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Pure Pip Producer : style and expectations

Do you think it is possible to profit every quarter with trading?

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  • NO

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A clown dancing in the market because of four paltry months of profit and showing it off like crazy all over the place doesn't want to prove making 50% a year since 2018? Yeah right 😂😂

Also, first rule of liars in the forex market is posting about Islands and private jets they've never been in when nobody asked them. 😂
But that doesn’t change the fact that you are in Drawdown since 1 year and half.. 😂😂

While i’m PASTED AT THE TOP !!! 🤣🤣🤣

What a fuuck open your eyes babyyyyy 😂😂😂😂😂
Ask to Viro Major asshole, you dreaming of my life every nights

6. Lack of boundaries​

Many people lack boundaries or cross other people's boundaries regularly, but among narcissists, this is status-quo behavior. Narcissists can't accurately see where they end and you begin. They are a lot like two-year-olds. They believe that everything belongs to them, everyone thinks and feels the same as they do, and everyone wants the same things they do. They are shocked and highly insulted to be told no. If a narcissist wants something from you, they'll go to great lengths to figure out how to get it through persistence, cajoling, demanding, rejecting, or pouting. These are all common narcissist behaviors.
Yes i am narcist, and so?

I’m the Zlatan of the trading?

So, no problem, i will « Zlatan » your ass my love, don’t worry ❤️😘
This thread .

Its been fun piss poor pips , but playtime with the clown is over.

best of luck.


  • b43f25acd5114026-screaming-airplane-crash-gif-by-south-park-find-share-on-giphy.gif
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Now you can invest a seriuos amount on PDC ! a bit more than 15k...😉
As he may have -27.90% just like EON will he not put any money on his trading account.

Best ignore any post from this noble person. Will be even more fun. Just look how he need to show us boat videos.
Let's post videos of ski holidays and beach parties.... !
Bro, you live in a frezeer... That’s maybe why you can’t trade as a winner 🤔

Move your ass to the sun like me... you’ll see how your brain will feel better... there will have no hate anymore..

You’ll fell only love... like i love you so much my lovely liquidity ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘
50% in three years even with more than 1 year stagnation.

Hey muppet from the freezer ! (Or from the shower depends the shit country you live)

You can’t speak « on average » when it comes to speak about performance.

What is important in trading is the Consistency.

You can’t say : « Oooh i made +100% in 2010... then i was flat in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 »

And end up to tell the people : « Ooh you know, i make +10% every year, on average... »

Do you think we are dumbs? 😂😂😂

You must be AT FUCKING LEAST, positive every QUARTER, to speak seriously in that business 🤓

If you have 1 negative quarter you are disqualified! 👋🏼

Because that proves you have absolutely none edge! Yes baby !

Here is the equation :

1 Negative Quarter = Zero Edge

The Quarter is the benchmark, everybody knows that in the business 🤷🏻‍♂️

So, please don’t play us for fools 🤓
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He is in euphoria
Hey, Garga de mes couilles (je suis sûr que tu comprends le français petite pouffiassse donc tu vas vite capter à qui tu à affaire... je suis la pire chose que tu puisses rencontrer dans ta vie de pédale)

I have a question for you Genius!

Do you think it's smarter to :

1) Be in euphoria when we are currently trading the markets ?
2) Be in euphoria when we don't have to trade the market ? (and potentially enjoy the life on a party boat in sunny place)

Don't yout think it is exactly our plan to be in euphoria at that moment instead of another, genius ? ---> POLYPHASIC DEFENSE OF CAPITAL

Don't you think that : to NOT trade, is to trade ? ---> Quiet mind and time to analyze coldly for the next move.

Sorry it's 3 questions finally ! But it's because i've analyzed that you probably here the less dumb of all these losers...

And don't hesistate to show us your TRACK-RECORD one given day !

Because until proven guilty, you're a FUCKING LOSER !

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That will be a great today!!! Can’t wait to fight with all of you little retail losers 😍😍😍😍😍

Wake up! Go go go! Breakfast and come on asap bitches 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@Pure Pip Producer petit déjeuner fini... Ok,I have full picture now.So you are not only in euphoria because of last three months of successful trading,but you are happy that your total set-up is working.
I see you found the way to transform your darwin into PAMM account and eliminate the interference of Risk Manager.Given that you are actually trader and not gambler,I have nothing against that.Sure,you will have great advantage in terms of competition and if your trading is successful over time and your private risk manager and you cooperate well,you will achieve results way above average. 40-50% in first year seems achievable with your leverage and technique.

Money will come for sure.I see you limited investment to 500k,so you intend to use this PAMM as a show-case and not as a real cash-cow.So far so good, I see your goal is managing 10M and Private Label.
How you intend to put to the market 10M with your trading technique? You cannot sustain high % profits with such AUM.
Secondly,you are running circles around Darwinex Risk Manager and you expect them to give you regulatory cover and Private Label?It is true that boss 🦁 is morally totally corrupt and he will tolerate your operation on small scale.He will earn a bit of money and he will have a new show-case for marketing efforts to attract fresh sheep.But,and here is a glitch,he is not an idiot when it comes to protecting his backside.They will see what you are doing after a while.
They will ask themselves: Who will be legally responsible if this trader blows up while handling 10M,if we give him what he wants?You know and they know,market can blow you up even if trader try to exit the market ,but he cannot and he is not hedged anyway,like big boys are forced to do.Trader can also blow up for personal reasons of course,but that is not the main concern now.
You see,Darwinex Risk Manager is there for two main reasons: to prevent the platform becomes total jungle filled with 'Leverage-artists',like elsewhere ,and to prevent the blow-up of a broker when market does something exceptional and there is bunch of darwins on the wrong side.Broker is perfectly fine if individual darwin finds a way to go into meltdown.It is not pleasant,but they are not in danger and that is important for them.Customers come second.

You are very smart, i'm impressed...

Only 2 things :

1) My risk manager Emanita will never allows me to blow up anything, she has the passwords. She can block me when she wants. She has the Power. She is the Queen.

2) It's not Darwinex who will bring me 10M€ and build me a tailor-made Hedge fund here : https://www.akj.com/hedge-fund-platform it's someone else.

So now my question is : What are you doing here, surrounded by all these dumbs?
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