Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

....I am not asking Obama to ring me....I think you meant me....

...But if he rings...I am sure I will find time to talk......
Where did India get the technology to build a nuclear bomb?

Which country is the nuclear bomb a deterrent against?

Anybody know what the cost of India's space program and Nuclear bomb cost?
Where did India get the technology to build a nuclear bomb?

Which country is the nuclear bomb a deterrent against?

Anybody know what the cost of India's space program and Nuclear bomb cost?


....Oh really...now that is news that Israel gave Nuclear technology to India.....perhaps more reading may help....or present papers or tangible proof....not mullah brainwashed stupidity....

It was Bhabha who intigated the nuclear technology in India because he said that Gandhi's non voilence ideal can wait but in this world of today nuclear bomb is a must.....

At that time India had no diplomatic connection with Israel as India was supporting the cause of Palestine....Diplomatic ties came much later when India was constantly attacked by terrorists who belonged to various muslim states....Today Israel provides a complete and sensitive equipment to Indian Air Force and provides logistical support for any actions against Pakistan....

Which country the bomb is detterent against....well for India it is Chinese and Pakistan...although Indians rate pakistanis as non entity as far as nuclear weapons are concerned because it will fold in couple of days in a war situation.....It is Chinese that India needs to worry about....

Space programme costs trillions, but that has helped India to get messages to the farthese corner of India via satellite links.....Every village today is linked via satellite and communal TV provides education and help and knowledge to villages.....

Nuclear programme again costs billions.....but India is power hungry and will need more reactors than US if it is going to comete with the manufacturing might of chinese.....For example our factory in India will stop for two days because of electricity staggering...meaning no electricity....10 cnc machines will stay idle when they should be working 24 hrs....

And India will need nuclear bombs just to keep rabid enemies in check...Pakistan...
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....Oh really...now that is news that Israel gave Nuclear technology to India.....perhaps more reading may help....or present papers or tangible proof....not mullah brainwashed stupidity....

It was Bhabha who intigated the nuclear technology in India because he dais that Gandhis ideal can wait but in this world of today nuclear bomb is a must.....

At that time India had no diplomatic connection with Israel as India was supporting the cause of Palestine....Diplomatic ties came much later when India was constantly attacked by terrorists who belonged to various muslim states....Today Israel provides a complete and sensitive equipment to Indian Air Force and provides logistical support for any actions against Pakistan....

Which country the bomb is detterent against....well for India it is Chinese and Pakistan...although Indians rate pakistanis as non entity as far as nuclear weapons are concerned because it will fold in couple of days in a war situation.....It is Chinese that India needs to worry about....

Space programme costs trillions, but that has helped India to get messages to the farthese corner of India via satellite links.....Every village today is linked via satellite and communal TV provides education and help and knowledge to villages.....

Nuclear programme again costs billions.....but India is power hungry and will need more reactors than US if it is going to comete with the manufacturing might of chinese.....For example our factory in India will stop for two days because of electricity staggering...meaning no electricity....10 cnc machines will stay idle when they should be working 24 hrs....

And India will need nuclear bombs just to jeep radib enemies in check...Pakistan...

I don't hold against any country desiring to have nuclear technology. To me it is no different to military - chemical or nuclear weapons.

What does disturb me is the double standards countries have as to who gets to have these expensive toys and who doesn't.

Best part of post WWII - we were told nuclear weapons were a deterrent. What has changed now? If everybody has them - then perhaps we may all have some lasting peace.

Until recently Israel locked up its own whistle blower good citizen. Now we hear through out the late 20th century they were distributing the technology. I do feel people will reap what they sow...

I was essentially thinking about where both India and Pakistan got their nuclear technology from. I thought UK sold it to India and France/Swiss to Pakistan. Ofcourse these countries never directly get their hands dirty but I would summarise the US and UK stance againts India as bad cop good cop.

Very important point here - there is no way Israel would do anything as such without US nod of approval. :!:

But beware - just as US supplied both Iraq and Iran with weapons of destruction in its 9 year war I wouldn't be surprised if a similar strategy is played out against two neighbours eager for conflict against each other.
But beware - just as US supplied both Iraq and Iran with weapons of destruction in its 9 year war I wouldn't be surprised if a similar strategy is played out against two neighbours eager for conflict against each other.

Thats exactly what I said earlier! But the morons do not understand this. Currently US is supplying arms to both India and pakistan

In 1971 was Britain had supplied arms to both India and pakistan

in simple what West wants is let these thick headed morons fight and destroy themselves, and the west can continue their dominance!
......OK Marwan....let's see who is moron....!!

