T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

That's it, I've decided you are an illeist, have you ever served your country in the US military?


Illeism is the act of referring to oneself in the third person instead of first person. Illeism is sometimes used in literature as a stylistic device. In real-life usage, illeism can reflect a number of different stylistic intentions or involuntary circumstances

Siggy, its my writing style. In real life I'm still the same asshole you see here but no Illeist, heck just a lover 🙂

Illeism is the act of referring to oneself in the third person instead of first person. Illeism is sometimes used in literature as a stylistic device. In real-life usage, illeism can reflect a number of different stylistic intentions or involuntary circumstances

Siggy, its my writing style. In real life I'm still the same asshole you see here but no Illeist, heck just a lover 🙂

Then you ain't no Alpha male bruv.
Then you ain't no Alpha male bruv.

See just one trade out of several several several called in advance that produce gigantic profits for any fellas taking my plays. Behold the sheer magnificence of this trade, its sheer poetry, its glory, such a staggering amount of money in it. Then understand why the viewers at ET and T2W follow me around everywhere - they know the mailman named Fibo always delivers the mail - always, even when its hard and rainy and stormy

ANYBODY HERE CONTRIBUTE such magnificence to a site called Trade 2 Win? Fck NO! Its been only Fibo all the way from May 2019, non-stop, one successful real time trade after another. And my reward? Banned, banned banned with a dirty cop on my ass constantly.

England in her heyday would honor me but today nowadays is just a shadow of her former self and will therefore crucify me as she sinks into the gutter or 3rd world country

In review, after many weeks have passed since this trade was completed and even the Top of this trade called correctly, I have to say there is nobody on the planet who could beat the performance as I captured more than any of eventhe best trend followers could.

There just ain't nobody like fibo

Only an Alpha Male contributes to this degree - see quote. Alphas are doers and have the scars to prove it. Add 3 bannings at T2W to the 37/37 winning trades in a mere 3 months. Then add 7 bannings from ET with 6 sorties under cover of darkness behind enemy lines - wait, it gets better ... each time I penetrated ET and got in, I sent PMs to all my friends and then just to make a point how good a warrior I am, I sent PMs to owner and chief cop with message, "f***ed you 2 clowns again" 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Remarkable stuff. 😍

I don't understand it all but it has legs. 👍
Case in point:

Fibo's live trade right f***** now, ongoing. Ridicule or laffing my ass off to the bank? Don't know, don't care, its the way its done, its what makes a Man a Man

Yesterday at 10:39 AM
Latest SPY Shorts are now:

SPY short 310.9 STOP 312.7 .......... TP plan is around 304.83 to 302.

Reason to consider TP so soon? Drop might be only a 4th wave which means one more higher high on 1H. But if the drop looks fierce, then I will Let profits run indefinitely

God, do I love it so! The picture of a 3rd wave on 1H roses galore = not even touching the 0-line of Macd. Creme de la creme. Wave Mechanics gets validated how often? Every damn day. Need my turn for 4th wave down now, baby. Give it to me. 🙂🙂🙂

Only an Alpha Male trader can do this. And this Alpha has already done it LIVE REAL TIME 37 times here at T2W in 3 months 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Now let the ridicule come if my STOP is taken out. The easy part is if the trade is a winner - I learn nothing. But if its a loser, I have to deal with it like I'm naked in front of everybody - man,. that's a bitch, ridicule can come in heaps and bounds, from all sorts of people mostly fake traders and posers who want to show off to others how they could have done things better - and thereby parasite off of you.

But what they will never take away is this: only the one with kahunas makes it BIG in this business for only he is equipped to take the so-called Warren Buffet BIG SWING when the right opportunity shows up - he's got the balls to pull it off.

Yeah baby, dig it. I don't give a fck.


There just simply is nobody like Fibo. Has the earnings, generosity, excellent provider/protector, courage and the girls flock to him. Territorial invaders have met with a brutal fate. That's the simplicity of an Alpha
Remarkable stuff. 😍

I don't understand it all but it has legs. 👍

Easy to understand: the Universe only respects those with the scars of battle

When help is asked of God, he ignores your qualifications, your riches, your degrees, your lineage, your vast circle of friends - he only looks for scars - then he drowns you in wherewithal. God respects and loves a true Alpha
Then you ain't no Alpha male bruv.

