Rockwell Trading

Don't get frustratet or angry about people who don't listen to you. In the end there is nothing you can do to people who don't want to be helped. I personally think that every person is responsible for own actions regardless if it was influenced by others. I spent $500 on my education. Maybe it was a waste and it wouldn't happend if I came here first. Now I am smarter thanks to you gays. Now T2W is my King 😉.

hi kirshen
I am new here and I don't have any experience about s&p500 emini. it seems you spent some money on your education. could you tell me where and how to start.
Hello vanity,

I don't think I am competent enough to give you advice in this direction. I tell one thing, before pay anyone to teach about trading look for free information on the internet. Start in this very forum in Trading FAQ and First Steps section and listen to poeple on this forum. This is what I am doing now. Good luck.

hi kirshen
I am new here and I don't have any experience about s&p500 emini. it seems you spent some money on your education. could you tell me where and how to start.

This is great :clap:! Now we are actually starting to help eachother out!

You want to start trading the e-mini sp or short ES. Ask yourself why is it you want to trade this market Vanity? Why not the e-mini dow or currencies or oil or??? Look at your timetable, do you have the time to trade? Not always, but often the first two hours after the opening are the best. Are you able to trade during those hours? Where do you live and from your location is it better to trade European markets, e.g. Eurostoxx50? I trade the EUR/USD and GBP/USD.

In my expercience (I'm not gonna share my strategy or sell it :cheesy🙂 no indicator I used has been of great help. To underline that, John Bollinger doesn't use his own Bollinger Bands! Think of this: all indicators like MACD, Bollinger Bands, RSI, stochastics, etc are LAGGING indicators. They show you what happened in the past... What good is that!?!?

A great help for me is VOLUME! If the hurd is going North, I'm trying to go with it and vice versa for going South. I take a look at the long term trend (to define long is up to you) and as soon as my 5min bar chart gives me sufficient volume direction long term trend I'm getting in. Stop loss is fixed, take profit... Sky is the limit! Limit your losses, let your profits run. I'm sometimes in a trade that takes me about 5 hours. But nothing better than being long in an upward trend and take out 135 ticks (or pips)😀.

Let your profits run is difficult when you start trading. Because as soon as you are up, you wanna take that profit! So you often end up with a 25 profit while at the same time you accept a 100 loss (I've seen it happening!). Another important thing is the fear of losses. I think it was Larry Williams who said:"the fear of losses is a traders' worst enemy".

I think I could write a book about it all, or sell courses on DVD. But as I start making great money with actually trading I'd rather stick to that 🙂!


Hello vanity,

I don't think I am competent enough to give you advice in this direction. I tell one thing, before pay anyone to teach about trading look for free information on the internet. Start in this very forum in Trading FAQ and First Steps section and listen to poeple on this forum. This is what I am doing now. Good luck.


That is a great advice you gave krish! And like Rallycar mentioned. I sincerely hope we can count on you as soon as you are confronted with scams in this business. I'll be happy to put it on tape 🙂!

In the mean time have a look at my post to Vanity. There might be something useful in it for you as well. Good luck!

Shaka 😎,

Hi Seb, remember this little phrase " Those who Can, Do,,,, Those who Can't, Teach". That is so applicable to the world of Day Trading websites. Sums it up in a nutshell really.

I think the thing that upsets people like Stirf, me and the others who have finally realized the truth is that we can't help other people from making the dumb mistakes we made. most people will be just like you (me included) and go blindly on throwing good money after bad. Back testing after back testing, reading and reading and reading, subscribing to some website vendor who will "take us under his wing and show us the ropes for a modest fee" etc etc. then getting stuck in with some live trading, and then one day reality hits. When that day hits don't forget to come back and try and help us to stop too many more people getting ripped off.

Well put Rallycar 👍! I'm with ya mate!!
I’m not associated with RWT. I'm not a newbie, but I'm not yet where I want be.

I have been utilizing the RWT methods and have paid a very modest amount to learn their approach. As stated on this thread you can obtain anything you want to learn about trading "freely" from the net – I’ll leave it at that. As for being classified as scammers - that seems a little harsh to me. If that is the case I wonder what you think of book publishers; are they scammers too? They publish and sell numerous books on trading and some of these books are total crap in my opinion. I submit these publishers earn far more on selling trading books than RWT will ever dream of making. With that said, I also know I would not be as far as I am in my trading career without some of these books. I could not imagine embarking on this career without ever have read or owned Edwards and McGee’s, Murphy’s, Martin’s, or Brook’s books; they all have provided me some insight and have helped me create my style.

As for the RWT trading room, I agree all I see are squiggles on the screen. Yet having a good understanding of their approach, I typically have already listed the same opportunity on my screen. I look to this trading room display simply as confirmation that I have a solid understanding of their approach - it’s then up to me to decide if I will take it or not. Maybe it’s just me, but I will never “blindly” follow any signal. I look at it this way... if I was crossing a road and I see an eight ton truck roaring up/down at me, would I stand my ground because I had the "right of way" signal? Hell no, I move and get out. Granted I have learned a lot along the way and I am a firm believer that reading price action is the key to this industry (but that’s another subject).