.....As soon as pakistran came into existence the US who wanted a foothold created series of dictatorship in the region.....Indians were also accosted, but Indians at that time were not going to play games with US on their conditions and it was very difficult for US to instgate Dictatorship in a very large country...So India was cast off.....

After that Pakistan got 90% of their armamant in 60's 70's and 80's....Pakistan started war with India three times - all with US armamants.....Indians had Gnats while pakistanis had sabres and tanks with night vision......pakistanis were given comfort by US that war will damage India and drag it back many years.....

India and pakistan fought more wars when US supplied arms ONLY to pakistan....

So how does your argum,ent hold when wars did take place even when Indians were not buying the arms from US.....??

Indians are not morons.....They have played a very smart game Diplomatically and has pushed US into submission in US recognising that India has to be reckoned with and that their support base inpakistan will blow in their face.....Statistics of India on global scale are impressive....pakistan does not appear at all....

So now if US is supplying arms to both - as you say - and both have nuclear weapons - any war is very unlikely.....Indians will hammer Pakistan on a full frontal war.....And if pakistan will use nuclear weapons the Indians will march all the way to Afghanistan.....

pakistan knows this and therefore it has resorted to sending terrorits to Kashmir and India.....

Before making comments just do research and you will see that only morons in that region is Pakistan and it's dictators.....

Armaments can be supplied by anyone to anyone....it is it's use and brain behind it that matters.....pakistanis have not learned this yet. East Pakistan was was taken off from West Pakistan and created as Bangladesh with help of Indians. This happened because 90% of West Pakistan wanted Independence from control by West Pakistan. The creation of Bangladesh was objected by US and West but could do nothing. Ever since that day every child born in pakistan is given one message and that is that soul purpose of you being born in pakistan is to see destruction of India...!!

....Morons are those who know nothing but try to make learned assumptions and blurt it out like you do........
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War between India and pakistan is very unlikely.....as there is a huge pressure on pakistan to clean up the whole country....

Both have nuclear wepons and that will mean that war will not happen in any major way.....INdians have said that they will not use nuclear weapons BUT in case of any use by other power then Indian foreign minister said that 'we will have to be ready for complete and total mutual destruction'....!!

pakistanis play this card that as our army has to stand on the border with india, we can't do anything on afghanistan border.....the fact is that they don't want to do anything on that border.....their mates are there....!!

And it's not US by that or west playing double standard....Chinese are also on the game by providing logistical support to pakistanis....

So Indians have to fight this one from all fronts....and for that the preparation is in place...!
zamf--k, seriously get a life man. what do you do sit behind your monitor all day long and fill forums with your rubbish, get off your @$$, go out and get a bloody life.

you are such a lost cause, i can imagine you hiding behind your monitor in your bedroom with your figures rattling away on the keyboard. 😆😆😆
get a life dude.
Thats exactly what I said earlier! But the morons do not understand this. Currently US is supplying arms to both India and pakistan

In 1971 was Britain had supplied arms to both India and pakistan

in simple what West wants is let these thick headed morons fight and destroy themselves, and the west can continue their dominance!

well theres no doubt that it happens, before america was supplying arms to pak to fight taliban and supplying taliban with arms from afganstan secretly. they did the same during WW2, funding and supplying hitler and the russians.

in the past they did fuel most of the fire between india and pakistan, but now they have stoped giving pakistan support ever since isi exposed them of supporting taliban and are now trying to defame them, they might have assets in the gov. but the army is clean and patriotic whereas in india cia has its assets in the indian military and RAW and supports them in attacking pakistan, the military establishment in pakistan is well aware of that, so is china and the solution is to get rid of the americans in afganistan and clean the country from the pak and china military otherwise cia would keep fueling the taliban, al qaida, wars, drugs and choas in this region.
one thing which is clear is that wallstreet and zambuck are both extremist twisting facts.

wallstreet, c'mon at least accept that Pakistan is in a **** state at the mo.
India too is in a ****, but not as bad as Pakistan.
Marwan....Clearly you are trying to discuss about issue you know nothing about......either you prove the facts that I have presented are wrong or shut up....!!

....I know losing argument after argument and exposing barinwashed individual it feels bad.....

......Regarding me, I am either abroad...or I am here....or in India....I don't work.....I either post via mobile or aside a pool.....or in a restaurant in algarve....like at present...

