Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!


....Taleban may not have knowledge as most can't read or write....but how does one know that the guy carrying the black box...or the one with finger is not a taleban....

....How do we knbow that mushe the dictator was also not a taleban....He apparently cried like a baby when he was commando in Bagladesh war whe pakistan lost and had to surrender....He has never forgotten that.....!

While Sharif was in US he mounted Kargil incursion in an area where the lines were not manned by either side....and rest is KArgil conflict....

A dangerous guy then became a dictator by ousting Sharif....and US condoned it....until 9/11 happended and everything came out in open....and all fingers pointed at pakistan.....as it is now....

India certainly has it's problems but it is a secular country and we have our fair share of fanatics but these bodies do not have popular support....nor do they go in other countries and kill 60 year old ladies having tea by poolside...!

India has elected three Presidents from minority - Dr Zakir Hussain, Fakruddin Ali Ahmed and A J P kalam - all Muslims...!..So we are not extremists, we do consider all people have rights all the way to become Presidents..if they are worthy....AJP Abdul Kalam by the way is a Nuclear Scientist as welll and was instrumental in developing missile technology as well...!!

Can anyone show any Indian name in entire Pakistan Cabinet...??

wallstreet****er...any comments...??
I see your point about the US preferring the army to be in power but I'm not sure what it gains by destroying Pakistan as it is without a doubt major supporter (or was) of its operations in Aghanistan.

It probably was this major support for the US (and stupid US wreckless actions) that turned the people - via religious fanatics - against the army and politicians tapped into that resentment.

Can't argue against US preferring a regime change and fwiw I think only a strong "Army" and not politicians who can solve Pakistan's problems or have the means to take on the religious fanatics.

sorry, i have not said us prefers army in power, they certainly enjoy democracy here.

the problem with dictatorships is that all power is in one persons hands, if he supports usa, everything goes in usa's favor, if he goes against it, then theres a huge problem for america.
it has happened in pakistan always, first ayub khan came and supported america, when he turned against america, cia started supporting democracy movements and brought bhutto to power, then came zia who supported the americans for many years and after he started becoming a threat for the americans and cia assinated him in the same way described by john perkins in his book confessions of an economic hitman and brought benezir to power, then came musharraf who fully supported americans and they were happy untill his u turn in 2006 after discovering americans were supporting and funding taliban and giving indians an umbrella in afganistan to create choas in pakistan throught the pak-afgan border, and again started supporting democracy and funding the politians.

as to your question what does america gain by destorying pakistan is simple, a route to afganistan and CAS were there is huge oil and gas reserves and to destablize there nuke programe which is the biggest threat to israel.
the journal of the us armed forces, has issued many of these maps, redrawing the middle east borders.
here is just one, which cleary shows what they want
sorry, i have not said us prefers army in power, they certainly enjoy democracy here.

the problem with dictatorships is that all power is in one persons hands, if he supports usa, everything goes in usa's favor, if he goes against it, then theres a huge problem for america.
it has happened in pakistan always, first ayub khan came and supported america, when he turned against america, cia started supporting democracy movements and brought bhutto to power, then came zia who supported the americans for many years and after he started becoming a threat for the americans and cia assinated him in the same way described by john perkins in his book confessions of an economic hitman and brought benezir to power, then came musharraf who fully supported americans and they were happy untill his u turn in 2006 after discovering americans were supporting and funding taliban and giving indians an umbrella in afganistan to create choas in pakistan throught the pak-afgan border, and again started supporting democracy and funding the politians.

as to your question what does america gain by destorying pakistan is simple, a route to afganistan and CAS were there is huge oil and gas reserves and to destablize there nuke programe which is the biggest threat to israel.
the journal of the us armed forces, has issued many of these maps, redrawing the middle east borders.
here is just one, which cleary shows what they want

Very interesting points and certainly plausible. I know the US as a matter of policy prefer US friendly rulers irrespective of democracy or tyranny. I have read about many of their rogue state actions removing obstacles and implementing puppet regimes. Enough evidence littered all over Latin America and Middle East for everyone to see.

I share your take on the battle to seize control of oil and gas reserves in central Asia. I commented on the joint military exercises carried out by Russia and China couple of years back as a signal for the US not to get to involved in their back yard.

We saw similar action in Georgia where US could not move to defend it's little friend more recently. US was/is effectively sorrounding Russia with the NATO gang...

Finally, China's shooting down a space satellite recently was another signal to the US and its star wars defence missile system.

It is all getting very messy in the Middle East and Central Asia. I do feel the US has realised it can't carry out its ambitions as it used to in the past. In the event it does get any foot hold I'm sure Russia and China will be competing for mineral resources as energy and water resource heats up.

Shame these commodities can't be obtained in the free market purchased by the highest bidder but call me naive that's no likely to be as the strong party will want to take what the weak cannot defend.

Interesting map too. This must be a fad going round as I am seeing increasingly more maps drawn out by the perspective of vested interests. Power plays for the big chiefs.

Macro analysis of the region shows the little events are like a jig saw puzzle that make up the bigger picture.

