ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Just a reminder of the claims by IIC. Here's a repeat of a partial screenshot of their front page. I have full screenshots of the IIC homepage if anyone needs them.


The IIC claim on the homepage also boasts "Founded in 2003, Investment Intelligence Corporation holds the world's highest ranking for investment recommendations performance over the last 5 years. When compared with 15,137 Morningstar Funds and 195 investment newsletter recommendation services monitored by Marketwatch, Investment Intelligence Corporation's Passive ProphetMax ranks #1."
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Alrighty then, I have sent an email to the team on trade2win to see if they can at least identify the location of ProphetMaxLegalTeam. I have also sent one to their supposed law firm to let them know that an idiot is posing as one of their lawyers! Time for us to turn the tables on the butt head.
I just made pdf's of pages 64 through 69 as of now. Some may have edited their posts by now, but at least if the post is wiped clean later we have some record of the post as of right now. I will share my pdf's with anyone that needs it.

Also, check your Trade2Win "Re: ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?" email alerts. They would have the original unedited post. I'm going through my emails now and archiving all my email alerts with the original post wording.
It is great benefit to me in finding this forum before doing what I intended to do last month. Wire MORE money to IIC. I'm well diversified, I'll survive. But there are hundreds, if not thousands of victims that are in a lot of pain. Senen would say that if you are too emotional, you really are a loser -- paraphrasing here.

I consider my tuition has been fully paid. :smart:

Can I also send appreciation to ProphetMaxMember for feeding this discussion. I was ready to fund account before deciding on final due diligence and found this thread. Thanks👍

Was Suspicious that:
Typo's in IB LPOA forms + no witnesses needed
Contradiction in risk statements v Senen's own warnings on risk % of capital to tie up in any one investment (2-3%) on his course.

Seems NZ IB is UK registered with one of 2 listed directors being a limited company based in Belize. (See PMM's posting of IIC email for IB)

Since then, found link to this same company and ECNPROFX who were reported in Forexpeacearmy Forum

A coincidence?👎 are actually asking if anyone has a review of the IB - am surprised nobody has responded given the circumstances.

I also relied on Mike Dillard's referral of IIC - we share a mutual friend/acquaintance. Have been scammed before and the link camouflaged the danger signals until late in the process.

Senen has held webinar on the profitability of JV's and this alone raises danger signals of this being a joint conspiracy. Similarly the webinar on charging high-end fees for previously cheap info leaves a strong aftertaste.

I really hope those who lost will recoup some of the investment and even we get a refund of subs (breath not being held :whistling)
...Accept the lesson and move on (and away from Senan). All of the other lesson's in EVG are still rock solid. A lawsuit will only keep you emotionally attached to the money you lost.

Okay, say I told you you could trust me to hold your 10,000 dollars while you went into a store. When you came back I only gave you back 4,000 of it. I'm sure you'd just shrug and smile to me and thank me for giving you a valuable life lesson and go on with your life?! I'm pretty sure you'd want your money back and you'd either;

• Call the police
• Call a lawyer
• Try to personally get if back.

Or maybe all of the above. It's easy for you to make this into a small issue, as you didn't lose a penny of your hard earned savings in this "Passive" investment. There are people with lives here that are severely affected by this loss. While I'm glad I was not one of them, I sympathize with their issues on how this investment was advertised.
I'm with you Justincase... I've been a long time customer of Mike's and he's never let me down. He's always put his reputation first and foremost, and I think he just got suckered like everyone else...

I would like to believe he was suckered but nore likely negligent in not heeding any warnings or doing full due diligence ahead of time.
I would like to believe he was suckered but nore likely negligent in not heeding any warnings or doing full due diligence ahead of time.
In the webinars and on Facebook Mike Dillard repeatedly said he did his "Due Diligence" and would trust Senen with his life. Mike scolded longtime EVG member Jan Shimano for bringing up repeated concerns over Senen and IIC.

An EVG member should ask Mike if he was misled. I'd think Mike Dillard would join his members in getting back the money if he was misled too and suffered financial loss. Mike Dillard mentioned in the 1st Senen webinar that he was going to be putting six figures into his ManagedFX brokered account. Has Mike produced his FX statement to show others his investment and loss?
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The investment product did not work they way it was supposed to work according to its description, i.e. there were no stop loss orders put in place. Senen said that the trader admitted he made serious mistakes. The majority here seem to believe in malicious intent. I personally don't care whether the trader was stealing all the money or just came to work drunk, stoned, with severe migraine or after a major fight with his wife. I would however like to know if he has a professional indemnity insurance. Perhaps the ProphetMax prolific lawyer could answer this inter alia.
Thank you for providing the evidence that our legal team was searching for. You have now formerly identified yourself. We now have a copy of your fraudulently, falsified and edited account statement. Feel free to remove it if you wish. We have already saved a copy of it for our file.

