician (Bush & Co running mates) ass.

It is possible Pentagon saw no value in maintaining status quo and got rid of dirty laundry.
Couldn't agree more. If people have so little respect for life, that they celebrate in someone being killed, essentially an assassination, then there is no moral high ground to be had.

I also don't understand what 'good' has been achieved here. Good for Obama's popularity figures maybe. I'm not any safer, and the world isnt' any safer from this.

Well, I think that he is better off out of circulation even if it is for no other reason than catching the instigator of the deaths of thousands of people. I don't think that it is worth more than a news bulletin, though, and I saw photos of him being set alight. I expected that behaviour from more uncivilised societies, to be truthful.
I'm glad he may be and I'm not interested in your bet but consider this:-

If I was running Bin Laden's end of the situation I would have a number of lookalikes for security. After schooling the lookalike I would let it be known where the US could find BL. Only the US doesn't know its a setup with a lookalike.
The US charges in, kills various civilians and announces to the world BL is dead.
Yoohoo trumpets sound !!
Then BL gives another press conference to prove he is still alive, the US has shot more civilians and look who is the big fool yet again!

OK maybe they are'nt quite as devious. Lets hope not.

Shot in the head says the report. Not really much use for interrogation then is he ?

Now come to the burial. Buried at sea says the US. Well that's a major blunder. It will offend and inflame about 1 billion muslims around the world and satisfy many less.
Also the major evidence is destroyed. Do the cops destroy the major bit of evidence in a crime case. Of course not.

The US has a bad habit of bungling just about everything it touches. Their allies look on aghast at their stupidity. Not again they must be saying !!
I'm glad he may be and I'm not interested in your bet but consider this:-

If I was running Bin Laden's end of the situation I would have a number of lookalikes for security. After schooling the lookalike I would let it be known where the US could find BL. Only the US doesn't know its a setup with a lookalike.
The US charges in, kills various civilians and announces to the world BL is dead.
Yoohoo trumpets sound !!
Then BL gives another press conference to prove he is still alive, the US has shot more civilians and look who is the big fool yet again!

OK maybe they are'nt quite as devious. Lets hope not.

Shot in the head says the report. Not really much use for interrogation then is he ?

Now come to the burial. Buried at sea says the US. Well that's a major blunder. It will offend and inflame about 1 billion muslims around the world and satisfy many less.
Also the major evidence is destroyed. Do the cops destroy the major bit of evidence in a crime case. Of course not.

The US has a bad habit of bungling just about everything it touches. Their allies look on aghast at their stupidity. Not again they must be saying !!

I agree Pat, nothing makes much sense and goes against ones common sense and logic.

I simply do not believe anything any authority tells the public. Look at several sources. I find listening to Chinese and Russian news makes more sense to me. I'm a bit of an anarchist at heart in my old age... (y)

As I've always said - I can't and don't understand how they can take 29 days for Michael Jackon's autopsy and 15 days for scrapping and melting metal down at ground zero. One would think they'd want to explore and study stress and fractures so they could make stronger buildings to stand up to fires etc etc.

Mystery indeed...

Just heard on the news - they didn't want his burial ground to become a pilgrimage site and Saudies declined to accept the body back. Don't understand why they couldn't just cremate the ****** instead of polluting the oceans...
americans are brought up on shallow, simplistic, gung-ho movies, and think that killing OBL is like some climax to a james bond movie, where the bad-guy gets killed and all is well, and everyone lives happily ever after.

the network of islamic cells will simply have a new leader, and new direction. the death of OBL may even create a power vacuum that a more virulent proponent steps into.

divide and conquer is an effective way of ensuring power, by getting them to fight each other.
makes more economic sense, as we can sell guns to both sides, crowing on about freedom, liberty and justice, whilst imposing super-injunctions upon our own people.

the only reason OBL managed to escape the clutches of the western forces for so long as leader of Al-Qaeda in the 2000s was because he was so well trained by western forces when he was a fighter for the western-backed mujahideen in the 1980s.
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Oh dear, what sad and tragic loss of a precious life.

