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Pure Pip Producer : style and expectations

Do you think it is possible to profit every quarter with trading?

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So you are not only in euphoria because of last three months of successful trading,but you are happy that your total set-up is working.
You can not imagine how it was difficult to pass in intraday.

It works very well as swing trading. (3 trades pyramided)

I didn't lose even 1 swing trade in 3 years. (but there is some months without trading, weeks and weeks of patience before shooting).

To go down from Swing Trading to Day Trading has been horribly difficult. I had to forget to pyramid 3 trades. Only 2 are possible with the Darwinex Risk Manager... without counting all the other problems.

The Queen Emanita pushed me to achieve this level.

Without her, i would have stayed in Swing Trading mode. 3 trades pyramided, no Darwinex.
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I wont. 😀
I don't know why i can see your post as i've pushed the button 'ignore' this member.. Is that a maniupualtion of the website?

Btw, we are still waiting for a verified track-record about a guy who is here apprently since 2005... commenting like a journalist/economist the politics and bla bla bla that has absolutely nothing to do the pratice of the financial markets.

Here, at Darwinex, we prove what we do by a Verifed FCA (UK) Double Track-Record.

That's why we can speak LOUD. VERY LOUD IF WE WANT.

Because our speech is based on an effective practice of the financial markets and not a speech based on the wind of the quackery.

About my wondering if this website is manipulated, i would add that my 'automatic signature' (below each of my posts) is not updated anymore since 1 week.

And i find this very weird...

For the rest, don't worry, i will not disapear. Like to all the other websites, i came, i made all the fake traders shut up and i finally take the full control of it.

Trust me.

You are fucking really in the shit with me. Fucking really...

I will push the button "ignore" a second time and let's see if this website is manipulated.

I will take care and ridicule you later, i've no time for the moment as i'm not commentator of the market like you...

But don't worry, your time will come that you will have to face me.

And everybody will see that you are, at least, a Fake Trader or at the best, a Ridiculous one compared to me...
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I don't know why i can see your post as i've pushed the button 'ignore' this member.. Is that a maniupualtion of the website?

Btw, we are still waiting for a verified track-record about a guy who is here apprently since 2005... commenting like a journalist/economist the politics and bla bla bla that has absolutely nothing to do the pratice of the financial markets.

Here, at Darwinex, we prove what we do by a Verifed FCA (UK) Double Track-Record.

That's why we can speak LOUD. VERY LOUD IF WE WANT.

Because our speech is based on an effective practice of the financial markets and not a speech based on the wind of the quackery.

About my wondering if this website is manipulated, i would add that my 'automatic signature' (below each of my posts) is not updated anymore since 1 week.

And i find this very weird...

For the rest, don't worry, i will not disapear. Like to all the other websites, i came, i made all the fake traders shut up and i finally take the full control of it.

Trust me.

You are fucking really in the shit with me. Fucking really...

I will push the button "ignore" a second time and let's see if this website is manipulated.

I will take care and ridicule you later, i've no time for the moment as i'm not commentator of the market like you...

But don't worry, your time will come that you will have to face me.

And everybody will see that you are, at least, a Fake Trader or at the best, a Ridicule one compared to me...
I told them we already got one !

I know, i want to increase your level, that's probably my default... to help retarded people to understand the reality.

They wouldn't understand if i don't hit them with a big punch in their face.

Because, really, the level at Darwinex is very low.

And i've shame of that.
I will save you even against yourself.

I will be the Leader to increase the Level at Darwinex.

You will all thank me in 1 or 2 years.

But from now i let you hate me.

That's normal...

You will love me later.
I don't know why i can see your post as i've pushed the button 'ignore' this member.. Is that a maniupualtion of the website?

Btw, we are still waiting for a verified track-record about a guy who is here apprently since 2005... commenting like a journalist/economist the politics and bla bla bla that has absolutely nothing to do the pratice of the financial markets.

Here, at Darwinex, we prove what we do by a Verifed FCA (UK) Double Track-Record.

That's why we can speak LOUD. VERY LOUD IF WE WANT.

Because our speech is based on an effective practice of the financial markets and not a speech based on the wind of the quackery.

About my wondering if this website is manipulated, i would add that my 'automatic signature' (below each of my posts) is not updated anymore since 1 week.

And i find this very weird...

