T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

Sometimes curiosity gets the better of me and I click 'Show Ignored Content'. My God! It's like peering into the padded cell of a Lunatic and watching him smear excrement all over himself.🤢

Only Fibo can drive somebody that crazy or mad or hateful or lose it completely like a chick who just drops the whole shabang on her boyfriend

T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

Nobody has considered this:

If the Forum is already in such noticeable decline in an environment of a raging BULL MARKET blasting north for 10+ years, aka the longest bull market in History ............................ imagine what will happen if/when this turns to a BEAR MARKET.

BEAR markets are notorious for chopping an overpriced stock to its knees and often close to zero. Remember the Nasdaq Dot.com bubble of stocks with no earnings yet demanding high evaluations - remember how they fell to close to zero and most just simply vanished.

T2W will meet the same fate.

Thing that would make me ROFLMAO is if T2W is taken over and run by Muslims. That would be one cruel joke for the bishops and holy schmolies who rent apartments here. They will have to move to the outskirts

Hey FT

when will your next call be ? ..... 37/37 is a strong performance and i want to see where your thinking is leading you for call 38 ?

Hey FT

when will your next call be ? ..... 37/37 is a strong performance and i want to see where your thinking is leading you for call 38 ?


You have it already amigo, its the thread title, shorting the SPY (have new shorts in place) = My main and only reason for coming to ET and T2W. All the other stuff has been incidental, the main driver is the tread title = calling the Top of the greatest bull market in history and shorting it all the way to catch the bottom a few years down the road and then going Long at as close to the bottom as possible. And have it all recorded in TIME, PLACE, FORM, EVENT.

Thanks to you - and I mean this 100% ................... if it were not for you I would have been continuing doing trades like the 37/37 already done, pouring my blood and guts out like a friggin idiot not knowing that nobody here understands any of it and that the TFs are so f**** way above their comfort zones akin to missing the forest for the trees, in this case even so low as the Alveoli of the leaves.

The enlightenment that came from you Sir has been so profound, it is as if it came from THE MAN himself. When you looked over my thread and came back to me within 48 hours with your assessment ...................................


So the game has changed for me. Get my f**** work done I came to do which is call the top and short the daylights out of SPY all the way to the bottom in 2021-24 and have it recorded with the Date/Time stamp. Additionally I am limiting myself to the Fibo number of no more than 21 bans. I'm up to 7 from ET and 3 from T2W = 10 thus far. I have zero interest in any other trading forums, especially now that you have shown me the light. One f****** Retard Central after another loaded to the hilt with posers and capital accounts of 1k - 10k ................ all in gross violation of the basic premise = do not fight if you are under-capitalized
from post #1296 + new addition for next week

Latest putting it all in one place

SPY Shorts:

SPY short 309.28 STOP 310.01 on Nov 13

short 308.16 STOP 310.01 on Nov 13
Short 310.9 Stop 311.84 for Nov 18

In a nutshell, NVP ............... adjustments need to be made on the Stops ........

and of course more Shorts will be added once I have my way. My trading on EurUsd etc., etc., and Set50 futures and other stuff here and there continues but f****me if I'm going to share with any of the deadbeats! that's a done deal. Learned the hard way. They cannot be helped. History has proven it for thousands of years. Human nature does not change.


T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

Underlying message of this thread:

If a fella like Trendie can drum up the courage to say what he said in this thread's opener, the direction of the TREND is already in a well established mode = a mature down-TREND

Trendie has the patience of Job and the wisdom of the Old Man and the Sea. When the time comes that HE says the place is f*******, its on the verge of collapse

Those who have not had the opportunity or alertness to have noted what his Mummy said, had better know this, "if she saw what Trendie is wasting his time on here, she would slap everyone here silly and take Trendie Home.


Because Trendie is a good boy
My apologies to Trendie for not having a respectable answer to his original, post but it's time to put this thread on IGNORE for obvious reasons.