She ain't no Alpha anything.

Alphas have no need to blow their own trumpet 24/7. But when called upon to ACT, they will have pre processed all necessary info, followed up by a swift kick to the spherical's. (metaphorically speaking) 🙄
I lost the will to live reading this lol , maybe it sums up the original point

You're like the other Brits here. You claim to not read it no more but keep showing up again and again. Why? Because the lesson is clear:

Comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's small intestine to the Panama Canal.

(some alteration had to be done to the above by plugging in "frog's small intestine" instead of frog's ----- which was the original)

You've never met anybody like Fibo. 37/37 winning trades. Nobody on Earth has this record. My 38th trade is underway now, got opened yesterday or day before and triggered today - as you can see, this trader trades in real time not in hindsight
my 38th trade is underway now all done in real time ......................... set more than 24 hours before market and triggered only today .....................

Fibo's live trade right f***** now, ongoing. Ridicule or laffing my ass off to the bank? Don't know, don't care, its the way its done, its what makes a Man a Man

Yesterday at 10:39 AM
Latest SPY Shorts are now:

SPY short 310.9 STOP 312.7 .......... TP plan is around 304.83 to 302.

Reason to consider TP so soon? Drop might be only a 4th wave which means one more higher high on 1H. But if the drop looks fierce, then I will Let profits run indefinitely

God, do I love it so! The picture of a 3rd wave on 1H roses galore = not even touching the 0-line of Macd. Creme de la creme. Wave Mechanics gets validated how often? Every damn day. Need my turn for 4th wave down now, baby. Give it to me. 🙂🙂🙂

Yeah, dig it baby. Nobody like Fibo. win this trade or not, the fact is it takes big kahunas to place a trade short in a bull market. It can also be stupidity. hahahahaha, I'm prepared for either. But an Alpha goes for it! Never waits for agreement from others. Goes it alone.

STOP is right above the TOP on SPX 's SPY
You're like the other Brits here. You claim to not read it no more but keep showing up again and again. Why? Because the lesson is clear:

Comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's small intestine to the Panama Canal.

(some alteration had to be done to the above by plugging in "frog's small intestine" instead of frog's ----- which was the original)

Is it me or is this tit on drugs , how can my comment suddenly become UK vs USA , this man , woman or gender-less idiot clearly is a moron and nothing more than a sad troll who needs a life.
She ain't no Alpha anything.

Alphas have no need to blow their own trumpet 24/7. But when called upon to ACT, they will have pre processed all necessary info, followed up by a swift kick to the spherical's. (metaphorically speaking) 🙄

Study up on the subject, Violet. 🙂

Few Alphas DO blow their own trumpet. They are a different breed of Alpha, almost always the most skilled, skilled to such an extent that there is rally no 2nd place contender.

example: Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, Bruce Lee ...................... all Alphas who told everyone they were the best and they were.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Is it me or is this tit on drugs , how can my comment suddenly become UK vs USA , this man , woman or gender-less idiot clearly is a moron and nothing more than a sad troll who needs a life.

Stay Gary, stay, enjoy yourself, don't be such a stuck up like 99.9999999% of this site of Betas. 🙂🙂🙂
Not stuck up at all. but have some class. We are in it together and nobody likes the loudmouth , calm yourself down
Is it me or is this tit on drugs , how can my comment suddenly become UK vs USA , this man , woman or gender-less idiot clearly is a moron and nothing more than a sad troll who needs a life.

You're too slow for me Gary, I looked at your bio, and its same-o, same-o another dopey Brit. That's why
Not stuck up at all. but have some class. We are in it together and nobody likes the loudmouth , calm yourself down

Sorry Gary, you have no class at all. If you did have any you would have a live trade posted in the 3 years you've been here. You have zero at a place called T2W. Zero class.

Like we say in Sales closing: only one thing counts in this life = get them to sign on the line which is dotted.

same applies to you:


or else you're not fit to shine my shoes 😗😗
Who cares, enjoy your drugs as clearly on one.......... to everyone else hope you have a great night and happy trading

Ps Rule Britannia lol
Dear God,

You mean to tell me there is not one single person here who actually trades real time and not hindsight?

You also mean to tell me that they are all universally just 1k or at most 10k trading account holders?

Violet, you going to need a bigger army 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