Spanish89 Not Only Smashed Through 5% Per Day Target, But Now Has Solved Bank Crisis!

I think he has a much better understanding now of real risk management than all the photocopy ambitionless traders on this site gibbering about three per cent a trade, the huge importance of psychology, indicators and so on... Frankly if he keeps this up for a few more months might consider backing him myself.
Ah, but do you think his psychology will change when it's not "ALL THE MONEY IN THE WHHHOOOOLE WORLD"?
Using someone else's money might change his ambition to win. Just a thought.
LOL....our main man Spanish is absolutely kicking himself at 'only' earning £400 so far today.
There is absolutely no fuking way im just gna accept traidng this **** and fuking crap tho!!!

Im simply gna not let myself eat any food untill i earn atleast £1,000 (earnt £392, so have £608 more i still need to earn before im gna let myself have the luxury of eating after the fuking ****ty dispaly i did today!!!

Now that's commitment.
I've been following it closely - the lad is doing great to be fair.


Quite amazing, in fact.
Very consistently making at least £300 per day. That's alot of lolly for an 18 year old.'s alot to me and im in my 20's.

On top of that he seems to be taking his losses when he needs to.

Im now gonna stop waiting for him to blow up and accept that I was wrong about him and he is simply one of the successful ones making dedent money everyday.
I think he understands risK implicitly now even if he can't express it. I don't think three hundred quid a day is enough to survive comfortably in London but as a platform to build from he deserves serious congrats.

Honestly his risk management seems better than Goldman's!
The problem may arise when he tries to make it a decent living. It's the highest paid job in England, apparently. And until he's bumming around in an F430 Superleggera GTR Quad Turbo on 24" rims with chrome spinners, I don't think he's really made it (mind you, he's blowing his withdrawn money on his rum habit). With the heart-in-mouth trading that he appears to do (don't say he doesn't trade with emotion - half his posts use full-on capital letters), he can't keep it up forever at £300 profit a day. He needs to consider ramping it up somewhat before he burns out... and that is when problems could occur.
Dont know about darren, but I certainly am!! 😆

As for £300 per day not being enough to live on, im sure about 95% of this forum would trade places if they were honest!

Depends on how much you could lose in a day. I heard it's in the order of thousands. My ticker couldn't take the stress. Used to do it. Used to have a full head of hair, too. You decide.
Anyway, my point is this. It's about scalability. Scalping is quite stressful so you can't do it for the next 50 years of your life without emotional, psychological and physical health issues, so you need to maximise the return on your trading time.
Spanish's trading style has changed of late - he is no longer using his spanish stops system where he'd hold onto a position for days/weeks in the hope that it turns profitable again. He's now taking losses, albeit emotionally, but at least he's getting out of the bad trades before they hurt him too much - and that is why he survives to this day.

Go back to his early posts on this forum and you'll see his no stops theories and why he was ridiculed so much back then. So despite his ranting he did listen to us!

He is still very emotional about trading, which I have no doubt because he's grossly under capitalised, but give him credit - he is making money.

But 2/3 months is not long enough to pronounce that you are a professional or that you've made it. If he's still going in 6 months time then fair play to him and he can sit smugly and let his head swell as much as he likes!