Point of the matter is I am free and do not have to work...people work for me...I lead easy life....

You have pained picture of yourself stuck in stratham ****room of yours.....
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zamf--k, seriously get a life man. what do you do sit behind your monitor all day long and fill forums with your rubbish, get off your @$$, go out and get a bloody life.

you are such a lost cause, i can imagine you hiding behind your monitor in your bedroom with your figures rattling away on the keyboard. 😆😆😆
get a life dude.

I think this is a very interesting thread and as I enjoy current & international affairs finding out different perspectives - right or wrong about various topics very useful.

However, when one stops discussing the matter in hand and starts on personal insults with no relation to any issue I think one loses the arguement.

Anyway - just heard on the news and they were talking about the safety of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/04/world/asia/04nuke.html?_r=1&scp=5&sq=pakistan&st=cse

Should we be worried???

Yes we should be worried.......

The article sums up the concerns....pakistan does not allow anyone to identify their nuclear weapons.....

....Indians deal with US is conditional that India will identify their weapons and have accepted that standpoint - if pakistan shows the same commitment....So far none from them.....

....When an extremist who is brainwashed loses an argument, he blows himself up as wall****er has done....but he has not presented any counter point to the discussions.....As he is incapable....

....I am actually really enjoying this discussion.....as it opens up the fact as to what pakistan really is.....!

Yes we should be worried.......

The article sums up the concerns....pakistan does not allow anyone to identify their nuclear weapons.....

....Indians deal with US is conditional that India will identify their weapons and have accepted that standpoint - if pakistan shows the same commitment....So far none from them.....

....When an extremist who is brainwashed loses an argument, he blows himself up as wall****er has done....but he has not presented any counter point to the discussions.....As he is incapable....

....I am actually really enjoying this discussion.....as it opens up the fact as to what pakistan really is.....!

I concur and feel we should be worried too. Having governments control nuclear capability is good but when there is the possibility they can fall into rogue hands then it is a nightmare scenario.

We faced a similar possibility when USSR broke up there was talk of nuclear material unaccounted for when Ukraine and various satellite countries were disbanded from Moscow control.

I'm not sure if the Taliban have the technology to transport and deliver the load but do believe they are likely to have the appetite to try.

In which case I suspect Pakistan and India are more likely to suffer fallout damage then anyone else.

However, I wouldn't like to under estimate the power of money and its ability to turn minds even on the shoulders of best intentioned people. Best not to under estimate the enemy within...
one thing which is clear is that wallstreet and zambuck are both extremist twisting facts.

wallstreet, c'mon at least accept that Pakistan is in a **** state at the mo.
India too is in a ****, but not as bad as Pakistan.

how am i twisting facts.

i never said that pakistan is in an excellant state, so stop making that up.

i have clearly pointed out that pakistan has major problems of terroism, but its all been exported to it through the afgan border were americans and indians are operating.
india is in deep **** because they have to many secterian movements going on and they have turned a blind eye to it and are focusing on destablizing pakistan by working with the cia and mossad.

afganistan supported the cia in the 80s to defeat the soviets, then cia destoryed afganistan after that, after 9/11 pakistan supported them to clean up afganistan, now they have turned against pakistan and are trying to break it up by supporting the indians, after that a blind man can see that they will be after india is well.

clearly zambuck is a 5 year old kid, enjoying his time on forums, so no need to waste time on him.
i have clearly pointed out that pakistan has major problems of terroism, but its all been exported to it through the afgan border were americans and indians are operating.

india is in deep **** because they have to many secterian movements going on and they have turned a blind eye to it and are focusing on destablizing pakistan by working with the cia and mossad.

afganistan supported the cia in the 80s to defeat the soviets, then cia destoryed afganistan after that, after 9/11 pakistan supported them to clean up afganistan, now they have turned against pakistan and are trying to break it up by supporting the indians, after that a blind man can see that they will be after india is well.

I see your point about the US preferring the army to be in power but I'm not sure what it gains by destroying Pakistan as it is without a doubt major supporter (or was) of its operations in Aghanistan.

It probably was this major support for the US (and stupid US wreckless actions) that turned the people - via religious fanatics - against the army and politicians tapped into that resentment.

Can't argue against US preferring a regime change and fwiw I think only a strong "Army" and not politicians who can solve Pakistan's problems or have the means to take on the religious fanatics.

.......As I have said before only a year old will suffice for discussions with you.....

......You actually give me a credit for maturity of a 5 year old......!