You have now provided us with the conclusive evidence that also supports the fact that the accusations you are making about Mr. Pousa, his company and other companies that your forum posts mention, are indeed more applicable to you, moreso than any person or entity you attack in your posts.

We affirm again, Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win, and you for posting:

1. Defamatory and erroneous information about Mr. Pousa and his company.

2. Fraudulently editing financial statements to support your falsified claims.

3. Breaches to legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that you signed.

4. Claims that Mr. Pousa or his company received/receives commissions from any third party service provider. They do not.

5. Inferences that Mr. Pousa or his company receives investment funds from members. They do not. They receive a membership fee for their education and their research.

6. Claims of collusion between Mr. Pousa and third party service providers with the intention to defraud members.

7. Claims that Mr. Pousa made promises that risk management was set at 2%. This promise was never made. All webinars have been recorded. This too is erroneous.

8. Copyright breaches. Disclosure of emails that were subject to copyright and terms and conditions that you agreed to, in a public forum.

Thynne & Macartney will prosecute you to fullest extent of the law.

We formerly warn anyone who makes claims, opinions and inferences that cannot be verified by evidence, or supported in a court of law, that we will pursue this, and with the aid of law enforcement agencies, we will obtain email addresses and I.P. addresses to identify who you are. Do not think you can hide behind an anonymous or fictitious forum username. You cannot. Privacy no longer applies when you have breached the law.

2. Fraudulently editing financial statements to support your falsified claims.

To anybody who is reading this, the above post states that the member who posted the daily trade confirmation fraudulently edited a financial statement to support the falsified claims"

Let me share what editing that person did - the person took a screen shot of the daily confirmation we receive and omitted the "ticket number" of the orders/trades which were executed, at the top the person added the first name of the trader who traded our fund, BUT to my untrained eye, the rest of the screenshot of the daily confirmation looks VERY similar, nay almost identical, to my daily confirmation and I can tell you that the losses on my daily confirmation are actually worse than in the screenshot provided by the other forum member.

7. Claims that Mr. Pousa made promises that risk management was set at 2%. This promise was never made. All webinars have been recorded. This too is erroneous.

When interviewed by Mike Dillard, Mr Pousa makes several positive statements / gives positive opinion about the risk management employed by the proprietary trading group as well as the trading style employed by the proprietary trading group. The trading activity over the past 48 hours is not inline or is not congruent with the positive opinion/remarks given by Mr Senen Pousa on the matter.
Okay, say I told you you could trust me to hold your 10,000 dollars while you went into a store. When you came back I only gave you back 4,000 of it. I'm sure you'd just shrug and smile to me and thank me for giving you a valuable life lesson and go on with your life?! I'm pretty sure you'd want your money back and you'd either;

• Call the police
• Call a lawyer
• Try to personally get if back.

Or maybe all of the above. It's easy for you to make this into a small issue, as you didn't lose a penny of your hard earned savings in this "Passive" investment. There are people with lives here that are severely affected by this loss. While I'm glad I was not one of them, I sympathize with their issues on how this investment was advertised.

Thank you. My son's college education just disappeared.
Perhaps the ProphetMax prolific lawyer could answer this inter alia.

Read back to page 64 and you'll see that Senen "supposedly" has a lawyer working on it...only thing is that the lawyer is working on prosecuting some ProphetMax clients.

Some member here has already contacted the law firm via email to see if this is legitimate since the "supposed" legal posts are highly emotional and filled with detail that only Senen or his company could have provided. When we find out if this is legit we'll post the information here.
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Okay, say I told you you could trust me to hold your 10,000 dollars while you went into a store. When you came back I only gave you back 4,000 of it. I'm sure you'd just shrug and smile to me and thank me for giving you a valuable life lesson and go on with your life?! I'm pretty sure you'd want your money back and you'd either;

• Call the police
• Call a lawyer
• Try to personally get if back.

Or maybe all of the above. It's easy for you to make this into a small issue, as you didn't lose a penny of your hard earned savings in this "Passive" investment. There are people with lives here that are severely affected by this loss. While I'm glad I was not one of them, I sympathize with their issues on how this investment was advertised.[/QUOTE

if you read my first point, in 2007 I lost a substantial amount of money (more than the minimum that prophetmax required. So I'm speaking from first hand experience. Yes, it hurts!!!

I can say this because I've been in this position before. Emotions will go for a ride. In Feb/March the investors emotions were on a high of potential returns, now they are on a low as things went south. I went through something very similar in 2007.

The legal case was just now wrapped up in 2012. If I had held onto the money emotionally that was lost, I would've missed out on opportunity and joy for the past 5 years.

