Rockwell Trading

You gotta be kidding me! that shopperapproved website is members only and RWT could have taken out a whole truckload of "members." I think the give-away is the fact that it is full of 5 star ratings but you have to be a member to provide that rating. Nobody in the real world pays to write up a rating on a product they have purchased!! You are really naive to think the readers are that naive.
For goodness sake, not even God gets 5 stars from everyone. You should have read the advice given on that same website ...........

"#1 - Shoppers Expect Variance
When customers are looking to buy something, they actually expect to see some variance in the ratings. If all the ratings are perfect, then they become suspicious, and question the legitimacy of the ratings.
In reality, the occasional negative review adds value by establishing authenticity with the buyer. It also helps new customers affirm that other customers have examined and resolved any concerns before making a decision."
This "Ratings" website is so phoney, I can smell the Bull sh1te from here.

So, if you have a PR manager there at RWT, he aint doing his job that well. However, given the true results of the "Live" Trading room that is no surprise at all as the PR is as bad as the results therein.

Face up to it, you probably had a good run in the past but the game has now changed and your systems, amongst hundreds of others, just don't do it anymore. They fail far too often to make an overall profit. And well you know it.

Day Trading has been overwhelmed by the big boys and their expensive, automated trading software.
Unless you are able to manipulate the electronic trading market with huge plays, you are just another dumbass sucker. I know, I've been there, lost to them and dropped Day Trading like a white hot rock. Therefore, it is wicked and devious of you to now to lure in more dumbass suckers with flashy Videos and phoney presentations and I am with Stirf because you are refusing to speak the truth.
Even about those fraudulent "LIve" Trades.
So,just why doesn't the Expert Trader actually place any "LIVE" Orders in YOUR LIVE TRADING ROOM?

Is it because he knows the RWT Strategies don't work? That certainly is the conclusion that I make.

I don't have any problem daytrding. In fact I prefer it, because it limits my risk exposure due to me just not being in the markets while I sleep at night.
I've recently updated my website on the Rockwell Trading Scam. It also includes the email from an infinity employee who admits that the rockwell trading strategies don't work. Otherwise he would be trading with them. have a look , there is also general info on day trading to be found.

I am looking for a comprehensive DVD course in Day Trading and I have come across Rockwell Trading.

Does any have any experience of the Home Study Course?

There was a similar post to this (on this forum) back in 2007 but nothing more recently.

The course seems to be genuine and the few reviews I have found seem to be positive - it is not the usual hard sell guff.

Many thanks in advance.

The sorry truth of the matter is that anyone who has to resort to selling training courses for a living has failed in their own attempts to make money in the way they then prescribe and try to sell.
For example, if you were actually making such a load of cash from your day trading, would you bother to sit down, write a book, script a course then pay for DVD's and marketing? Surely, if you were doing so good you would not have the hours to dedicate to this? Let alone commit to such a loss of earnings while spending your valuable time compiling it all. The same principle applies to ALL money making training courses. None of the 'mentors' are doing it for YOUR benefit (unless it's for free) and when those same persons start to promote the products of others, you know, for sure, that their course definitely is not worth the paper or the plastic DVD it's written on. Caveat emptor. Especially in this business.:!: