New Technical Trader Forum

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I am at a total loss here, you cannot complain about the degrading of the site and then complain when measures are being taken to improve it. As for whose fault anything is, I dont care all that matters is that it happens and it isnt going to stop as things currently are. This is not a court of law and you have now called on us to read all the posts on a thread and act as some of kind of Jury. What is the point of that ?

All I want is to enhance my trading knowledge and trading capability and if that means requesting another member to be included in a private thread then I will do it.


You PMED me few times last week and I sent you an EXCEL prog and also have answered your PM's and question to help you as a friend ..

I was not arrogant when I sent you the EXCEL program was I ?
You never complained did you ?

Good luck with your new forum, but I hope you will not stop posting on the main site so that those of us who are still trying to develop and understand the statistical ways of trading can benefit from your experience.
New blood is essential for new ideas.

Closed membership is in danger of closed minds.

I trawl many TA boards in search of ideas: and have learned a lot from others. That would be impossible in the case of private threads. I am happy to share with others and do..

Not for me🙂 I do not wish to be member of a select few : good luck to them but...

One of the joys of the internet is the FREE exchange of ideas.

Agree with Splurge - he says it far better than I..

Good luck to the private threads...
Grey 1,

Im a bit confused, in your original post I get the imression that the new forum has been set up by t2w as part of its expansion program, you talk as "we" as in t2w and Mr Boss Sharky.

Is this the case or is it your own private forum?


Mr Squad
Apropos the discussion and perceived abhorrance towards Trainers/Coaches by the erstwhile Gray, I note that Chartman and FTSE Beater are combining their talents and are offering "training/Coaching" fee based of course.......I have nothing against this, clearly there is a supply and demand situation here on this BB, and if you have something to sell......

Gray why are you so Anti-Training....will the aformentioned trainers get a bad press from you within the confines of your club?

I am not part of T2W .. I have known Sharky since 1999 I think , as he used to be a contributing member of the first technical Analysis BB which was launched then, and was run by myself.. I discussed this matter with Sharky prior to the launch and he thought it would be a good idea..

I saw the launch of the new forum as an expansion program for more advanced user of the BB where the quality threads can not be destroyed in chit chat environment.

I also feel some one should come along and open a new forum for more long term investment strategies based on fundamentals than technicals.. It be an awesome contribution ..
We are all after $$$$.. Does it really matter How we make it ?

So after agreeing with Sharky that it would be a good idea, can you tell me, is it set up as an extention to T2W, or is it your own private forum like any other member can set up, like it as been sugested by some members?


Mr Squad

the reason I ask is, if its your own forum what has it got to do with mr charts, mmillar and other members what you do?

if it is t2w, isnt this like a VIP room?

I am not anti training .. I have been coaching for free since early 90's.. I have had people in my house after which we only shared a pint and that was all. ..

This morning one of the members wanted to trade the US equities and required my recommendation .. I Did say , he needs to learn Level 2 and recommended NAZ ( perhaps the gentleman can confirm this )., for a simple reason because NAZ's posts speak for itself.. Ask him a question and he replies in an objective manner.. I don’t believe L2 on its own is sufficient enough for trading and hence my disagreement with NAZ..

Ask the same question from CHARTMAN or FTSEE, you get the same objective reply/.. If you want to learn about Charts then CHARTMAN is for you .. he might not get all his calls right but that is market in general ,, As far as TA is concerned he knows his stuff..
If you feel TA works then CHARTMAN is the man .. Same with the FTSE

There are many newbies in this game .who need help but IMHO they must go to the right guy than some one who chooses to back off in technical Debates and buy pity for himself..

I support the on coming seminar .. good luck boys.. I would have loved to attend but I spend 16 hours in front of terminal to protect my swing and long term investments.. I can not afford to be away from terminal .. Trading is not a job to me , IS a way of life..

Gray 1 & trader 333
did this after investor revaloution closed,

nice cosy little club, it was a good learning centre

but if we did not post we got kicked off
so all the best traders will be there in there own club & the rest

of us will be excluded and it will do this b.b. no good in the long run
On the subject of private boards. We had one running last year, (or was it the year before?) Ahh! memory fades with the advancement of years. Pushing 26 again for the 42 year running it's hard to remember.

The board by its' very nature had to be by invite only, not to pander to the select few, but because the subject was how to beat the spreadbetting companies. So the only people that could be invited were people that were 'known'.

I for one had been reluctant to post strategies on a 'public' board that was open to everyone including the sb companies.

People post on this site to help others. Most of the time with no thought of trying to make a few bob out of people. But there are around 7000 names as members now. All those people being helped for free. Very few of them taking the time to post anything of helpful contribution. Of those few, a small minority have posted only detrimentally, and will argue the toss about anything, just because they like the sound of their own voice.

If someone wants a private thread for whatever reason, then that's their prerogative. If they want to invite only who they want in the group, that's up to them. Given the quality of some posts the last few months you can hardly blame them.

