Thanks everyone for your views on this topic, I've read each and every one plus pms and emails, and I can quite honestly say I had no idea it would cause such a passionate debate. But it's encouraging in a way, that members of the forum feel so strongly about the decisions the site is seen to make.
As I said before this facility has been around for anyone to use for ages, and it was intended as an invitation for members to have a go at running their own forums. There have been no requirements and no restrictions except that the forum should either be about trading or appeal to a wide audience, for example Mark's football forum.
Those who have been with the site for a few years now will know that the site is continually adapting and evolving. New features being added, not so successful features removed - but with always the focus being on trying to improve the site. I concede it's not been an easy ride, and I doubt it will get any easier - but I strongly believe as long as good intentions are there, the site will continue to prevail and flourish.
So all I am saying really is, I can see both sides of the argument of having private forums - members have quite eloquently pointed these out. Let me reassure you the main focus of the forums, has and always will be the many public forums that we host - which is in keeping with the very nature of the site, as an open community where we constantly invite members to contribute whether its via the forums, reviews, journals, interviews, awards etc.
I'm prepared to 'wait and see' what impact if any having a private forum has on the site. If I consider it detrimental then I will have no hesitation in changing the requirements on member forums. Since the forum in question has only been open a day or two it's impossible for me to tell, although the feedback from members is very helpful. I consider a two week period sufficient to determine this impact, as I have no intention of making any rash decision. I would only ask that members have faith in me to continue to make decisions which are in the best interests of the site.