2 Alpha Males
People don't get banned for disagreeing with each other, they get banned for the way they disagree........and I can see why.
Not really, it just means you've managed not to wind anyone up to the extend that they want to ban you. I'm guessing your one of those chronically difficult people that winds others up to the point of requesting a ban and the mods/owner agrees, hey presto, fibnuts is banned 7 times from one forum, now that is funny 😂
Still doesn't make you an Alpha, maybe you'll grow into one one day, keep the skills up chap.
Its exactly why it makes me an Alpha. Precisely why it does so. But its only one or 2 of the reasons. There are others. 🙂
The most pertinent one for our purposes here given that we are at a trading forum is the 37/37 winning trades and the fact that nobody here is willing to show real records of trading in a live meet. Just that alone guarantees that I am the only Alpha here. A Beta Male would never show up for a showdown - Science confirms this.
Wrong. 3 times banned here already
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, unfortunately even I could be a beautiful, but sophisticated chameleon bot, touring the forums for unsuspecting victims to wind up 👍
Fair do's, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.....once I've summoned the time and energy to read the thread 🙂
🙂🙂🙂 Well said!
see colored text for corresponding answers ...............
There is no trading forum like ET. She ranks #1. I got expelled 7 times, tough sh*t, sh*t happens. That I want to go back is a testament to how much better ET is. That Baron (ET owner) might even entertain the notion of perhaps letting me back on after 7 expulsions is even more mind-boggling - having to read and deal with the constant high numbers of sheep and sissies on his site, it is sheer poetry for him to have a cat like Fibo post there. Why else do you think that the moment I open a thread in ChitChat aka Foyer, Baron jumps right in to start having a ball with me, agreeing or disagreeing it don't matter, it brings him alive. Go figure!
Plan B = T2W was never planned. It just happened because my knowledge of other boards is small, zero interest in searching out more Sissy-Havens. Most importantly I wanted to finish my market CALL right or wrong, it was a task for me and T2W has similar infrastructure to ET.
I so solly, me will watch with interest your videos and I will seek the source of truth for you, unjinson.In your comment here, dead Siggy you are being exactly what I've classified T2W as being, namely pretenders/posers. Why? Here you are answering my posts from day one every single day, yet you have the gall to say you have not read the thread. That's what people in denial do.
An Alpha would take ownership of his actions, a Beta disguises and discolors and hides them.
Good anallysis, I'm likkin it.
I so solly, me will watch with interest your videos and I will seek the source of truth for you, unjinson.
Me only in wave 2 of 3, I must learn the art, which flavour you recommend?
I think T2W peeps are growing to like you Fibo. I tried ET when I first started. Found the place very dry and dull. Bit like watching paint dry.
Slight off-topic. You like cats a lot?
I so solly, me will watch with interest your videos and I will seek the source of truth for you, unjinson.
Me only in wave 2 of 3, I must learn the art, which flavour you recommend?
There are No Alpha Males at T2W for the following reasons:
Terrible hunters here, mostly el cheapos with 1k - 5k - 10k at best or most - accounts. Disgraceful for an Alpha Male. An alpha Male in this type of game would have markers in the millions of dollars. A true Alpha of the highest order, even higher than other Alphas, would be the Alpha who does not work for a living, i.e. he does not even need to hunt often and even better every single hunt brings down the prey with a kill rate of 90%+ - all such an Alpha needs to do in his Life while enjoying the goodies in Life is to maintain his hunting skills and stay sharp. Therefore the presumed logic of why not billions of dollars becomes redundant to the true Alpha - he, like the commancheros only hunts/kills what they need to live on nicely, wanton slaughter is not an Alpha's road. Greed is not an Alpha's trait.
99.999999999% of T2W plays for 30 pips. ROFLMAO. An Alpha would lafffff his ass off at such stupidity. Why? Because to the Alpha there is never any Famine there is only Abundance on the plains of the Serengetti of Trading/Investing. To a Beta Male like the 99.999999% at T2W, Life is a perennial Famine = they have to trade 10 times a day, day in and day out and still only for peanuts = BETA MALE guaranteed!!!
30-pips seems to be the backbone of this site as is clear to observe.
For you Siggy, its even worse. You don't trade no more. Trading has already devoured you. = BETA
Mods are the alpha males on T2W
Alpha anything to me means lead. Both Trump and Trudeau are alpha males as they are head of their nations.
All the body language stuff is either natural or put on. I don't see Trump in person as an alpha male but more of a bully emanating out of his money and countless solicitors.
T2W can't really have alpha's as it is a public site with equal rights.
There can be knowledgeable bodies but as soon as that body starts to see it self as an Alpha body; male or female then it stops being one imo. That attitude becomes pretentious.
Peeps should continue being them selves and doing what they do. Others can follow comment and admire.
I don't get all this alpha labelling. It's simply a leader others follow. I can't see how that plays out on public media. 🤔
Now your talkin my language', i'm down the pub, friiidaaayyyy. Nnigggggghhhht, glass in hand, finished early, brown envelope in pocket, mates around, few birds, the night is young [emoji48]
[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]From what I know about you thus far, the only image I have of you with a bird is ................
you take her home, she starts undressing and says to you, "I offer you my honor"
You reply, "I honor your offer"
Nothing gets done, both fall asleep
Just another day at T2W .... Yawn