For the rest, don't worry, i will not disapear. Like to all the other websites, i came, i made all the fake traders shut up and i finally take the full control of it.

Trust me.

You are fucking really in the shit with me. Fucking really...

I will push the button "ignore" a second time and let's see if this website is manipulated.

I will take care and ridicule you later, i've no time for the moment as i'm not commentator of the market like you...

But don't worry, your time will come that you will have to face me.

And everybody will see that you are, at least, a Fake Trader or at the best, a Ridiculous one compared to me...
I've seen the posts of your playing around on Darwinex they were very funny wow those drawdowns. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

"For the rest, don't worry, i will not disapear. Like to all the other websites, i came, i made all the fake traders shut up and i finally take the full control of it."

Which other websites have you taken full control over I'd love to visit them. Oh wait you have NO control over ANY website 😆😆😆😆

"You are fucking really in the shit with me. Fucking really..."
Should I be pleased, scared, aroused. I'm unsure, do let me know. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Here's the lesson for you, if you lose control this easily on a public forum, the market will chew you up and spit you out like all the other arrogant, hot headed 20 something imbeciles that think they know it all. Grow up learn some self control and THEN think about trying to control a portfolio that everyone else is trying to take from you. If your still around in 5 years then you will have achieved level 1 on the trading ladder, and its a big ladder!
I've seen the posts of your playing around on Darwinex they were very funny wow those drawdowns. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

"For the rest, don't worry, i will not disapear. Like to all the other websites, i came, i made all the fake traders shut up and i finally take the full control of it."

Which other websites have you taken full control over I'd love to visit them. Oh wait you have NO control over ANY website 😆😆😆😆

"You are fucking really in the shit with me. Fucking really..."
Should I be pleased, scared, aroused. I'm unsure, do let me know. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Here's the lesson for you, if you lose control this easily on a public forum, the market will chew you up and spit you out like all the other arrogant, hot headed 20 something imbeciles that think they know it all. Grow up learn some self control and THEN think about trying to control a portfolio that everyone else is trying to take from you. If your still around in 5 years then you will have achieved level 1 on the trading ladder, and its a big ladder!

All teenagers think they are invincible.
One by one, they fall by the wayside as reality catches up with them.
For the lucky ones, there's always bank of mum and dad when it all goes horribly wrong. 🤣
About all these guys who were here before, on t2w... speaking without any verified track-records, your time is running out...

From now, the people require a proof that what you are saying has been confronted with the reality of the market in order to gain legitimacy to speak out and be believed.

To all the others who read these words, you should always believe the traders who have a verified track-record and never believe the one who say they are traders but can not effectively prove it.

They are simply fake traders and/or mythomaniac.

They mainly try to distract attention with sleight of hand without ever publishing a post or an automatic signature in which anyone could find that their statements are supported by facts.

Thank you dear silent majority and trade/invest safe! 😉
About all these guys who were here before, on t2w... speaking without any verified track-records, your time is running out...

From now, the people require a proof that what you are saying has been confronted with the reality of the market in order to gain legitimacy to speak out and be believed.

To all the others who read these words, you should always believe the traders who have a verified track-record and never believe the one who say they are traders but can not effectively prove it.

They are simply fake traders and/or mythomaniac.

They mainly try to distract attention with sleight of hand without ever publishing a post or an automatic signature in which anyone could find that their statements are supported by facts.

Thank you dear silent majority and trade/invest safe! 😉

"Thank you dear silent majority and trade/invest safe!"

I wish you were part of the 'Silent majority'.
I wish you were part of the 'Silent majority'.

You give me the stick to get beaten...

We all know that you would prefer to keep going your myhtomaniac merry-go-round without a real trader who comes to spank you... 🙃

Dear Silent Majority, as you could see, he would like us to shut up.

But as we could see by checking just below his nickname, he posted 25 773 posts here... and he still doesn't have any verified track-record posted in his automatic signature.

Could we expect, dear Silent Majority, a 25 774th post with a verifed track-record searchable?

Or the mythomaniac/storyteller will still continue to think he can speak on a trading forum without showing a verified track-record?

That's the great question we will have an answer in his next post...
You will all suffer with me, you can not imagine... 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I’ve all the time to slap your asses... 🤣🤣🤣

Well only until your mum tells you its time for bed and to turn your phone off.
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