Mark1979, I signed up for Rockwell’s personal coaching program three years ago and still a satisfied customer today. I was new to Day Trading and my goal was to learn how to become successful. My coach didn’t tell me what trades to take; did I want him to – at first, yep. In hindsight I’m glad he didn’t. What he did do was:
- Explain useful trading principals based on their strategies
- Reviewed my trading logs, and answered any\all questions in a timely manner
- Helped me create trading strategies and a trading plan according to my strengths and weakness
So the net result was I created MY personal trading plan based on the core Rockwell strategies that are tailored to my trading personality. It’s not a standard boilerplate plan handed to me by Rockwell, but rather it evolved\developed through many, many hours of back testing to find what works for me.
What you’ve read is true in that a lot of what Rockwell sells is free on the internet, but there is also a lot of other free stuff on the internet as well. Despite what others say about Rockwell, they truly try (and do) help their students become better traders. Regardless of what approach you decide to take, you will get out of it what you put in. Don’t expect to sign up with Rockwell and boom – life is good. For me it took a lot of time and discipline. I’m glad I did it, but understandably Rockwell may not be for everyone.
That said I’m in the group with Dave489, tammyd459, MarketMoverTrader, mini-maniac,and alever which find Rockwell creditable and useful. Personally I wasn’t looking for someone to tell me what trades to take; I wanted to learn how to be profitable at day trading.
It comes down to perception. If someone thinks Rockwell is in business to sell a product\service for a profit – they’re probably correct; that’s kind of the idea. If one thinks Rockwell is in business to scam potential traders, they need to do a quick search on Google for +Rockwell Trading +Scam. Given how many years Rockwell has been in business, they’ll find there isn’t a lot that's negative, except for Frits’ effortless campaign starting a couple of months ago. So excluding this dissatisfied\disgruntled customer, in the court of public opinion, you’ll see Rockwell has a pretty good track record given how easy it is to post negative comments on several boards\sites such as this site.
With regards to Rockwell’s “Live Trading Support Room”, a couple of things: 1) It is a live room; log into the room and there is someone talking and it’s easy to ask questions – that’s live. 2) it’s wise to not over look the word “Support” in “Live Trading Support Room”. The room is geared towards supporting Rockwell students developing their own plan, not calling out trades. Rockwell does not advertise the room to those who are looking for someone to call out trades for others to take blindnessly. A true Rockwell trading plan calls for 4-5 trades a week, not a day.
About Frits hijacking this thread, he did offer good advice in another thread, on this site “…Develop your own strategy. Trade it for at least 3 to 9 months in the SIM and be honest about your results! No use in putting in a trade in your log that was a winner but one you didn’t do. Same goes for leaving out losses. You’ll be the first victim of a trade log that isn’t in line with reality. And you know what, you only got yourself to blame”.
Frits, did you really call out Dave489 for his intent of joining this forum and the thread he chooses to post in? This actually gave me a good chuckle given when you joined, and (as of this post) all but one of your posts (your introduction) has been negative towards Rockwell.
Before accusing me of being affiliated with Rockwell - I’m not. I’ve been a satisfied customer for the past three years. The reason I joined the forum and posted to this thread is to support Rockwell. I read Frit’s article on another site (for those that can’t find it, Frits can you post it again) and given I’m a Rockwell customer, his article this did catch my attention - is Rockwell really a scam? So I did a quick Google search (+”Rockwell Trading” +Scam), which is how is how I found this thread. As expected - about all I found is what appears to be one disgruntled customer spamming different sites\threads using different names..and might have benefited following his own advice “be honest about your results…you only got yourself to blame”
In conclusion: Given the years Rockwell has been in business, the thousands of customers they have, and only handful of complaints – this pretty much, in my opinion, should answer the question of if Rockwell is a scam.
- Explain useful trading principals based on their strategies
- Reviewed my trading logs, and answered any\all questions in a timely manner
- Helped me create trading strategies and a trading plan according to my strengths and weakness
So the net result was I created MY personal trading plan based on the core Rockwell strategies that are tailored to my trading personality. It’s not a standard boilerplate plan handed to me by Rockwell, but rather it evolved\developed through many, many hours of back testing to find what works for me.
What you’ve read is true in that a lot of what Rockwell sells is free on the internet, but there is also a lot of other free stuff on the internet as well. Despite what others say about Rockwell, they truly try (and do) help their students become better traders. Regardless of what approach you decide to take, you will get out of it what you put in. Don’t expect to sign up with Rockwell and boom – life is good. For me it took a lot of time and discipline. I’m glad I did it, but understandably Rockwell may not be for everyone.
That said I’m in the group with Dave489, tammyd459, MarketMoverTrader, mini-maniac,and alever which find Rockwell creditable and useful. Personally I wasn’t looking for someone to tell me what trades to take; I wanted to learn how to be profitable at day trading.
It comes down to perception. If someone thinks Rockwell is in business to sell a product\service for a profit – they’re probably correct; that’s kind of the idea. If one thinks Rockwell is in business to scam potential traders, they need to do a quick search on Google for +Rockwell Trading +Scam. Given how many years Rockwell has been in business, they’ll find there isn’t a lot that's negative, except for Frits’ effortless campaign starting a couple of months ago. So excluding this dissatisfied\disgruntled customer, in the court of public opinion, you’ll see Rockwell has a pretty good track record given how easy it is to post negative comments on several boards\sites such as this site.
With regards to Rockwell’s “Live Trading Support Room”, a couple of things: 1) It is a live room; log into the room and there is someone talking and it’s easy to ask questions – that’s live. 2) it’s wise to not over look the word “Support” in “Live Trading Support Room”. The room is geared towards supporting Rockwell students developing their own plan, not calling out trades. Rockwell does not advertise the room to those who are looking for someone to call out trades for others to take blindnessly. A true Rockwell trading plan calls for 4-5 trades a week, not a day.
About Frits hijacking this thread, he did offer good advice in another thread, on this site “…Develop your own strategy. Trade it for at least 3 to 9 months in the SIM and be honest about your results! No use in putting in a trade in your log that was a winner but one you didn’t do. Same goes for leaving out losses. You’ll be the first victim of a trade log that isn’t in line with reality. And you know what, you only got yourself to blame”.
Frits, did you really call out Dave489 for his intent of joining this forum and the thread he chooses to post in? This actually gave me a good chuckle given when you joined, and (as of this post) all but one of your posts (your introduction) has been negative towards Rockwell.
Before accusing me of being affiliated with Rockwell - I’m not. I’ve been a satisfied customer for the past three years. The reason I joined the forum and posted to this thread is to support Rockwell. I read Frit’s article on another site (for those that can’t find it, Frits can you post it again) and given I’m a Rockwell customer, his article this did catch my attention - is Rockwell really a scam? So I did a quick Google search (+”Rockwell Trading” +Scam), which is how is how I found this thread. As expected - about all I found is what appears to be one disgruntled customer spamming different sites\threads using different names..and might have benefited following his own advice “be honest about your results…you only got yourself to blame”
In conclusion: Given the years Rockwell has been in business, the thousands of customers they have, and only handful of complaints – this pretty much, in my opinion, should answer the question of if Rockwell is a scam.