Small Cap Stocks


Hello everyone, hope you are enjoying your week and staying positive.

I kindly wanted your thoughts on small cap stocks that have a market capitalisation of around 3 billion. I am very interested in this stock California Resources Corporation. Would you say smaller cap stocks like this are more volatile please, so although they have chance to rise very quickly, they could also fall very quickly? Do you have a better chance of making bigger gains with smaller cap stocks if you do your research and hopefully find a good company please? As i am wanted to re-balance my portfolio and along with larger cap stocks like Heinz, Coca Cola, try some smaller stocks.

Thank you so much for any input you could give me. Take care and i hope you enjoy the rest of your week. Thanks again.
Small cap stocks will be much more risky, but yes - big gains can be made if you are in the right place at the right time!
I kindly wanted your thoughts on small cap stocks that have a market capitalisation of around 3 billion.
😱 A small cap of - of what was that . . . around 3 billion? (Coughs):

3 b-i-l-l-i-o-n, you say???

Err yeah, that's a right tiddler to us. 🙄 A sole trader, single Corner-shop job. A right wee small-cap.

A subscription to the best specialist mag in small caps is called for - SCSW
- would be just the thing; but you might have a job to find any of their recommendations for around 3 billion.