I used to be a regular reader of T2W a few years ago. (still am, by the way)
Have come back recently for some day-trading.
Have noticed a reduction in posting on T2W since a few years ago.
Is everyone all chilled out, and quietly plugging away?
Or just gone away?
There used to be a much higher amount of posting, trialing of systems, scammers, fights, bannings, etc.
I miss all that! 😀
Seems all the activity has moved off-T2W. Still lots of fights, banter on gorex-gactory, where I seem to be these days.
Wheres all the background chatter?
Or is T2W a more genteel place these days?
Thanks. I can now put a TREND together to graph/chart tofind out where the T2W Top was. Two points make a trendline, I need a 3rd or better still a 4th and more. Did you create such threads prior to July 2018?
T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?
Been with T2W many years, off and on. It used to be a bit of a bustling place, lots of great ideas, people, huge volume of activity. Seems to have died down over past couple of years. Could be me. I am no longer a wide-eyed newbie looking at everything with wonder. I know what I am doing, found...
My my my, T2W = such a wealth of psychology for Trends.