Small Cap Stocks Day Trading Journey ($25,000 Challenge)

I'm off tomorrow so 4 day for me.
Happy Easter weekend everyone (hope it started better than mine)!

Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Grab your #spring #trading growth spot!

Monday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Love when I see something like this #hardwork

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Lunch fixed a lot of problems today. TY to my gf for picking it up.

Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Had some awesome #community chats today. Remember 30 total spots for the Trading Barrier Breakthrough calls. This is the time to study, be ready for the next #trading session.

Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Today was the perfect #daytrader kinda day (aside from the tickers)

Friday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Small Red Day. No recap sorry guys, was feeling really under the weather been in bed most of the day (insane stomach pains). Hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling god enough to squeeze both recaps into one. Cheers! 🍻

If you're not feeling atleast 80% it's probably best to call it.

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Another longer choppy trading day. Who else is ready for #earningsseason to wrap up?

Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Trading is one of those jobs where your life has such a direct effect on your work. You have to treat yourself like a professional athlete. This recap really highlights those reasons.

Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Choppy day, best to call it before I keep ding that 🕳

Monday Pre-Market Top Gainers

If you're not reviewing your trades you're shooting yourself in the foot. Here's how I do it.

This is when I start sizing down quickly.

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Sometimes we see a butterfly and forget what we're supposed to be doing.

Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers $OTLY $EHTH $RVSN

It just keeps going.

Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers $HYMC $ICPT $BTTX $SONM $SONM $AUST

Any other Brain Armstrong fanboys out there making you do poor financial decisions? #coinbase

SIDU rips me out of snooze fest pre-market but this was a ticker you need to think fast on.

Friday Pre-Market Top Gainers $BBIG $SIDU