YouTube is awash with trading tutorials getting hundreds of thousands of views. The people watching those videos would likely have come here to learn about trading five years ago.
YouTube is awash with trading tutorials getting hundreds of thousands of views. The people watching those videos would likely have come here to learn about trading five years ago.

Correct & Correctissimo!

Get a load of this:


8 members online at midnight London time .... to 4 ....... to 2 ............ to 1 during the nite (now do the same for ET ..... ROFLMAO) And this is on Monday, a market day


26 members online during London Market hours including the overlap (now do the same for ET ....... ROFLMAO)


Aside from my trades there is almost NONE tht has a specific entry date/time in real time. All in hindsight.(now do the same for ET .............. I'd say 100-500 real time trades, currently 3 guys with high numbers of trades........... ROFLMAO)


DEATH = only the sound of the wind here mostly superheated steam out the ass (now look at ET ........... ROFLMAO)

There's more but you get the picuture
YouTube is awash with trading tutorials getting hundreds of thousands of views. The people watching those videos would likely have come here to learn about trading five years ago.

Movie time, ran into a YouTube channel with Interest Rates as the topic - jeez, millions of views. Typed in stock market trading and was blown out the door by the countless channels and views, sooooooooo many just on trendlines and basics alone. And dig this: pick any one of them and the listener can learn more in one sitting than spending months at T2W.

Burn the place to the ground and build from re-start
My apologies to Trendie for not having a respectable answer to his original, post but it's time to put this thread on IGNORE for obvious reasons.


You are sooooooooo slow, you'd be late for your own funeral. I've often wondered about you, the one or two times you showed up in my thread. Always liked you but thought, Jesus H Christ, if this cat operates any slower, he'd be going backwards. Like for instance, when placing a trade, you'd be so slow with the entry Long that by the time you got filled, the bull-market would be over 5 years later in OUR TIME 🙂

You've been here for 20 years. Jesus H Christ, man, wake up, Pete

Still like you, karnal 🙂
My apologies to Trendie for not having a respectable answer to his original, post but it's time to put this thread on IGNORE for obvious reasons.


Sorry Pete, in all the excitement I forgot a crucial point to you which is directly in line with the thread title here

T2W Existential crisis: what is this forum for?

Come on Pete, you've been at T2W since inception = almost 18 years?? And not one single live trade in these 2 decades. Come on brother, what have you been doing? Small talk for 2 decades. Come on Pete, you're way better than this. Hast thou forgotten the name of this place is


That's a serious name, Pete. You have not honored this site. I have. In 3 months I have 37 live trades. Even if all were duds and I lost millions it would still be a major contribution and with yours in the denominator it would approach infinity. Dig? But my trades were 100%, no losses. But the point is that in just a mere 3 months or so I plugged in 37 trades. Can you dig it Pete? I put in the time, did the work, took care to state my analysis, plugged in the numbers immediately.

And you? In 2 decades have not a single live trade here?

This thread title is about cats like you, Pete. You've ruined this place. Others come in and follow your example. The place has become a vessel for sea going snitches who all trade in hindsight, never mind that no broken on the face of the earth will pay out for a trade of this sort

"I've been Long for 4 weeks now and just kept moving my Stop up, I think I'll close out tomorrow for a huge profit"

The broker who pays for this type of trade - I'd like to meet his sister or tailor, both will do.
Hi FT - what was it I said exactly ?.....I am flattered but if i can bottle it i will sell it elsewhere !

You have it already amigo, its the thread title, shorting the SPY (have new shorts in place) = My main and only reason for coming to ET and T2W. All the other stuff has been incidental, the main driver is the tread title = calling the Top of the greatest bull market in history and shorting it all the way to catch the bottom a few years down the road and then going Long at as close to the bottom as possible. And have it all recorded in TIME, PLACE, FORM, EVENT.

ok got it ......I dont trade the SPY but was interested to apply my own triggers / signals to the mix ..ive also added your call on the chart .....and assume you are using deep pockets to back up your trades (as all the real big players/winners have always done) .....

