Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

Guys, I think there is common ground here that we recognise in order to negotiate we need a single body representing mass of the people.

All democratic representitives have disputes internally. That's good and healthy as long as it does not turn into murders and assasinations in a power struggle which defeats democracy it self and serves interest of leaders and not the people who it suppose to represent.

Hamas must bury its rockets and embrace the negotiation table if it wants to serve its people imho.

P.S out of the discussion : i didnt say i recognise Isreal as a state ( i am not talking about the jews here ) .
P.S out of the discussion : i didnt say i recognise Isreal as a state ( i am not talking about the jews here ) .

That's where the problem lies... :!:

Where do we go from here??? 🙄 😱 😕
That's where the problem lies... :!:

Where do we go from here??? 🙄 😱 😕

I am talking about me only , it doesnt mean to throw them in the sea but i am talking about Isreal as a state only , but as a jewsh peolple its normal they lived with arab b4 .
U know guys what is the funniest thing , all of u can go to there but i cant go to palestine ! 😀
unsubscribed. This thread is getting boring. Tar you're starting to sound a little bit extreme here and I thought you were a more moderate muslim.
unsubscribed. This thread is getting boring. Tar you're starting to sound a little bit extreme here and I thought you were a more moderate muslim.

Boring yeah 🙂 , if u read my posts carefully i dont think i sound extreme
Islam took care of women , u know b4 islam , some men kill their baby girls because they feel shamed !!! , this b4 islam , Quran came and talked about this crime , b4 islam women dont inharit !!! islam before 1400 years came and gave her the right to inherit ,islam respects women , she is not a commoditie for sex and fun like in the west , in the west the rape rate is very high compared to islamic countries . Even b4 he died proohet mohamad asked us to take care to women he repeat it .
Anyway please dont bring some stupid mistakes from some moslems here we r 1 billion moslems we r not all good like any other nation , bring for me about Quran and prophet Mohmad its ok for me ...

Gamma who know about islam more me or u ? i am muslim and i say this is not from my religion , do u have anything from Quran or sunna ? what is the proof that the majority agree with this article ?
Tar is probably a nice guy and probably represents a minority of muslims, a very small minority!
This is what Islam presents to the rest of the world.

Muslim cleric tells Australians: 'Husbands should be allowed to rape and beat their wives' | Mail Online

Out of this discussion. It is impossible to discuss logically with people who are hell bent on imposing their way of life on us, while enjoying the sucess of our achievements.
This is why the Isrealis do what they do.

I concur with Tar's point of view on this.

There is an active campaign against Islam to demonise it and make it the enemy we fight. This has what has replaced communism for sure imo... There are many people who jump on this band wagon because it suits their political aims in justifying their actions.

Sadly, the nation of muslims can't fight back because they are impotent to do anything about it. Either out of will or pure apathy and ignorance.

When the Finsbury park mosque committee called in the police saying that one eyed twisted hook was abusing threatenning committee members, they backed off saying it is a private affair.

Perhaps the police were right. Having said that, what are committee members to do? They are family men who are not used to fighting. So they leave their posts.

Subsequently we had the Finsbury park mosque turn into a recruiting ground where that Richard the shoe bomber originated from.

Thus the mosque was taken over effectively my freaking twits.

I reckon muslims on whole are pretty inactive bunch of insignificant popullace in major affairs. Coupled with their brother hood which prevents them from acting against each other. They then wonder what is going on around them and continue to blame foreign powers.

They really need to clear out their own ranks of the fodder that produces this kind of trash.

I like to see the Iranians issue a fatwa against this preacher who states such statements twisting their book - no less than Salman Rushdie.

Key solution would be to separate religion and state. Then the state can pass laws and deal with such people.
It does not matter who knows more or what anyone follows!
I said "this is what we see!"
It does not matter what you think or know!
Try to raise the level of the level of discussion by being a bit more objective, rather than personalizing it all the time
I concur with Tar's point of view on this.

There is an active campaign against Islam to demonise it and make it the enemy we fight. This has what has replaced communism for sure imo... There are many people who jump on this band wagon because it suits their political aims in justifying their actions.

Sadly, the nation of muslims can't fight back because they are impotent to do anything about it. Either out of will or pure apathy and ignorance.

