I ran it past Iraj and I'm pleased to announce he's given his blessing to Paul taking over the reins of the forum. So I'm setting him up now.
Belflan - I'll leave that for Paul to decide.
Great - glad to be of service! 🙂
Hi Everyone,
I have agreed to be the Admin of this because (in my view), it is one of the best resources for trading in general. My role will be purely Admin based so I wont be starting new threads etc. I know of some past members who wish to rejoin and they will be allowed to for the most part as there have been many quality posts from some of them.
I will actively encourage quality posting so let's hope it works out.
Hi Everyone,
I have agreed to be the Admin of this because (in my view), it is one of the best resources for trading in general. My role will be purely Admin based so I wont be starting new threads etc. I know of some past members who wish to rejoin and they will be allowed to for the most part as there have been many quality posts from some of them.
I will actively encourage quality posting so let's hope it works out.