Foreigners getting gassed by some dictator? I suppose nobody will care unless it affects their property price, or their view, or it interrupts Coronation Street.
Foreigners getting gassed by some dictator? I suppose nobody will care unless it affects their property price, or their view, or it interrupts Coronation Street.
So we are led to believe???
Evidence is all assessment based.
By all evidence the twin towers and in particular WTC7 were model demolition jobs.
However, you have trouble believing what your eyes are telling you. So you believe what suits you.
1300 Architects and Engineers have examined the evidence and disagree with the official report. World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth
Now there are more than 1500 top architects and engineers with the same view. Watch this film 15mins long. Then you judge the evidence.
Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - - YouTube
Where is the evidence on delivery?
That is surely mighty strange. Was it an inside job ?
or did a dastardly foreign terrorist group do it ?
Make it 50 years on or 100 I don't think much will have changed for the better in the ME. It would have been better oil had never been discovered there for the many who have died in the rush of politics. Driven by greed for money mainly !!
If any Syrians read this forum, I would like their opinion ??
i posted mths ago links to syrian bloggers on this same thread fwiw, maybe you missed them pat?
clearly it goes unnoticed. instead we have the MSM (aka v lazy) readers (atilla et al) who rapidly regurgitate whatever is being passed through their letter/sky box.....without bothering to read the alternative news sources.... which fwiw often show a diff angle to wtf is going on in an area where 'real life' ppl are dying.
i wld post the link to the russian leak of the meeting between putin & a prince of saud but that wld be wasting my time, evidence as such in the post i replied to. google it if you actually do care, its dark as ****.
the most interesting part of it though is that saudi arabia are the clear instigators & the US are now mere puppets......which makes the UK & cameron the utter scum of the earth.
the saudis admit to funding checkyan terrorists.....the caveat being....are the russian leaks true? what might sway your opinion though is that UN chem weapons investigators already identified the 'rebels' to blame for chem attacks months ago in syria.....which the MSM originally tried to blame on the assad army. qatar has gas, needs a market to export to, europe import gas, from russia etc etc. & the US need a spike in gdp....& thats what war is gd for.
so for some perspective, which no doubt you will ignore...again......
Media Lens - 'A Political Ploy'? The Guardian Editors Swallow US Claims On Syrian WMD
the guardian suck more sh1te than anyone. true scum. who owns them? linked to an infamous banking family?
i posted mths ago links to syrian bloggers on this same thread fwiw, maybe you missed them pat?
clearly it goes unnoticed. instead we have the MSM (aka v lazy) readers (atilla et al) who rapidly regurgitate whatever is being passed through their letter/sky box.....without bothering to read the alternative news sources.... which fwiw often show a diff angle to wtf is going on in an area where 'real life' ppl are dying.
i wld post the link to the russian leak of the meeting between putin & a prince of saud but that wld be wasting my time, evidence as such in the post i replied to. google it if you actually do care, its dark as ****.
the most interesting part of it though is that saudi arabia are the clear instigators & the US are now mere puppets......which makes the UK & cameron the utter scum of the earth. [/COLOR]
the saudis admit to funding checkyan terrorists.....the caveat being....are the russian leaks true? what might sway your opinion though is that UN chem weapons investigators already identified the 'rebels' to blame for chem attacks months ago in syria.....which the MSM originally tried to blame on the assad army. qatar has gas, needs a market to export to, europe import gas, from russia etc etc. & the US need a spike in gdp....& thats what war is gd for.
so for some perspective, which no doubt you will ignore...again......
Media Lens - 'A Political Ploy'? The Guardian Editors Swallow US Claims On Syrian WMD
the guardian suck more sh1te than anyone. true scum. who owns them? linked to an infamous banking family?
World leaders must just love these get-togethors !
Top hotels - best food and entertainment.
All at the taxpayers expense. Did the St. Petersburg meeting achieve anything useful ?
How come the US is about to lose the moral high ground if they decide to bomb and kill even more Syrians ? Must be 99 cents short of a mental dollar.
and instead make for excellent fascist crackpots, "Truthers" and otherwise deranged unemployable souls.
UK and Cameron scum of the earth? Where do you live?
this comment sums you up in a nutshell atilla, cos where i live has everything to do with my opinions on politicians & the nefarious activities they get involved in.....sigh.
What's a "checkyan" terrorist?
Stop scratching lil chihuahua that you are and just comment on your opinions and point of view.
1. saudi arabia are the "clear instigators" & the "US are now mere puppets"......
2. Where is the evidence and how have you come to reach this conclusion???
3. which makes the UK & cameron the utter scum of the earth.
I'll refrain from calling you a stupid idiot for now but I hope you can see the writing on the wall 😉
I'll refrain from calling you a stupid idiot)