When the Finsbury park mosque committee called in the police saying that one eyed twisted hook was abusing threatenning committee members, they backed off saying it is a private affair.

Makes se

Perhaps the police were right. Having said that, what are committee members to do? They are family men who are not used to fighting. So they leave their posts.

Subsequently we had the Finsbury park mosque turn into a recruiting ground where that Richard the shoe bomber originated from.

Thus the mosque was taken over effectively my freaking twits.

I reckon muslims on whole are pretty inactive bunch of insignificant popullace in major affairs. Coupled with their brother hood which prevents them from acting against each other. They then wonder what is going on around them and continue to blame foreign powers.

They really need to clear out their own ranks of the fodder that produces this kind of trash.

I like to see the Iranians issue a fatwa against this preacher who states such statements twisting their book - no less than Salman Rushdie.

Key solution would be to separate religion and state. Then the state can pass laws and deal with such people.

Interesting post!
It certainly helped me not get sucked into the forex999 type of hype.
its very easy to just go along with the media hype and alienate yourself from being objective.
Brilliant post Atilla!

Tar, I really have to recommend this post to you!
Does that mean that any French person holding freehold rights to land and property purchased in the UK has a legitimate claim based on the League of Nations to establish their independent state of Le Merde and drive out any indegenous popullation claiming they were never any Brits but more of Viking descent bla bla bla... Also, is Britain not a word that was bestowed by the Romans.

No Atilla

It means I've had this dreaded man cold that's doing the rounds so haven't been here for a few days. Instead I just crashed out on the couch with Sudafed, junk food and beer.

When I came back here I couldn't be bothered reading through all the endless posts about who invaded who thousands of years ago so just decided to crack a joke...

it fell flat ! so what ! who cares ? hic !

So the Palestinians have had their butts kicked have they ?

well, welcome to the club guys ! :cheesy:

ceydababy, you're right.

It does not matter who knows more or what anyone follows!
I said "this is what we see!"
It does not matter what you think or know!
Try to raise the level of the level of discussion by being a bit more objective, rather than personalizing it all the time

I recommend his post to u 2 Gamma :cheesy:

I am objective her i attacked every moslem made such a mistakes u can c that clearly in my posts ,but u said this what islam repesents , and i represent minority only ! , it is not personal for me i careless it will not effect me nor it will effect islam , but when i entered this thread by accident i felt i should to give realistic point of view as a moslem who know for sure this is not Islam. Anyway i will say something here ( in general not for u only Gamma ) i tried to give u the real islam from Quran and sunna , like boombing girls school ! , really strange , fair peple will say this what taliban did , but unfair people will say this is islam without any proof , or maybe they want islam to look like this . Example : terror attacks : most of them happened in islamic countries , b4 few years it happened in amman in Raddisson sas hotel and there was a wedding by accident ! for sure this is not islam . There is Jihad in islam but Jihad is a war between two armies and two countries and there will be some reasons for it, but these attacks at civilians is not from jihad , jihad not like this , prophet Mohamad said b4 the war dont kill women or children or elder people or a preist ( civilians ) . Also Quran said dont kill yourself .

Inside moslem community these odd actions is not acceptable but some media will not show this , it will show odd stuff for sure . Inside our communtiy we cant control all moslems , like Uk it cannot control all british people ,and there will be odd actions from british 2 . But most of u dont know that there majority of moslems attack and against these actions using media ,fatwa , books , newspapers , but only the odd stuff shows up infront of u guys for some reason ! .

Some of u r really Fair and some r not . I guess my job is done her 15 pages is enough 😀 , i will be around at the trading forums but i will not enter this thread again .

unsubscribed 2 🙂

Good luck in your trading guys

Back to trading 😉
Key solution would be to separate religion and state. Then the state can pass laws and deal with such people.


we've had a woman Prime Minister here in the UK and now the Yanks have elected a black President.

Do you think it will ever be possible for the American people to elect an openly atheist President or for the British to elect an openly atheist Prime Minister ?


we've had a woman Prime Minister here in the UK and now the Yanks have elected a black President.

Do you think it will ever be possible for the American people to elect an openly atheist President or for the British to elect an openly atheist Prime Minister ?


Ofcourse! For sure!

We already do!