I’m absolutely devastated he wasn’t taken alive ( now if I was a conspiracy theorist I’d be arguing that right now he’s probably in some prison cell in the US being water boarded but I’ll leave it to others to spam the site with that kind of crap ).

Anyway, I think the best thing now would be if the Americans built a MacDonald’s within sight of the spot where Bin laden was executed! Ahem, errr, I mean where he accidentally got shot whilst bravely hiding behind his missus.

Now don’t misunderstand me, this certainly would not be a Victory MacDonald’s meant specifically to wind up Muslims. Oh no! I think there are people in the local community that would genuinely like to use the establishment, and besides, I think it would do a lot to promote multiculturalism, inter faith harmony and social cohesion.

I think it would be very unwise if the Pakistan government blocked the building of a MacDonald’s at this particular location, it might send the wrong message to non-muslim countries who might get awfully jolly damned upset and then inadvertently accidentally send an unmanned drone to bomb wedding parties and baby milk factories in Pakistan.

Pakistan - you have been warned :mad:

Yes, and they should serve up pork burgers there.

I'm sure they will serve up "pork", complete with bits of pigs anuses, pigs eyes, ground up pigs bones.
And to top it all off, a generous portion of pigs ears.

They'd probably call them Freedom Burgers.
Oh dear, what sad and tragic loss of a precious life.

I’m absolutely devastated he wasn’t taken alive ( now if I was a conspiracy theorist I’d be arguing that right now he’s probably in some prison cell in the US being water boarded but I’ll leave it to others to spam the site with that kind of crap ).

Anyway, I think the best thing now would be if the Americans built a MacDonald’s within sight of the spot where Bin laden was executed! Ahem, errr, I mean where he accidentally got shot whilst bravely hiding behind his missus.

Now don’t misunderstand me, this certainly would not be a Victory MacDonald’s meant specifically to wind up Muslims. Oh no! I think there are people in the local community that would genuinely like to use the establishment, and besides, I think it would do a lot to promote multiculturalism, inter faith harmony and social cohesion.

I think it would be very unwise if the Pakistan government blocked the building of a MacDonald’s at this particular location, it might send the wrong message to non-muslim countries who might get awfully jolly damned upset and then inadvertently accidentally send an unmanned drone to bomb wedding parties and baby milk factories in Pakistan.

Pakistan - you have been warned :mad:


Higher DD, thought you dropped off into a little hole in the ground and went to see your big daddy or somefin... :)

Good to see you still around. I do like your humour but you are way off the tangent on your conspiracy theories again.

It is now obvious the photo released for mass public consumption is adopted and not real photo of his dead body. Thus, why release it?

What ever state his in, official do not want you to know either way. Officials do not want you to know anything meaningful as they are above and beyond your level of comprehension and appreciation. Or at least they would like to think so.

We are also told they had been watching this place and find it amazing the Pakistani authorities didn't know either. I reckon they all knew. There is no proof but the alternatives don't sound probable.

I also somehow think he died a natural death of old age where his kidneys finally packed up - assuming they couldn't find a replacement for his blood type.

McDonalds would be suitable attribute to his death as he was a thorough CIA man from beginning to end. Even a medal of honour would be agreeable imho.
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:LOL: The US only has to open its mouth and this thread is good for half a dozen pages!

You are being a trifle harsh - as yesterday I heard nothing but his death on the news back to back coverage...

You can't deny it is a momentus occasion... I reckon some more street parties are called for.

As for sad loss of life thoughts displayed - I strongly disagree. Some people deserve to be 12 feet under...
I also somehow think he died a natural death of old age where his kidneys finally packed up - assuming they couldn't find a replacement for his blood type.

Aha! The damage limitation exercise is has begun has it? :LOL:

You can’t bring him back from the dead Atillah but you can still try to protect his image. So spin away all you like Atillah :cheesy:

He was a coward that sent virgins on suicide missions. When his moment came he hid behind his wife.

He wasn't ready to die, he knew there was nothing but void and oblivion beyond the grave, or even worse, a higher power ready to pass judgement upon him. Either way he was fecked.

If he's lucky the atheists are right!

