Small Cap Stocks Day Trading Journey ($25,000 Challenge)

$MIMO what a PM! I started to trade it late but after 20m I got a bit more comfy trading the sub-dollar and was able to make some decent profits. The open technically had 2 beautiful setups but I small-sized them with lack of conviction it wouldn't halt. $BFRG also took away some of my attention.

In today's YT recap, I'll also share how I have #halt indicators on my #TOS layout.

You can see them in the screenshots below "HaltUP & HaltLW" by the vol.
For now.. here's the #ThinkScript Share URL:



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Sometimes you're nailing everything and your P&L trends up and to the right all day. Other days.. well, it's just the opposite. The goal is to know which way you're #trending.

Double down if up and cut when it's down or end high on the range (if possible) when ranging.

Today was a downtrend for me. So it's a good time to call it. No love from the top gainers. $AGFY $CELU



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$CRGE I seem to always take this one off my second screen right before it rips.

Today was tricky. Easy day to do a lot wrong. I went from Red to Green With $PCSA then almost gave back all with $SAVE (shame on me there) and then a small win with $MESA

Called it today when I realized.. it was quickly turning into one of those days, where you had decent profits and next stop was max loss.

Always be grateful for what you have!

Small red to start the week but it was worth the attempts and the screen time.

$RVSN got me green. Then $SGMT got me greener until it didn't. Once it got choppy off the frontside I'd either enter earlier or miss it and chase late.

A good reminder when trading largies / higher priced tickers, is not to be overly aggressive. Rather sit on the Bid, ride the trend, and #buylowsellhigh breakouts.

Btw, WTF is $PHUN doing? Still crawling up after 2 stock offerings 🧟😅 lol got to love it.

Ended the day giving back 25% or so off the highs. $FAZE was a hell of a ticker. I made most $$$ PM, but there were solid moves after the open as well.

Happy to see all this action even if it was hard to find a clear winner. I'd take this any day over most of 2023.

$NXU, $SPRC and even $GETR were rough.

Almost hit max loss today in the Pre-Market session.

Then $EVAX after the open saved me. Solid strength and trading halts got me back to almost breakeven. Even made back some losses on $GETR.

Would have loved to get more aggressive with size but I sized down to stay in the game when staring max loss in the face. This was the right idea but I didn't size back up as I should have after I found flow again and was trending higher.

NEW RULE: Against Market Exposure (aka myself)

For a long time, I didn't know how to make a rule to hedge against basically staring at the screen too long and avoiding overtrading. Because you don't want to limit your upside on a solid trading day where you keep trending higher.

However, I've been in the situation, like today, where I'm up $1k+ and then I go red on the day, sometimes even hitting max loss.

Most days it's hard to hold onto profits, especially after nailing moves for 45m or so. Quality small-cap runs are only so long. Then it's consolidation and chop.

So here's the idea for the next 6 weeks we'll trial this rule and then reassess (after 6 weeks Utah).

Most days 4G mindset (get green get going).

If we're in 2020 environment where there are 1000% gappers, mistakes make you profit, everyone wants to be a day trader on YT, etc. Then stick around all day.

Otherwise, if you nailed frontside take the win. Save energy for the hot environment, and if you want to make more money. Use bigger size next time.

$PALI was a solid ticker this PM. I was a bit distracted trying to get the stream live for 20m while I was trading it but overall I was able to pull some base hit-level profits. Steam I had to cut due to unstable internet. Enough to trade but not enough for broadcasting it.

I'd love to get more streaming in. Evaluate my options atm based on where I am for the next 6 weeks. TBD.

At the open, I got caught in the giant $PALI flush and had a solid 14% looser with a bigger size. Right into the halt as well. The biggest loss of the year. Eeeks.

The recap video has the whole accident on video so stay tuned for that!

congrats on your first 4-digit day! Once it happens it's like unlocking a new ability. Many more to come 🚀

$PXLW was intense but I was either a bit too early or a bit too late. Then the big move I was holding for never happened. My recap today goes over the live trading recording of key trading moments this morning.