Mr smileypants Blair was one. Defender of faiths x my arxe. Guys a money making machine out for his own glory. Most religious guys are.

Does anybody think that God the supreme creator / designer of the universe, the world and all its perfectly designed biological human beings needs man as an instrument for them to carry out his will?

Does God really need men to fight his cause?

Get a grip. 😆

Men embrace God to give themselves some legitimate embodiment to carry out their own egos.

Religions are good in that they show a system where men can live in harmony with what is around them. The essence of religion is always peace and harmony.

But men are self centric.

Look life is all about a system. A system that is fair and treats all participants equally on a level playing field irrespective of race, colour or creed.

Any bias towards any one race, colour or creed brings about disequilibrium, discord and friction.

People know what is fair and just and what is not.

When societies implement a system that is based on the higher values then they become successful. Any system which is based on the self interest of a minority will fail.

Systems that will thrive and prevail will be those based on equal opportunities.

Look at all the empires that have come and gone.

This is what is great about USA. Land of freedom, hope and glory. Now it has excelled because people can see it has gone from the sick twisted self interested neo-con fokkers back to its founding principals. Most people know this, feel it and believe in the ideals. Call it utopia. Republicans are still bitching. Sons of self interested vested bitches that they are.

Anything else about states and nationalities and religions is pure BS brainwashing fodder.

Why does the UK / GB have such a large number of foreigners (illegal / legal / migrant workers - call em what you will)? It's simply because the democratic system here is GREAT and treats all its citizens fairly. There may be some on the fringers of society but people know they are the no hopers and losers and they are wrong. As much as possible the superior intellect can decipher their crap as leading to not much at all.

Simple really. Its all about the eco/socio/political system applied equally to all its citizens.

imho this system casts out Christianity as it believes only path to the creator is via Jesus Christ. If you don't believe in JC then you are out of the creators system.

Islam is cast out because if you don't believe in their prescribed faith then you are an infidel and cast out of the creators system.

Judaism / Zionism is out because if you are not of pure blood I'm not sure how anyone can become a Jew. So you are once again a non-participant of the creators system.

Hinduism I think believe in the caste system so if you disagree with your station and move on, you will be cast out of that system too.

Religion is almost like football. Pick a team and let's pleeeeyyyy footy...

As some people have written what happens if you don't support any football team but you are damn good football player who doesn't put a foot wrong and score lots of good goals?

Stuff it mate, you are a pagaen, infidel or gentile or an outcast you are going to be damned in hell for eternity... 😆

Hey one minute. Football as a game is a beautiful watched by millions. As a system conducted by 3/4 referees it's pretty fair. Although they too get to make one or two small mistakes. Let's not forget Maradonna's hand of God eh? :cheesy:

Anyway rant over.

Religion is for the individual to conduct his/her own affairs. Personnal choice and route back to the creator.

PS. DD I think you make more sense when you were not feeling well and not posting on these bloggs... :cheesy:

PS2. DD - not really I did miss your wit... 👍
There is one guy worth believing in - and that's Father Christmas

At least he doles out a prezzy once a year !! Can't pay the bills on a loada hot air

Atilla said:
Why does the UK / GB have such a large number of foreigners (illegal / legal / migrant workers - call em what you will)? It's simply because the democratic system here is GREAT and treats all its citizens fairly. There may be some on the fringers of society but people know they are the no hopers and losers and they are wrong. As much as possible the superior intellect can decipher their crap as leading to not much at all.

Yes you're right, most people can decipher their crap but the problem is when just one guy believes it.

Tar is probably a nice guy and probably represents a minority of muslims, a very small minority!
This is what Islam presents to the rest of the world.

Muslim cleric tells Australians: 'Husbands should be allowed to rape and beat their wives' | Mail Online

Out of this discussion. It is impossible to discuss logically with people who are hell bent on imposing their way of life on us, while enjoying the sucess of our achievements.
This is why the Isrealis do what they do.

If it had been a religious crackpot from some christian sect, this stuff would never have made it onto the front pages of the the Australian press, and most likely you would never have heard about it.

Your views are shaped by, amongst other things, selective reporting. This is NOT the only face that Islam presents to the world. This the face that sensationalist reporting presents to the world.

This is the stuff that Israel uses to justify its barbarism.