I too sympathize for the folks who lost money. It's apparent that someone will end up pursuing legal action. In my opinion its wasted time and energy for the masses to worry, fret, beat themselves up, and not to continue to move forward in their quest for personal freedom. (that is why you joined EVG right?)
Fake promises of 100% a year, fake promises about 2% risk and now fake lawyers. Just report this to ASIC and let them deal with it, it is already being investigated by them so just keep reporting it and detail your losses so that they can take appropriate action.
The investment product did not work they way it was supposed to work according to its description, i.e. there were no stop loss orders put in place. Senen said that the trader admitted he made serious mistakes. The majority here seem to believe in malicious intent. I personally don't care whether the trader was stealing all the money or just came to work drunk, stoned, with severe migraine or after a major fight with his wife. I would however like to know if he has a professional indemnity insurance. Perhaps the ProphetMax prolific lawyer could answer this inter alia.

You won't get any compensation as you were dealing with a company that was not regulated by ASIC. This is what happens when you ignore the rules (and common sense) and involve yourself with get rich quick schemes.
Senen promised to analyse what went wrong at the next webinar. This is certainly helpful. However, it is already clear and has been acknowledged by Senen that serious mistakes were made by the trader whose name shall not be spoken. I would think that the issue of liability needs to be explored. Perhaps there is none, but I believe Senen should have addressed it.

Also, Senen said that people got greedy. Duh. What guides investors in their decisions? Greed, fear and... No, that's it, greed and fear. Without greed there would not be any investors. I am surprised it was such a revelation for such an expert on human nature as Senen.

And finally, I would like to talk about zero-point conscience. I agree with Senen that overly emotional reaction is not helpful. However, most people have just joined ProphetMax and have had no chance to master this wonderful skill of attaining the blissful state of zero-point conscience. There were about 3,000 Managed FX investors. Statistically, there are quite a few chronic depression sufferers among us, and the number no doubt has just increased. We may be certain that in such a large group of people there will be families broken and there will be suicides resulting from the ManagedFX fiasco. There is a much smaller, but still frighteningly real chance of a murder suicide. Now, saying that these depressed people are wrong and they should have performed at the zero-point conscience level is not terribly helpful.

Do you ever get e mails from Nigerian Princes or 'BARRISTER JOHN' offering you a great deal if you help them move their inheritance out of Africa? They promise they will give you a percentage for your trouble, hundreds of thousands in fact. All you have to do is send them a deposit so they know they can trust you.

Now anybody with half a brain knows that's a scam but who has actually had dealings with this prince or barrister? Can anybody prove they have first hand experience that this is a scam? People will say if you cant find any legit info, it's probably a scam but I want real information from someone about this prince and barrister.

The bottom line is that if your girlfriend gives these people her money she will lose it, plain and simple, just like she would lose it if she gave it to a Nigerian Prince who e mailed her.

I thought it would take a bit longer than it has but things have worked out exactly as expected, just like all the others.
Just a heads up to member "ProphetMaxLegalTeam".

The Elevation Group Facebook page has several EVG and ProphetMax members that also mentioned the unnamed broker company as "Global Forex Management" and the broker as "Kevin". With links to the brokers website and some very unflattering comments. Information open to anyone with a Facebook account. I suggest you post your same legal notice there too.

To help you the page link is:

Also, you'll have to notify the just website (and Qualified Lawyer Ben Jones) that also mentions this about Senen and IIC:

"This company appears to have links with Senen Pousa, who has had his bank accounts frozen in Australia due to alleged illegitimate activities. The company itself alleges to have been in existence since 2003, yet their website was only created in 2010.
There isn't much good press about this corporation or the people behind it so we would recommend that you do not get involved."

Link to the website is here: Reliability Report for Investment Intelligence Corporation - JustAnswer

So, by no means just stop at us here.
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Senen promised to analyse what went wrong at the next webinar. This is certainly helpful. However, it is already clear and has been acknowledged by Senen that serious mistakes were made by the trader whose name shall not be spoken. I would think that the issue of liability needs to be explored. Perhaps there is none, but I believe Senen should have addressed it.

Ask Senen at the Monday webinar why he is posting legal notices to ProphetMax members here who discussed feelings and/or disclosed the broker and the trader, and not the people who disclosed it on The Elevation Group Facebook page (also a public site)?

And finally, I would like to talk about zero-point conscience. I agree with Senen that overly emotional reaction is not helpful. However, most people have just joined ProphetMax and have had no chance to master this wonderful skill of attaining the blissful state of zero-point conscience. There were about 3,000 Managed FX investors. Statistically, there are quite a few chronic depression sufferers among us, and the number no doubt has just increased. We may be certain that in such a large group of people there will be families broken and there will be suicides resulting from the ManagedFX fiasco. There is a much smaller, but still frighteningly real chance of a murder suicide. Now, saying that these depressed people are wrong and they should have performed at the zero-point conscience level is not terribly helpful.

People need money to live. If they lost most of that money in last weeks loss they still need money to live on. Where will that come from? The PM members should just calm themselves to a state of "zero point conscience", and that will make their life a blissful nirvana? It might work, but they'll starve to death and you'll find a corpse seated in the lotus position.

Apparently Senen is distressed enough to send legal notices to members on this thread. Has he not achieved that "zero point conscience" where minor distractions like our comments are unimportant?
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