Recommend me a mentor


Junior member
I have been learning a lot from different courses and books for forex trading but the more I realize how hard trading is the more I realize I need a mentor. My criteria for a mentor is not that he or she should just be a great trader. A great trader is not necessarily a good teacher just like some of my high school or university teachers were not good even though they were clearly brainy enough to do well at their own subjects. I want to be able to independently verify a mentor by the fact that most of people he or she has coached have all been trading successfully on their own for at least six months.

Based on browsing through a lot of threads I notice Trader_Dante, Black Bison (though he seems to be Trader_Dante's former student) and Alan Rich. I don't mention Mr.Charts because I am mainly interested in forex and possibly also indices and commodities.

Can any former students of the above traders give me a heads up re how well they have been doing after being mentored by one of the above traders. Recommendations regarding other mentors will also be welcome. Anyone recommending someone should be willing to send me proof of their trading results or some way of commniciating so I can use my built in BSD detector as I don't intend to spend a lot of money for mentoring based on nice words alone.
I prefer the mint ones


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You are wasting your time. You need to do some learning first.

The things you are saying reveal serious gaps in knowledge and an unrealistic approach.
In all seriousness I agree with Pazienza

The problem with mentoring is that every trader has their own particular style of trading which may not suit you. You have to find what works for YOU and this in all honesty may take years. If you have a mentor who likes to swing trade but you prefer intra day it aint gonna work for very long before you get bored and start making silly trades. Even if you find a mentor who trades the way you like, in this game you'll soon be thinking "I can tweak this so it's even better" soon you'll be trading your way.

Nothing beats hard work, long hours staring at charts and finding a way that suits you, come up with your own system, you have all the information you need on the chart right in front of you. Look at it, work out how you want to trade, what you want to achieve and do it. That's my humble opinion anyhow.
I have been learning a lot from different courses and books for forex trading but the more I realize how hard trading is the more I realize I need a mentor. My criteria for a mentor is not that he or she should just be a great trader. A great trader is not necessarily a good teacher just like some of my high school or university teachers were not good even though they were clearly brainy enough to do well at their own subjects. I want to be able to independently verify a mentor by the fact that most of people he or she has coached have all been trading successfully on their own for at least six months.

Based on browsing through a lot of threads I notice Trader_Dante, Black Bison (though he seems to be Trader_Dante's former student) and Alan Rich. I don't mention Mr.Charts because I am mainly interested in forex and possibly also indices and commodities.

Can any former students of the above traders give me a heads up re how well they have been doing after being mentored by one of the above traders. Recommendations regarding other mentors will also be welcome. Anyone recommending someone should be willing to send me proof of their trading results or some way of commniciating so I can use my built in BSD detector as I don't intend to spend a lot of money for mentoring based on nice words alone.

Sharky, the guy who owns this site iz really good at tradin...honestly.
Sharky, the guy who owns this site iz really good at tradin...honestly.


Man, that's funny.

Seriously though Noobietrader, there is one man who can help you.

He is called DashRipRock and he smacks the markets around like they were illegal migrant child workers.

You might be able to persuade him to mentor you when he gets back from a temporary vacation from the forum.

I think he normally takes payment in booze.
I am still looking forward to hearing from former students of Trader_Dante et al as posed in my post. If he was no good Black Bison and others would not be successful. Suggesting no one is successful under a mentor's tutelage is as absurd. All institutional traders are mentored through a training programme. They aren't just put at a trading desk at UBS and told to go read some books.
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I am still looking forward to hearing from former students of Trader_Dante et al as posed in my post. If he was no good Black Bison and others would not be successful. Suggesting no one is successful under a mentor's tutelage is as absurd. All institutional traders are mentored through a training programme. They aren't just put at a trading desk at UBS and told to go read some books.

A mentor will do you little good at this stage. The process of discovery is as important as the knowledge you gain from discovery.

You will also lack the ability to know what a good mentor is at this stage, and there are a lot of sharks out there, always looking for fresh meat.

Finally, your stipulations are just not realistic.

Sorry, but there is no mentor short-cut for you. It is vital that you do your own work - once you've got some experience you'll be in a better position to assess things. Whatever you do, do not pay for one of those awful courses like @sshole university or whatever.
[QUOTE=Pazienza;1610874DashRipRock and he smacks the markets around like they were illegal migrant child workers.

He did one ov my children not so long ago, he woz tryin to save the tax payerz some coin.

My otha kidz brought her round with sum tin foil and smack.

