T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

Lisa has already sent me 30-40 Personal Messages and after the first 20 messages always asked me out on a date with the preface, "Joe, this is not so you can teach me to trade for free although I would love for you to do that, I am fascinated by you and want to go out on a date"

So is Lisa/Hayley just another one of your personalities, or do you improve your trading by talking to yourself?
Study up on the subject, Violet. 🙂

Few Alphas DO blow their own trumpet. They are a different breed of Alpha, almost always the most skilled, skilled to such an extent that there is rally no 2nd place contender.

example: Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, Bruce Lee ...................... all Alphas who told everyone they were the best and they were.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

read quote first about Alphas who blow their own trumpet 🙂 🙂 🙂


My deal ticket today since nobody trades ,
She ain't no Alpha anything.

Alphas have no need to blow their own trumpet 24/7. But when called upon to ACT, they will have pre processed all necessary info, followed up by a swift kick to the spherical's. (metaphorically speaking) 🙄
Reminds me of that great Prodigy track, a twist at the end [emoji23]

Hey guys, bring a bigger army, but this time try to up the IQ by 40% at least. You gots to make it interesting for me too. I'm just one guy - or 2 or 3 if you count all my personalities 😗
She ain't no Alpha anything.

Alphas have no need to blow their own trumpet 24/7. 🙄

Behold my Alpha brothers ........................ all blow their own trumpet. Actually Violet, youdon't underatand the theory behind this concept. An alpha pats himself on the back for his own accomplishments, the opposite of Alpha, the Beta downplays it. There are exceptions to every rule but this is the norm as I have stated it

Muhamed ali
Mike Tyson
Bruce Lee
Christiano Ronaldo
Kobe Bryant
Shaquille Oneal
Michael Jordan
O J Simpson

Rufus_Leakey, don't give up so easily. I know I got to you. Keep it up. Here's how. Follow up on Lisa. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

And the Schizophrenia too.
Behold my Alpha brothers ........................ all blow their own trumpet. Actually Violet, youdon't underatand the theory behind this concept. An alpha pats himself on the back for his own accomplishments, the opposite of Alpha, the Beta downplays it. There are exceptions to every rule but this is the norm as I have stated it

Muhamed ali
Mike Tyson
Bruce Lee
Christiano Ronaldo
Kobe Bryant
Shaquille Oneal
Michael Jordan
O J Simpson

Josef Stalin
Theresa May
Donald Trump

All great alpha f*ckwits, apologies for Trudeau though, trump is the only one that traded, did he post anything realtime?

Tells a.story, poor Fibnuts.
Rufus_Leakey, don't give up on Lisa. Pursue it further. But can you speed it up? There is so much more to talk about. And, for crying out loud, get a bigger army when you go against Fibo. What you guys have here thus far is not going to cut it. 😗😗
Alpha Males who are jerks like Fibo. Yes, every single one a jerk. But fibo likes 'em all

Alpha Male never lets' a woman get away with disrespecting him ...... in this case he is not disrespected directly but is bypassed and included as a schmuck in her mind because she thought she could bs them all and get away with it