This guy grey1 is taking some stick,
I can honestly say his interest are for the development of better traders novice also advanced.and has no monetary gain whatsoever,
I personally have known grey 1 for a number of years visiting him at his home in Cheshire on a number of occasion's
his wealth of knowledge is far beyond any trader or tutor I have ever known he has undergone many misfortunes in his personal life effecting his health in his quest for trading ,spending many hours with people including myself he is a generous hospitable warm hearted man and is a giver not a taker.
I don't understand this idea of a private board. Just because you don't post long technical threads does not mean you are not an excellent trader and have your own idea's as to how to play the markets, I have made 300 ticks this week using a simple system does this qualify me to join or do I need to explain a mystical system I have dreamt up using macd, stochastics, dmi, obv etc to prove I understand trading enough to post on the new thread. It smacks of elitism to me and will exclude many people on here who have a deep knowledge of the markets but are too busy to post on a regular basis.
Excellent splurge Splurge, many other posts echo my feelings of concern over this move.

No problems with a private thread, but the draw for the majority to T2W is the top quality information from experts in the field. Beginners (like myself) may not understand all this, but continue to read, slowly piecing the puzzle together. Many (like myself) of the 7000 may not want to clutter the boards with basic problems or garbage (some do!), preferring to wait until they can contribute more effectively to the knowledge base.

Hopefully, the 'good stuff' will continue to flow, and the beginner will one day evolve to become 'worthy' of entry. However, if the flow stops, the knowledge base is already packed with good stuff, the beginner will learn anyway, he/she will become worthy, but by then, he/she will not give 2 hoots, and will b'gger off to start they're own board somewhere else! :cheesy:

Hope not, but I think it's a possibility.
An essay.
The essence of the difficulty here appears to be a clash between the philosophy of self and mutual help and the commercial approach.

The notion of a site where people exchange knowledge with each other i.e. give something and receive something is what I understand this site to have originally been about.

It is also what the internet was originally about. The nice thing about the internet in its infancy was the FREE exchange of skills/information on the basis of a willingness to divulge with no obligation or responsibility and not for financial reward. You go to a site, you learn something – you pass something on to others. Some pass on more than others. Some have more to pass on than others – all this is accepted. There are still many internet sites where individuals gifted and knowledgeable in their own fields give their time and expertise for no financial reward although they are becoming harder to find.

The regular posters here who keep the significant threads going and moderate the site are the tip of the iceberg of a large and mostly silent and casual membership. Polls are held and there are few votes cast. Individuals with something to offer attract other individuals who relate to what is being said – not everyone agrees - that’s life.

Unfortunately there are commercial realities here and the internet is moving away from its ideals. Running a website costs money and the more successful it is the more it costs. We as members do not own the site – the relationship between it and us is one of mutual dependency. No members – no site. No site – no members. No site – no advertising revenue – less customers for advertisers.

The key to the puzzle is motivation. No one does anything for nothing. There is always a payback – a motivation – whether financial or otherwise. There are many members here who post for reasons that have nothing to do with money. Amongst these are the following categories:

No financial gain involved – posters may feel (all or any of these) :-
They need to be needed.
They are comfortable with this form of communication.
They meet like minded people here.
They are on an ego trip.
They want to teach.
They want to learn and give something in return
They want something for nothing
They want to create a persona for themselves that does not exist.
They have control issues
Etc, etc, etc

People have posted and will continue to post here for financial gain – posters may be (all or any of these):-
Linked to a company selling software
Trying to sell their own software
Running a tips service
Sellng training either 1 to 1 or give seminars
Seeking to get their name publicised
Etc, etc,etc

The site makes the rules and should apply the rules it makes. So far as I can tell the site is trying to come to terms with the realities it faces. One such reality is that it needs like minded and quality posters and moderators, another reality is that it needs income. There is no monetary relationship between the site and category (1) individuals. There is however a facilitating relationship between the site and category (2) individuals that leads to those individuals earning money. Every poster wants something for his efforts – all want to be “paid” in a different way. The site needs to accommodate this reality to prosper.

Construe and comment as I know you will!
It seems to me a great shame that so much emotion is bieng channelled in Grey1's choice to use a facility which is provided by the T2W BB. After all, this BB is free. Im a beginner, yet to get of the grond re trading, and Im certain that much of the information gained here has saved me money. If a person puts so much time into learning a chosen subject, then wants to spend time with like minded people, shouldn't that be his choice. I think those complaining are going to shoot people like me in the foot, by driving people like Grey1 away.
Splurge, Ford and Qaza

Firstly,my post was not intended to seem arrogant. It's a fact that this BB was getting out of hand with the number of off topic posts etc. clouding a lot of threads. We had to do something to restore the status quo, hence the big stick, or zero tolerance to get things back into line by way of a two point warning for any non relevant posts/replies. So far, so good. Technical Trader board thread excepted. This is going to be a heated debate and I know which side of the fence I am sitting on. I am in favour of at least all members being able to view the content. It is unfortunate in the way it was announced, appearing to be for only the elitist. I don't consider myself elitist, but nonetheless automatically qualified for membership by virtue of being a "member of the month". I've looked at the threads . I don't understand half of it and never will. You'd need an honour's degree in maths or rocket science to take on board some of the stuff. I'm a true believer in simple = success.
As for the private board mentioned, that I set up, it was for this sole reason:- At the time , there was a loophole that could be exploited 100% by arbitrating between two SB co's. We knew that the SB's were present on the BB and would be able to read posts . The solution was to create a private , by invitation board that only "known, trusted members" that were likely to benefit were invited. As it turns out, it was short lived and died a death as the lagging SB co. changed their algorithms and the arbitration opportunity became non existent.
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