Tell Dash he iz dead if he eva sets foot in Swansea agen.
I have been learning a lot from different courses and books for forex trading but the more I realize how hard trading is the more I realize I need a mentor. My criteria for a mentor is not that he or she should just be a great trader. A great trader is not necessarily a good teacher just like some of my high school or university teachers were not good even though they were clearly brainy enough to do well at their own subjects. I want to be able to independently verify a mentor by the fact that most of people he or she has coached have all been trading successfully on their own for at least six months.

Based on browsing through a lot of threads I notice Trader_Dante, Black Bison (though he seems to be Trader_Dante's former student) and Alan Rich. I don't mention Mr.Charts because I am mainly interested in forex and possibly also indices and commodities.

Can any former students of the above traders give me a heads up re how well they have been doing after being mentored by one of the above traders. Recommendations regarding other mentors will also be welcome. Anyone recommending someone should be willing to send me proof of their trading results or some way of commniciating so I can use my built in BSD detector as I don't intend to spend a lot of money for mentoring based on nice words alone.

You don't "find" a mentor. A mentor may "find" you, should you display the necessary attributes at some point !
You don't "find" a mentor. A mentor may "find" you, should you display the necessary attributes at some point !

I find it hard to believe the nonsense posted in this thread. Tell that to a trader who searched for a mentor, found one in either Alan Rich, Richard Joyson or several others, and is now trading successfully. Obviously some are not successful after such mentoring. But to suggest someone who is seeking a mentor cannot find one and they must find you is rubbish.
In my post I asked for replies from former students of people I specifically named. All I am getting are replies from full-time posters. Unless you were mentored I am not interested in your response. I am seeking a mentor and therefore could not care less about the opinions of those who think I cannot "find" one or that they cannot train successful traders.
I find it hard to believe the nonsense posted in this thread. Tell that to a trader who searched for a mentor, found one in either Alan Rich, Richard Joyson or several others, and is now trading successfully. Obviously some are not successful after such mentoring. But to suggest someone who is seeking a mentor cannot find one and they must find you is rubbish.
In my post I asked for replies from former students of people I specifically named. All I am getting are replies from full-time posters. Unless you were mentored I am not interested in your response. I am seeking a mentor and therefore could not care less about the opinions of those who think I cannot "find" one or that they cannot train successful traders.

Please yourself :LOL:
I am still looking forward to hearing from former students of Trader_Dante et al as posed in my post. If he was no good Black Bison and others would not be successful. Suggesting no one is successful under a mentor's tutelage is as absurd. All institutional traders are mentored through a training programme. They aren't just put at a trading desk at UBS and told to go read some books.

If you are so sure why bother asking? Just give them your money.
To reiterate for those who don't take the time to read posts and therefore rush to post before reading carefully (if I was as sure as you suggest, pboyles, I would not have asked the following:
"Can any former students of the above traders give me a heads up re how well they have been doing after being mentored by one of the above traders." You may note that I then proceeded to ask for verifiable proof (if possible) of success.
To reiterate for those who don't take the time to read posts and therefore rush to post before reading carefully (if I was as sure as you suggest, pboyles, I would not have asked the following:
"Can any former students of the above traders give me a heads up re how well they have been doing after being mentored by one of the above traders." You may note that I then proceeded to ask for verifiable proof (if possible) of success.

We did read it carefully, and the answer is still the same.
I find it hard to believe the nonsense posted in this thread. Tell that to a trader who searched for a mentor, found one in either Alan Rich, Richard Joyson or several others, and is now trading successfully. Obviously some are not successful after such mentoring. But to suggest someone who is seeking a mentor cannot find one and they must find you is rubbish.
In my post I asked for replies from former students of people I specifically named. All I am getting are replies from full-time posters. Unless you were mentored I am not interested in your response. I am seeking a mentor and therefore could not care less about the opinions of those who think I cannot "find" one or that they cannot train successful traders.

Okay I totally agree, why don't you give this guy ago, he looks pretty good.

I mean after all he is a PROFIT PULLING MACHINE plus it's just all 100% MEAT AND INSTANTANTLY USABLE MATERIAL

But that's not all........

He is going to teach you the M1 & M2 FOREX SYSTEM

I mean come on he has a 100% guarantee for ****s sake!

He also has testamonials so I mean he gotta be genuine,

"Don't be one of the 98% who come and go in the Forex industry. Let Marc and Dean teach you their methods to make money while preserving your capital!

William - USA"
CV, really! The original poster is being rather annoying and has rudely dismissed your (if I may say so) entirely correct advice.

But that is no reason to loose your composure!

Nice paste job there paz :LOL:
I fink u got u freds mixed up innit !