
does this correlate to where i live?


No but it does correlate to this?

1. saudi arabia are the "clear instigators" & the "US are now mere puppets"......


2. which makes the UK & cameron the utter scum of the earth.

i love watching debates & the like ie houses of parliament debates are amazing yet i wonder why none of them ask, as a concluding note, where they live?

i wonder, eh atilla, its such a relevant bit of detail. dont you think?

just out of interest, where do you live btw?

i love watching debates & the like ie houses of parliament debates are amazing yet i wonder why none of them ask, as a concluding note, where they live?

i wonder, eh atilla, its such a relevant bit of detail. dont you think?

just out of interest, where do you live btw?


Sunny Worthing...

and you?

Are you an utter scum too?
You poor twit.

How old are you 14? 😆

oo ouch that hurts.

if i was then you getting involved in a forum spat with a 14 yo makes you a bully? converse with many young teenagers online do you atilla?

fwiw i wld place a 14yo's views on syria & current affairs considerably higher than anything you manage to spew out, i have found that many young ppl are open minded for starters.

over & out here.

learnt how to use google yet?
oo ouch that hurts.

if i was then you getting involved in a forum spat with a 14 yo makes you a bully? converse with many young teenagers online do you atilla?

fwiw i wld place a 14yo's views on syria & current affairs considerably higher than anything you manage to spew out, i have found that many young ppl are open minded for starters.

over & out here.

learnt how to use google yet?

The best quote from Ice Age - YouTube
There's a saying that the best way to fix something is to stop trying to fix it. This applies quite well to lots of situations involving government interference.

Is anyone here who proposes that something be done about Syria, actually willing to go there and fight for that belief? Or are you just happy to send others to do what you don't care enough about?
There's a saying that the best way to fix something is to stop trying to fix it. This applies quite well to lots of situations involving government interference.

Is anyone here who proposes that something be done about Syria, actually willing to go there and fight for that belief? Or are you just happy to send others to do what you don't care enough about?

Not even that. Just blankets, tents, medical supplies etc.
The sooner people embrace peace and tolerance the better they will be for it. We fought our civil war to contain our King and put our Govt. on the long road to democracy, nearly 300 years ago. The 3rd world has some catching up to do. Not that democracy is any good really imho.
The ME is rife with political and religious extremists. Has been since before the Romans. Also a bit slow to catch onto the positive values of life. The after life ? Yeah well keep praying 😆
Do you know who I'm quoting Atilla?

Had to google it but I'm guessing here; are you referring to Hitler's betrayal of agreement made with Neville Chamberlain?


Are you referring to the fear Israel feels regarding use of a chemical attack? I think France and Turkey are also feeling the same if that is the case having provided support for war.

In this case I'm glad Parliament has voted against it and I see no reason attack Syria unless indisputable evidence is provided and UN sanctions it...

I also think we should question the wisdom of selling the stuff to the regime until 6 months ago. :idea:
I suppose one view is - if they want to fight each other why not sell them weapons. None of our boots on the ground though like Iraq/Afghanistan. The US always seems to get it wrong - must be congenital.
Why is it that people who think that the Government knows better than the free market are the same people who think that the Government can't be trusted on the issue of war?
Why is it that people who think that the Government knows better than the free market are the same people who think that the Government can't be trusted on the issue of war?

There are many laws and decisions made by Government in power and Parliament.

Need to be a little more discerning as to which rule/law/action you are talking about.

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater comes to mind.

It's democracy is it not? Not perfect but it will have to do for now. Least of all evils... :idea:
There's a saying that the best way to fix something is to stop trying to fix it. This applies quite well to lots of situations involving government interference.

Is anyone here who proposes that something be done about Syria, actually willing to go there and fight for that belief? Or are you just happy to send others to do what you don't care enough about?

gd post.

thats why i just dont get the armed forces nowadays - there really isnt an evil like when the nazis were around. if you sign up - you cld go to war for a v ****ed up reason. and die for no reason.

and i know ppl who have died......for allegedly defending the british empire, its just too sad really. hence my hatred re politicians....+ the system, & the ppl who vote them in etc.
To talk of red lines being crossed on the basis of the use of weapons of mass destruction (nerve gas) rather than machetes and clubs seems a rather arbitrary basis for punitive military action.

To commit to massive military retribution for the killing approximately 1400 people where neither the nerve agent used nor the perpetrators have been positively identified while the world stood back when the Hutus very openly and publicly with intent and full claim murdered somewhere between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Tutsis (and pro-peace Hutus) cannot surely be considered a humanitarian response, but far more likely a political one.

A that time Clinton didn’t need the kudos of a war – he was already a popular president - and remains to this day one of the most popular presidents. Obama however is suffering from nonentity crisis and will likely go down in history as the biggest let down presidents ever. He arguably had a Sisyphean task ahead of him as the first black president and expectations of him and his tenure were impossibly high. But he has without doubt been lacklustre in his policies and diffuse in his administration. Perhaps either he or his aides who hope to convince any subsequent Democratic president to retain their services, realise some capital could and should be made from the Syria situation. Bit like Maggie Thatcher and the Falklands which came at just the right time to re-energise her flagging fortunes.

The reason the US (then under Clinton) gave at the time of the Rwandan genocide for their reluctance to go in was that it had vowed the year before after it’s disastrous peacekeeping mission in Somalia “never to return to a conflict it couldn't understand, between clans and tribes it didn't know, in a country where the US had no national interests”.

Seems the US has decided it does have ‘US national interests’ in Syria, just as it did in Iraq and Afghanistan.
If killing people is wrong then the answer to the Syrian problem is surely self evident !!