I also enjoy numbers and mathematics. I have analyzed daily ES tick data, finding interesting groupings of price moves, specifically 2 and 3 tick waves during high volume times. I also know from hours of live chart observation that ES traders look for “round” number profit targets such as 1, 2 and 4 points (human nature). I have adjusted my Fibonacci retracement tool using 100% intervals (ninja settings of 0%,100%,200%,300%,and 400%) and then adjust the horizontal lines it creates to fit 1 point intervals on 5 minute charts ( take a look at them on any big move, focus on the swing and retracement areas). It is very interesting to see how price action behaves at these price levels (2-3 ticks moves again and again). You see similar movements when you look at established support and resistance levels (todays open, yesterdays close, yesterday’s high, yesterday’s low, PP, Moving averages, Bollinger Bands, etc…) Please note I did all of this personal observation and “thinking” well before ever hearing of or adopting any “augmented” RWT approach. I personally found their approach to “fit” with my style, with my thoughts and thus I “paid” to absorb all I can from them - just as I do when I buy a book in my opinion. I know I will always be a student of the markets. Part of my style is to continually review and learn new techniques that may or may not augment, adjust or refine my approach.

I can see how one would consider “any” company or organization that sells trading information as “scammers” if the presented methods were blindly followed without thinking, taking responsibility or consideration of one’s own trading style. This cannot be overstated – there is no Holy Grail or mechanical fail-proof method because the herd’s unpredictable human emotions are very much part of and very much directed to cause the market movements. After all, (taking the big players out of the equation) at the end of it all, it is you/us who enters and exits these trades.

As for RWT being classified as “scammers” – I do not agree. I find their approach very interesting, advantageous, profitable and most importantly it fits well with my style.
@ Tulanch (and anyone else who wants to save money)

- Realizing losses, but communicating profits like rockwell does is a scam 👎

- Naming one of your ways of support the "live trading support room" like rockwell does is misleading when in fact not ONE trade is taken live in that support room (you said it yourself)👎

- Your example of crossing the road totally makes no sense. Would you cross the road if a police officer would stop the traffic for you? With Rockwell in spite of the presence of support (the moderator) you still get run over by a truck👎

- I don't use all the crap of fibonacci, support/resistance, yesterday's H and L, bollinger bands, stochastics, MACD, RSI, ADI, Parabolic SAR, Donchian channel, Williams %R, etc. I hope I don't need to go on and on with mentioning the LAGGING INDICATORS. Still I'm doing more than fine! The fact alone that there are so many indicators shows how many people have tried to predict the market based on the PAST. And still it doesn't work 👎!

- The fact that you find the rwt approach profitable sounds weird to me since you just stated that you don't follow their approach blindly by mentioning the "crossing road" example. So IF you are profitable you at least gave their strategies your own twist which proves my point that rwt strategies aren't profitable:whistling.

I've had 12 months of experience with rockwell. The LIVE recording of me uncovering their scam can be found on YouTube. Search for rockwell trading scam. Or just rockwell trading will do, since the vdo has had so many views that it's in the top ten of search results. Underneath the vdo you'll find a link to the story which tells you all about my twelve month experience with them.

Who wants to eat in a restaurant at which the chef doesn't even dare to taste his OWN food he made in his OWN kitchen? ...🤢
Hi Tulanch, I try to keep things as simple as possible and assuming that a dictionary definition of a word is about as good as we are going to get, SCAM is defined as "A fraudulent or deceptive act", and SCAMMERS would then be people who knowingly participate in a scam. RWT falls directly into that bracket, they have a nice little scam going on to lure punters (like you) to part with their money. They will continue to do so whilst there is a steady supply of uneducated punters out there who are willing to part with a little bit of Risk Capital to see if it is really true what they are saying. Welcome to the list ( growing by the day, but very much slower now thanks to Stirf) of dumbasses who have done nothing more than lined the pockets of the scammers at RWT. Stirf has obviously done far more real research and investigation than you have, and the facts speak for themselves, their strategies are not worth the paper they are written on, they mislead their punters about the results of their strategies, and they do not do any LIVE TRADING in their live trading support room.

If a book publisher is selling a book that is stating it will give you something, and it does not give you what it promised or agreed to do I would definately call it a SCAM, pretty simple. Dont fudge the issue Tulanch
As a full time day trader for over 2 years, I attended a Rockwell webinar ( less than 30min long before they closed the room ).
Knowing that every trading systems work at some point,
I wanted to understand, if they had an edge at when to use the Seahawk strategy.
What sideway market signs were they looking for in order to only trade the highest Seahawk probabilities.

my question was "what do you look for to avoid bad Seahawk trades ?"
trying to understand their logic. I got a private answer telling me "You can use the Seahawk strategy on every bar". :?:

Well excuse me but being into Live trading for over 3 years, I've never seen such a idiot answer. 👎

The only thing to remember from Rockwell is they are right saying you should buy at the open of a new bar!