Aha! The damage limitation exercise is has begun has it? :LOL:

You can’t bring him back from the dead Atillah but you can still try to protect his image. So spin away all you like Atillah :cheesy:

He was a coward that sent virgins on suicide missions. When his moment came he hid behind his wife.

He wasn't ready to die, he knew there was nothing but void and oblivion beyond the grave, or even worse, a higher power ready to pass judgement upon him. Either way he was fecked.

If he's lucky the atheists are right!


You got the wrong end of the stick.

He was protected by the Pakistani and US elements.

The fact that his body is not available you can either accept the BS line or make up any story one likes.

All I'm doing is considering the possible options.

Never liked or supported the *******.

I simply refuse to believe the gutter BS that is trumpeted out as news.

Doctored photos, he declined to surrender and they shot him twice in the head and then gave him a burial at sea... Ofcourse it must be all true... :LOL:
You are being a trifle harsh - as yesterday I heard nothing but his death on the news back to back coverage...

You can't deny it is a momentus occasion... I reckon some more street parties are called for.

As for sad loss of life thoughts displayed - I strongly disagree. Some people deserve to be 12 feet under...

Not so momentous when one considers that his organisation has many heads. I'm far more excited with the uprisings throughout the Arab countries.

The Arab man in the street has had enough and good luck to him.
Not so momentous when one considers that his organisation has many heads. .

Here is THE one head they will be after next

ISLAMABAD: Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian surgeon considered the real mastermind of the global terror franchise, is now set to succeed Osama bin Laden as the world's most wanted man.

Like his Saudi-born co-conspirator, Zawahiri has been hiding ever since the United States declared its war on terror after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Unlike his late comrade, who President Barack Obama said was killed by US forces in Pakistan, Zawahiri is presumed still at large with organisational skills, cunning and intelligence said to eclipse that of bin Laden.

Reportedly last seen in October 2001 in eastern Afghanistan, close to the Pakistan border, he has released multiple videos from his hiding, calling for war on the West. While bin Laden was seen as Al-Qaeda's inspiration, his deputy is believed to be the real brains that steered operations, including the September 11 attacks, and as a result arguably even more dangerous.

The former eye surgeon's position as bin Laden's main strategist and mentor earned the 59-year-old a $25 million bounty on his head. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation's list of most wanted terrorists said he was also bin Laden's personal doctor.

As bin Laden withdrew from the public eye after 2004, it was often up to Zawahiri, identifiable by a prominent lump on his forehead, to motivate the group's followers with a series of hectoring video appearances, jabbing his finger and staring from behind heavy-rimmed glasses.

Zawahiri met bin Laden when thousands of Islamist fighters from around the world flooded into Afghanistan during the 1980s "jihad", or holy war, against Soviet forces.

Zawahiri hails from a wealthy Egyptian family. His father was a reputed physician and one of his grandfathers a prayer leader at Cairo's Al-Azhar institute, the highest authority for Sunni Muslims.

He became involved with Egypt's radical Muslim community at a young age and was reportedly arrested as young as 15 for being a member of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, the Arab world's oldest fundamentalist group. He has published several books and studies on Islamic fundamentalism, which came for many to symbolize the radical Islamist movement. He married in 1979 and trained as a surgeon in Cairo.

Zawahiri was jailed for three years in Egypt for militancy and was implicated in the 1981 assassination of president Anwar Sadat and the massacre of foreign tourists at the city of Luxor in 1997.

Facing a death sentence, he left Egypt in the mid-1980s initially for Saudi Arabia, but soon he headed for Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar where the resistance to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan was based. He worked as a doctor treating wounded fighters and linked up with Arab Islamist militants who came to take part in the jihad including bin Laden.

In the early 1990s Zawahiri is believed to have lived in Europe before linking up again with bin Laden in Sudan or Afghanistan. He was arrested in 1996 in Russia after apparently trying to recruit jihadists for Chechnya.

If you see him down the chippie you could strike it rich !!
Must be worth millions Dead or Alive


  • next.bmp
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What must be a first - The Swiss Banks have disclosed that they have 100s of millions belonging to Gaddafi, Mubarack and Ben Ali

Has morality finally penetrated their money world ?