Small Cap Stocks Day Trading Journey ($25,000 Challenge)

Today I literally couldn't trade..
So I decided to the opposite of what I usually do

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

"Objects in motion stay in motion, Until something changes its motion. " - OG Trader Sir Newton

Monday Pre-Market Top Gainers

The #market is at a pivot point.

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

In this video: What I did pre-market that could have made me a lot more at market open.

Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

What a loaded day, scattered action but there was always something to keep you on edge. At the end I was shot and I noticed my #trading going south quick!

Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Let the winners ride until the ridding is over. #KISS

Friday Pre-Market Top Gainers $BLBX $LGVN $HUSN $MULN $USX

$TWTR was up 25% pre-market after Elon Musk bought almost 10%
Maybe not the best small cap news?

Monday Pre-Market Top Gainers

These are my stats on the account:

I do take funds out of it since the start as I don't need an account over $30K. As of last week I moved to an IRA account for this strategy and won't be removing funds anymore.
Patience, Aggression, Size & #Repeat

Wednesday Pre-Market Top Gainers

The more times you see this setup the better chances you'll recognize it next time it happens. #studytime

Ticker Overload! Get your #profits and run.

Thursday Pre-Market Top Gainers

This is the danger of #smallcap multi-day runners

Friday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Very active #premarket usually means choppy #marketopen and then better action later on. That's exactly what happened today.

Monday Pre-Market Top Gainers

Today was reckless & tomorrow is the last day for me this week.
Let's see if we can get on a new green streak!

Tuesday Pre-Market Top Gainers
