Au contraire mon'ami - according to figures published by the Institute of Fiscal Studies, total public spending was around 11 per cent higher per person in Scotland than in the UK as a whole. Official figures suggest Scotland spent £62 bn but raised just £45 bn — an annual subsidy from the English taxpayer of at least £17 bn. In addition, almost one in three Scots workers had a taxpayer-funded job...
Which thus being an autonomous country you would... so what argument there?
I'm not "making things personal", just pointing out that English money is propping up the most welfare, drink and drug-addicted nation in Europe. Feel free to drop me a tax-refund post-independence. 😉
It is an accepted fact that every year for 30 years Scotland has generated more tax revenue per head for the UK treasury than the rest of the UK. The latest figures taken from the Government Expenditure and Revenue Report Scotland (GERS) state that Scotland generated £800 more in tax per person than the UK average. Scotland would have been £8.3 billion better off than the UK over the past 5 years.
Put simply, when the UK runs a surplus Scotland contributes more to the surplus, and when the UK runs a deficit Scotland has to pay more of the debt back than it is responsible for. It’s a “lose/lose” situation for Scottish tax payers and especially for those in need of support from the state.
Read the rest here: