Small Cap Stocks Day Trading Journey ($25,000 Challenge)

What a day, had to be extra patient and then aggressive for the handful of setups we had.

Did quite well all day and just was scratching $2k profit. $RGLS late morning break over VWAP and halt could have put me over $3k but it didn't work out today. Just minor tweaks are needed.

Had to be super aggressive on the green candles today and flee the scene when the red candles came in.

Green attracts green and red attracts red.

Several tickers moving but not over VWAP long


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Exhausting day, gave back a good chunk of yesterday's big green day. Ugh, one of those days where it feels like you're always on the wrong side.

Didn't manage risk well enough today. Got stuck in maybe 4-5 bigger flushes, most could have been closed for a small scratch when the move-up stalled.

Probably no need to push it as hard as I did today but I'm trying to grow so that's what I'm doing.

Very tough day, wicky and flushy tickers. Writing is on the wall tried all I could to get above max loss but nothing worked so calling it down 30% past max.

Let's learn from our mistakes and do better tomorrow.

A bunch of duds:


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Alright, guys, limiting my market exposure. I'm outa here. A decent green day made back a good chunk of yesterday's loss.

I need to get 10x better at risk management. So I keep my gains more often. Then I'd be having 20k+ months

Loss comes from 3 things really:

1. Hesitating OG frontside and then FOMOing once backside starts
2. Overtrading higher risk / poor quality setups usually due to #1 or just being bored cause nothing is happening.
3. Not cutting quick enough when trade stalls or goes red

Lot's of shady #PriceAction out there:


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Def not a day to push it. My flow on $VERB was alright today, the 6th sense. But still felt more like a day where green was luck. Happy to call it before the luck tide shifts.

Other sketchballs today:

Happy weekend everyone!

Don't forget to review the tap and recharge🤓🔋


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Today was a battle. Was chilling at max loss for a bit and fought my way to break even but now starting to give back again. Would love to keep trading but risk is high out there so calling it.

Choppy momo continues from last week.

Biggest issue today was chasing exits. Sometimes hard to avoid especially Pre-market; best way to avoid them is to cut as soon as a ticker stalls or goes red.

This will be a focus of today's studies. All studies on YT.

Shakey to gainers:


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What a reckless day..

I had a major loss today. The trade lasted from 9:58:32 to 09:59:16 44 seconds $2.57k, had limit orders on trendline support on $OTRK that just got ripped through, used flatten hotkeys a few seconds too late because once I did I stopped out at the perfect low of the next candle wick. Shitty but happens.

Good news is all things considered I did alright. I'm small red and it would have been a $2k+

With sub-dollars you got to know when you're getting lucky because often those tickers are luck tickers. Don't overstay your welcome like I did.

Got to do better cutting my losers. When in doubt (even for a sec) get out. You can always re-enter.



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Was hoping for a bit more action but it's been a wicky week with momo very unstable so no surprises today.

Started giving back off the top in an increasingly worse R:R env so I called it.

My trading wasn't as good as yesterday but today I didn't have a $2.7k loss so in the end I did do better. Got to keep pushing it even if it's not too hot. Wan to stay slightly uncomfortable so when momo comes back I'm already working with bigger sizes.

So not stoked that today I was down from my portfolio avg size. R:R and win ratio also lower than portfolio avg.

Lot's to review in recap. GL everyone & study up!



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Happy to be green with the minefield-ridden top gainers we had today: $LU, $KAVL, $YTEN, $CURI, $ASST

Patience was key. I was lacking it at first, so I started in the red but knowing I couldn't push it to get back green. Really had to force myself to be patient.

Eventually, $KAVL started heating up, although still ridden with nasty wicks and false breakouts.

Calling it ~30m earlier than usual. Don't need to overstay my welcome.

I got an alert for when $RDDT goes live as I would like to watch that. GL to everyone looking for some #IPO trading ⚡️


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Top 10 toughest days of the year. Spent all day in the red, $BACK popped up right at the end and I was able to make back some losses. But even with this ticker, I could only hold onto gains briefly.

Never nice ending the week red but happy no major big 3x max loss or anything just a scratch week/day. Those happen at least 50% of the year regardless.

Reckless tickers today..

Keep them losses small! Happy weekend everyone


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idk what was wrong with me today missed so many entries and then chased, it on repeat.

Ended up going 2x max loss.

ugh.. feels super unnecessary. I was trending down all day. Not how u want to start or end a week.

Usually, a bigger red day isn't a big deal but I can't be having these kinda red days if I'm not locking in equal or greater green days. In a slow market, like we're seeing again; it's harder to make back losses. So you can't be letting them get too big! That's where I failed today..

Rough top gainers:


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I’m opening my calendar for a limited number of complimentary trading strategy chats. No strings attached – just you, me, and ~20 minutes dedicated to exploring your trading stats (or helping you get your trades updated).

Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh pair of eyes to spot the untapped opportunities.

I'll be at it for the remainder of this month and then go from there. Finally don't have any trips planned for 2 weeks lol so found an opening. Been wanting to do this for some time.

If you or you know anyone who could benefit reserve a spot 🍻
You can use this link: (it's the same as the one you'll find in your TJ Dash)


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