Plot a 5EMA on a 8 range bar and buy the open of the first bar breaking it or
expect a retrace back to the 5EMA and even up to the breaking bar low as a re-entry point.

Let's talk about scalping !
Good trading to you all.
PiCo :smart:
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Can you recommend a good trading education site for futures trading? or Someone with proven strategies? Thanks.

Can you recommend a good trading education site for futures trading? or Someone with proven strategies? Thanks.


Depends what you want to learn? In my opinion if you want to trade on TA and learn about MACD, Stochastics, RSI, etc. No I haven't found one! Here's my opinion about TA and why so many educators use it:
99% B.S.:cheesy:
I'm gonna tell you why the usage of technical indicators is total b.s. in 99% of all the cases! Besides that I will also tell you why, in spite of the fact that the information is useless it's still used quite often. I'm not gonna go into too much detail, because I expect you are all more or less familiair with the basics of technical indicators.

Let's take a look at the technical indicators a random sales organization... Uhm, I mean an organization that tries to teach us day trading against payment uses: RSI, MACD and Bollinger Bands. Attached you'll find a screendump of two charts. Both are of the €/$ futures market, both have the same time frame (starting at vertical blue line @ 13.15hrs Amsterdam time friday Jan. 14th)

I used different settings on the charts in the attachment: One trader, John (left side) is looking at a 15min. bar chart. The other trader, Marie (right side) is looking at an 8 tick break out chart. Have a look at the attachment and spot the 437 differences... While John seems to be in a pretty flat market, Marie sees some nice swings. Who has the correct chart? There is no correct chart! The indicators tell you jack sh*t! And these are only two different charts. I'm not even talking about Diego who uses a 1min bar chart, Ashley who uses a 16 tick break out chart, Mark who uses a 5 min. bar chart, Martin who uses a point & figure chart and MACD that can be set in different time frames, just like RSI, Bollinger Bands, etc., etc.

Besides all that... Technical indicators tell you something about price development in the PAST!! What good is that? "Damn... If I had known that the market had gone up 3 minutes ago I would have entered long". Or maybe more clear:"If I had know that today's winning lotery ticketnumber was 1245 I would have bought that one yesterday"! Yeah, duuh!!

I respect everybody's opinion on this subject. I just think that at least some of you might find this interesting. I have experienced that mainly CURRENT volume and CURRENT price action are of major importance.

It's because of the sales organizations I mentioned earlier! 99,9% Of them will teach a strategy with the help of technical indicators. And yes, if you are unfamilair with stochastics, RSI, MACD, etc. it's probably nice to learn more than the basics and tell your friends about it over a beer. Believe me, I've been there and I like beer a lot:drunk:! But as I showed you by just two simple charts, everybody sees something different! You will not make any money based on technical indicators. And even if the salesmen in their "Live Trading Support Rooms" are realy trading their own money and not just drawing lines in charts and giving opinions, chances are they have never made any real money. Not consistently! That's why they took up selling $500 courses, $4.000 personal coaching programs, etc 😏...

15% Of all day traders makes money 👍
It is known that only about 15% of all day traders makes money (not saying they make a living).
It's also known that 99% of "powerful day trading strategies" sales organizations sell/teach stuff based on TA. (google search day trading strategy, futures trading, day trading course, etc)

The other 85% goes broke on 🙁...
Need I say more? If the TA stuff that those sales organizations sell/teach works there would have been a lot more winning traders than that 15%. Not saying 75 or 90% because the mental part is of great influence.
15% Makes a profit the other 85% just goes broke on:
paying hundreds of dollars per year for subscriptions to "live" trading support rooms
paying hundreds of dollars for severel day trading courses
paying thousands of dollars for personal coaching programs
losses because of losing strategies based on TA.

If you want to know about CURRENT volume and price action here is what I found interesting: My email address is in the rockwell trading scam video (on youtube). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Shaka 😎!

Golden rule when you are starting trading:


All the basics are available for free online or from just speaking to people in the industry. Its only when you have a full grasp of the basics and want to learn something new that you may need to spend some money. But that will only be a few quid on some good trading books.

Never ever pay for any crappy courses.

I have another idea. PAY FOR YOUR EDUCATION. You only GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. I am now well on the way to trading professionally, and I only got traction when I started paying for the best stuff I could find, inc Rockwell.
I have another idea. PAY FOR YOUR EDUCATION. You only GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. I am now well on the way to trading professionally, and I only got traction when I started paying for the best stuff I could find, inc Rockwell.

It's a shame to see that Rockwell Trading succeeds in making new victims occasionally. But thanks to our combined efforts they will run out of business sooner or later:clap:.

Don't you worry Roger I too was a newbie once!
Good for you Roger 39, my guess is you are in one of the "crap peddling camps". One thing I am sure of, is that if you are following the advice of people like RWT, you are a long long way from becoming a "professional trader". If you were even half way to becoming a professional trader you wouldn't be sniffing around the "crap peddling" sites anyway. Pento has it completely right NEVER PAY FOR ANYTHING.
Are you sure you don't mean Roswell trading ?

If this guy sold you something then you'd better listen



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