What I did well though was size and maintain the size. Also cutting losers quick. No need to overstay your welcome in this market.

$3k+ days are on the horizon.



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That's a wrap for the first month of the year!

What a day today. PM was 💩and there were ~6 new tickers to watch. Then around 9AM we got $CNXA and everything changed.

Amazing open but you had to be aggressive and not forget to size as it was a sub-dollar.

In today's recap we'll review the live trading recording

- CNXA open trades (I should have 3x the size)
- silly wicks that we love MINM
- the opportunity I spotted on GHSI

The market is def heating up so let's get in the right mindset for February 🧠💪

No amazing tickers today $NRBO was the best. Most eyes I think were on $MINM (yesterday's top gainer). $GRI popped up too but phewyy not easy to manage your risk on it.

Tricky day but was doing better than expected. That's why I ended up calling it early. Felt like it was super easy to give back profits.

My main focus was sizing up and I think that's what got me nicely in the green. For how little I traded.

Today's recap deep dives:

1. My system being sizing (25% lots to A+ size)
2. Live trades recording worth reviewing

It's Friday! And you can tell small caps took off.

$INBS gave us some tradeable action but I was a bit outa sync with it never getting a proper trader. I think I could have #rambo'ed it a bit more and bought high but didn't feel like the risk justified the reward.

In hindsight maybe the R:R was better than I expected? Especially went reading pure frontside.

- Earnings winner
- .8m float
- only new top gainer
- Warrants only after $6.60

- Rough daily price action

In today's recap, I'll share more of my perspective & trades.

UK - many are small cap!
Hope you noticed SDRY (UK) sometime Friday morning. 128% ...
All day risers tend not to continue next day according to SMB propshop, but this one had the takeover catalyst so worth a look Monday, there may be more news.

For a UK screener, Hargreaves Lansdown FTSE All Share screener HEAT MAP is worth having up - log in so it's live. (Only Slightly erratic).
Watch the colours. Hover over the box for the day's chart.
Small caps hit the snooze button, not in the #MondayMood I guess..

Patience saved me today from the award mix of chop.

Started red with some nasty dips on $YTEN but then made back the losses at the open. Happy to not be in any major hole.

You can't surf with no waves. Manage risk on days like today and don't wear yourself out for no reason.

More details & live trade recordings in today's recap.



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My eager beaver self let $TENX get the best of me..

Missed the morning panic, which was my goal, and then chased to get flushed on. You'll love this live trading replay in today's recap 😶‍🌫️

I knew I was a bit off focus already when I was trading on the 5m chart thinking it was the 1m chart.

Almost reached max loss but then $AGFY saved the day. When was the last time you had a day like this?

Stuck around until 11, but it's dry out there now. Time to pack the bags. Easily can get caught on the backsides, all the #TopGainers are currently in.

Live trades and ticker fundamentals in the recap 📹

I had 2 big sizes on $HOLO, up and down $1k, back and forth, if I held the first one 30m seconds would have been a 3k+ green day. Price action was shakey, to say the least.

I'm stoked that we're getting the opportunities/setups to get these kinda trades in (size helps too).

Eventually, we'll land one.

In today's recap video, I want to discuss a tiny tweak that would have allowed me to talk away today with a record day.

There was a lot moving today.. however, all eyes were on $SYRA wow wow wow. It might just have been the craziest 30 seconds of a ticker we've seen since 2020.

Just shy of a 1k% push in 15m.

With an amazing catalyst of $75B gov contract but weighed down by serious dilution. Lots to review.

Who's still looking to trade this going into powerhour??

This is the momo we need to hit those new record profits if it's $1k, $3k, $10k or more!

Often keeping profits after you made them is the most important part. There are little signs "writings on the wall" that often act as a good indicator of when to lock in those gains🔒

That's what I want to review in today's recap.