My system only pushed up 2 trades of interest in last year or so (fussy fussy fussy)......that big play off 4th Jan 2019 bounce......soo many reasons to love that from my perspective .....

and i would have taken a sell call (your Bias) on 7th May....when it should have gone more ......im a real tight arse on stops so both trades would have worked ok ....but thats hindsight Bullshit

I would have missed loads of others some would have taken ...but my system is real fussy and why i like having 28 currency pairs on hand to leverage it as it will only appear generally on perhaps 1 pair in 8 when i am hunting a particular Currency .....

anyway my system is flagging and screaming that another correction is due ..... but if it gives me the full signal is always in the hands of the charts...if it doesnt and the Bear resumes ive simply missed a trade and know theres hundreds of others out there to chose from ...I dont sweat it ...plenty of fish in the sea .....

Hope it comes back and gets in gear soon.....did you say you don't do stops FT ?



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    spy calls NP.JPG
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Hi FT - what was it I said exactly ?.....I am flattered but if i can bottle it i will sell it elsewhere !


You said the equivalent of .........................

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Many saw the apple fall, only Newton asked why

No passion is stronger in the breast of a man than the desire to make others believe as he believes. Nothing so cuts at the root of his happiness and fills him with rage as the sense that another rates low what he prizes high

When help is asked of God, he ignores your qualifications, your riches, your degrees, your lineage, your vast circle of friends - he only looks for scars - then he drowns you in wherewithal (me & thee are the only 2 here at T2W with scars, the God part is me, perhaps not you)

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends. (Fibo's enemies at T2W are near unanimous = look at the learning rewards therein - any LIKE given is the equivalent of 5k of the regular Likes 🙂 )

A day without laffffter is a day wasted

Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.

Go right ahead and bottle your sayings and sell them for zillions with my blessing 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Hi FT - what was it I said exactly ?.....I am flattered but if i can bottle it i will sell it elsewhere !


I saved the best for last ............. this is what you said along with Warren Buffet and Bernard Baruch

When there is blood in the streets and everyone is terribly fearful and bearish, BUY
When there is euphoria and complacency and giddy optimism, SELL
(NVP, Warren Buffet, Baruch)

At T2W every single mother violates this Law except You and Fibo. Main violator? new_trader

NVP = Nominal Velocity of Propagation = the speed with which electrical signals travels through various types of conductors

Bottle it! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
ok got it ......I dont trade the SPY but was interested to apply my own triggers / signals to the mix ..ive also added your call on the chart .....and assume you are using deep pockets to back up your trades (as all the real big players/winners have always done) .....

Hope it comes back and gets in gear soon.....did you say you don't do stops FT ?


Don't have to worry about deep pockets no more. Why? Relatively tight STOPS during a Bend in the TREND. Then when/if the new trend called gets going, load it up and loosen STOPS.

Not to worry about the current SPY shorts. I am FLAT as you can see as none of the SPY shorts are triggered YET. And I most certainly will not go LONG in such a euphoric market as only duffers, low-riders, asinine, hovine, bovine individuals commit such folly in violation of NVP/Buffet's Law

My trades in EurUsd continue unabated as I am always invested either L or S. But all such posts are to be no more. done, amigo, done. Its all SPY posts now
did you say you don't do stops FT ?


Jesus H Christ, NVP. STOPS = American Express Card = never leave Home without it.

I use 3 kinds of STOPS .................... always, always always ................ any one of the 3 types

Catastrophic STopLoss
Bend in the Trend tight tight tight StopLoss
Expanding and loosening STOPLOSS when the TREND gets underway - Stop is placed where nobody can find it

The greatest sin/fault/blunder of a Trend Rider/Surfer is that Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan find your Stop and blast you off the Trend by dropping you off your horse. Ain't ever going to happen to Fibo - EVER. When a TREND gets underway my STOP is close to 5% away. Even Lucifer will not look that far below. Sleep like a baby and never worry about closing out positions for weeks/months and/or years unless a FIBO level is hit.