Small Cap Stocks Day Trading Journey ($25,000 Challenge)

Just uncovered some juicy insights on the booming global military spending and how it's affecting defense stocks! 😮 We'll dive into insider buying, stock prices, and even touch on some macro red flags.

"Coachability, "Hope open a trader is to feedback, mine or the markets. And most critically.. How quickly and effectively that trader can then incorporate that feedback" - Lance Breitstein

Hey fellow traders! 🚀
I wanted to share something I believe can genuinely help you in your trading journey. In the latest episode of our podcast, the Insider Trading Podcast, we had an in-depth discussion about staying present and mindful throughout the trading day.

At the 55:10 timestamp, I shared my experiences and techniques on how I maintain presence and mindfulness during the day, and I think it's something that can benefit all traders. Whether you're new to trading or a seasoned veteran, we all face the challenges of managing our emotions and staying focused on the task at hand.

In a nutshell, I ask myself 3 questions to understand what the EV (expected valued) is for continuing to trade. I got the idea from Annie Duke the author of her best seller book "Quit".

I'd love to hear your thoughts and any tips you might have for staying present and mindful during your trading day. Let's share our experiences and help each other grow as traders! 🌱

Timestamped video:

Happy trading and stay mindful! 🧘‍♂️
If you're wondering where to follow my trading the weekly "Insider Trading Podcast" that comes every Wednesday is the best place. Other than that I post daily in the TradeJournal discord and often on Twitter. If you drop by don't forget to leave a comment to show your support!

Frustrating day yesterday, Was up $530 just to go to negative $130. My Mondays are typically my worst trading days. So usually best to apply the 4G concept "Get Green Get Going" and start off the week with more confidence and less stress.

ASST was the ticker I snoozed on the frontside on although still got nicely green. Then I trade the open chop into the red. Before kinda getting some messy setups back green. Yikes.


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By far some of the best days where the P&L curve just trends up.

Stats to improve:

Avg Win $37.54 (1.23%)
Avg Loss -$32.15 (-0.74%

- Not great that my $ size on winners was so small. Losses have too big size and winners too small.

Largest Winning Trade $85.13 (2.75%)
Largest Losing Trade -$149.28 (-2.80%)

- Similar story here, the biggest winner much smaller than loser. This is classic sign of adding into looser instead of quickly cutting.


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Yesterday was beyond frustrating. From up $400 to down $400 to closing slightly better. Not even from trading but the lack of it.. wasn't able to close or open trades. Internet fell out and I got stuck in PLUG and BWV and ontop wasn't able to trade the best pre-market winner WETG...

Went from a solid green day, possibly even a really good green day to a solid red day.. Nothing worse than when your tools don't work..


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Should have stopped while I was ahead yesterday. Large caps are in charge atm, smalls are being overlooked causing a lot of failed moves.

Was in a bit of a revenge mode deep down yesterday after having a big green to red due to internet issues. Can't force the market though. Happy I didn't end red although I gave back a lot of profits and went red. $WORX got me green again.


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Last week "Understand Limitations of Local Environment & Reduce Market Exposure | Y2024W25", wasn't the most exciting for me. But that's fine, I'm in Portugal surfing, it was a short week, tickers are not super consistent and I even had an accidental leftover limit order that made me start Friday off down $300. So all things considered not bad profits for trading 1-3 hours per day. That's what I really love about trading. So much time for other activities, especially during slower markets. If it was a busy market, I'd have no problem trading longer hours (2-4 😅 )

All my trades from last week:


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Back with a new video (Filmed in Peniche Portugal)! In the past few years, I've been bombarded with one Q at least once per month "The best broker to use as European trading US markets", and so I decided to dive deep and bring you the answers.

Video & Poll:

Remember, your feedback fuels everyone's learning so share your thoughts in the comments. Stay safe, curious and make some awesome trades🚀
Last week "Trading In Portugal & France | Y2024W26", started off really good but then the week hit a brick wall. Not surprising.. lot of macro news and then a big big weekend since 4th of July was coming up on a Tuesday making Monday a bridge day, market was even a half day then. Got to live your life. You can really tell the last two days my running P&L was negative and trending down, I could have ended earlier on Wednesday for sure, then on Thursday had a 4G mindset.

R:R wasn't great, too big position size on my losers, profit margin low but at least my size was a bit bigger. Need to keep pushing that limit when it's the right trade. Don't be scared of a $30k+ trade size on a small cap if it makes sense.

The biggest mistake this month, just like the last week in the month was too big size on losers. My % loss on losers was okay but the $ loss was way too big. You can see my avg loss duration is also much longer than my avg win duration. So I'm holding my losers too long and probably sizing down in them even. If I just cut them quicker my P&L would be in a very different place. Remember you can always re-enter!

All my trades from last week:


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Last week "4th of July Holiday, Half of Year Completed | Y2024W27", was a bit of a snooze fest last week. The best action by far Friday was GRRR but it happened around 10:15-11 AM EST and I was no longer online. Overall a slugfest and I traded last week what I usually do in 1 day. Luckily my swings are really out-performing.

So overall not much to comment on, happy I didn't go red last week or dig a hole for no reason. I would have taken off if I was on a trip I believe but I was actually fully in the office. Just got back from travels which start again soon though.

All my trades from last week:


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$MOB had a nice PM frontside from 7-8:30 but I called it early PM and then watched again at the open. Was a bit too shakey for me to want to edge into this one. Maybe we'll see more followup if it holds over VWAP. $GRRR 2.0? Not sure, $GRRR might be $GRRR 2.0


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Yesterday we had action for what felt like all day. $RUT possible breakout from a stair. We could see more full-day action and multi-day winners like $GRRR, I wrapped up early yesterday, rather reduce stress and start the week green.


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Yesterday my wins came primarily from $GDTC but it was a slippery day so was happy to end near highs. I could have been a bit more aggressive on $ELOX which I never ended up trading.. super strong ticker I snoozed on. Maybe today we'll see a round too? $55 Price Target from #Oppenheimer catalyst. $RUT index, also quite bullish, great fully multi-day small caps.

It's gonna be a busy day today with 4 big macro drops at 8:30 #CPI & #Inflation MoM/YoY


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$RXRX 150% in 15m biotech, 192m SO, 1.3b MC up on news of $50m investment from $NVDA to help with #AI models. That's insane, it's trading like a small cap. Talk about #starpower.

#Inflation #CPI came out lower than expected, markets rallying.


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