Standing together the region can thrive. Otherwise it is being prized for domination.
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I wonder if zambuck or wallstreetzero ( Ops HERO do make any money?)
they seem obsessed with Taliban
....when you and your relatives who are 60 year old ladies sipping tea by the poolside of a posh hotel get killed by 21 year old weildng kalashnikovs who set sails from pakistan.....I will see how accommodating you are......it is easy to sit on on your stool....(I mean bench..!)...and fart around philosophically....!

....Talking about money.....no time to make money nowadays....busy travelling and doing nothing....!!
Hey How did u know that I was farting all day! Seriously, just cant stop it!

Hey just chil chil just chill
....I din't say that you are 'farting all day'......I said that stop 'farting philosophically' on an issue that is serious enough to warrant a discussion....it is NOT an obesession....but pakistan at present stage a serious matter indeed....!

See what is happening today....you have US trying to make a sense of pakistan mess....pakistan leadership in disarray....taleban deal with pakistani leader is null and void....talibans are implementing sharia law and shooting woman if they believe that her character is not good...!!......these guys can create a huge political problem and get hand on 100 or so nuclear devices....pakistani leadership is wishy washy....not strong enough to contain these idiots...

...USSR may have been whatever it was...but nuclear security was not questioned...because there were some coded methods in place....

....Nothing like that exists in pakistan.....they say that the devices are safe...but will not provide details...?...So what confidence world has..?

....And what do you say...?...obsession with taleban....!
I think Wallstreetzero has some great policies for Pakistan - I have just written to Mr 10% to consider him for a post of prime minister!

So Mr Wallstreetzero get ready - book your flights to Islamabad
Pakistan awaits you!
We will trully miss you here in Great Britain. But your mother country Pakistan needs you more
Please come back as soon you have sorted out their mess Inshallah!
What amazes me is that why do Pakistanis still love pakisan whilst living in Britain!
If they are so concerned about Pakistan then go back, we in Britain will have few mouths to feed and off couce the Child benefit budget will go down substantially
especially when you guys breed and produce 8.1 kids per family
I wonder if zambuck or wallstreetzero ( Ops HERO do make any money?)
they seem obsessed with Taliban

i am here for the trading obviously, have better things to do then argue with a few kids, i hardly care about zam**** like i said hes proven himself as a 5 year old enjoying his time on the internet and making a fool out of himself and his country in the process.
What amazes me is that why do Pakistanis still love pakisan whilst living in Britain!
If they are so concerned about Pakistan then go back, we in Britain will have few mouths to feed and off couce the Child benefit budget will go down substantially
especially when you guys breed and produce 8.1 kids per family

seriously did you write that for real, just check the irony, you have all these indians in this thread living in britain going india, india, india and you write that pakistanis in uk are obsessed with pakistan, then you talk about produces kids when no one can beat the record of the size of indian families.
wow, what idioticy, your iq level must be lower then zam****s.
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....Bhavin........still****ingthewall needs sympathy.....he suffers from years of brainwashing in madressas so let him speak....and let him argue....although he says he is not here for that...it is dark and dingy in his room crawling with little stanis.....!!

.....Talking about no one can beat size of Indian families...here is what my friend said.........if ALL the Indians stood on top of himalaya and pissed in pakistan's direction, then all pakistanis will be washed up in indian ocean....!!

...family size does matter after all....!
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...It is time to strike pakistan quickly and clinically to eliminate it's nuclear arsenal......US and world have concentrated on Iraq and N Korea...but real and dangerous culprits are pakistanis.....who were responsible for passing nuclear knowhow to N Korea in first place....


It was a plain racist attack on a person.....because they consider indians as a 'soft' target.....Indians of Aus will have to stand up and take these idiots face on.....As Gandhi said - "It is a crime to suffer crime BUT it is a greater crime to do nothing about it".....

It used to happen here in 70's and 80's but not now.....Indian boys are streetwise now and will give bloodied nose to any extremist who will take a pot shot...!
Still carrying out acts of terrorism. However, a fresh approach this time to acknowledging they made a mistake and attempting to correct their protocol.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | US admits Afghan airstrike errors

Gen Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, is currently reviewing US rules in relation to airstrikes.

He said last month that US forces should use them only if the lives of Nato personnel or American troops were clearly at risk.

Both Nato and US have have insisted that avoiding civilian casualties is their priority in all battles.

This priority is obviously poorly labelled or clearly the attack protocol is not working.

One can not fight terrorists with a blunt instrument like the army. You can only fight terrorism with intelligence which is something the US severely lacks.

Another lost war...

Beggars belief as to what we are doing there with too regular deaths of soldiers. We should pull out like we did from Iraq.

No freaking idea as to what the mission objective is, what are the ground rules for entry and exit. So we have entered... When do we get to exit???

Politicians fighting to save their skin and have no interest in state of troops.

Army leaders pleasing their paymasters and no one is strong enough to contest thieving politicians.

People blinded by stupid loyalty backing troops with no idea as to what the war is about.

Soldiers doing what they do best - taking orders and killing people.

When will it end...
When will it end...

"I don’t know what kind of weapons will be used in the third world war, assuming there will be a third world war. But I can tell you what the fourth world war will be fought with—stone clubs."
—Albert Einstein
