Superbly expressed, splurge.
I, too, have received many emails and some pms echoing those views - most of them not as polite!
If an individual wishes to set up a private board then he/she has every right to do so provided, imho, they do so away from t2w and beyond its auspices.
The internet is open and to have a board for a chosen few is unfair to the vast majority who are excluded. The idea of people being able to look from outside but not post is treating them like poor relatives and is insulting.
I'm sorry Sharkey, I've thought long and hard about this, and felt very reluctant to post but I simply must disagree with your decision. I respect you hugely, but on this occasion imho you are mistaken - albeit with the best of intentions.
However, it is your board and I accept that fact and your decisions.
I just feel creating an arbitrary class system on these excellent boards is divisive and cannot help t2w.
I genuinely hope I am proved wrong, but I'm sure you will respect
my opinion as I respect yours - even if we disagree.