ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

can you post this on EVG facebook page?

hello Shakt!
I post here because people can feel comfortable to create another different identity and post up their concerns anonymously. They could feel restricted on FB page.

Please feel free to redirect people over here by sending them a private message or posting on EVG wall.
to those muppets that still think this wasn't a scam.

dillard is finished.

pousa is finished.

the fx managers are finished

it's all over for these mlm marketers.

any trust they managed to build up with the uninformed has vanished. their gravy train run on your hard earned cash has now hit the buffers.

they offer nothing in the way of information that isn't already out there to be found, don't be lazy, don't rely on others. do your own work, do your own research into your finances and leave these mlm marketer types to their pills, potions and amway.

do yourselves a big favour and wise up now.

go out there and get informed and stop paying clowns large fees to feed you what is essentually out there already, and just a google away. steer well clear of any seller promising passive income and/or easy riches, there aren't any on offer so don't do it.
But isn't Senna just referring clients to the managed service? Why is he making any comment on the results, good bad or otherwise? The broker should be the only one communicating with clients if the initial introduction was only a referral.

That aside, does the one day result of a 62% loss marry with the risk profile in the MDA agreement? i.e. Is the trading strategy and risk management that you agreed to aggressive enough to allow for a loss like that? If it is then you just wear it.

Another point you guys may not be aware of, is that most FX brokers are market makers and don't hedge the majority of their risk. If you lose, they win. They also regularly share those profits they make from clients with those that introduce the business to them.

So while you lost 62% last night, it's highly possible that IIC pocketed a % of your loss. They took a cut of the spread, and they also took a cut of your loss. I know market makers who will rebate up to 50% of the client's losses to the introducer.

For your own peace of mind, you should straight our ask both the broker, and Senna what fees and commission both parties are making from you. You may find that both parties have a vested interest in you losing all your money. If they were located in Australia they would have to disclose all this in the FSG, but because the broker if offshore you may not get an honest, straight answer anyway.

Firstly, Mr. Pousa does not refer anyone to any service. Investment Intelligence Corporation provides research and resources to the highest performing money managers and traders in the world. If a ProphetMax member chooses to contact any third party service provider it is the choice of the member.

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post implication that "it's highly possible that IIC pocketed a % of your loss. They took a cut of the spread, and they also took a cut of your loss", falls under that category. This member falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.

Secondly, not all accounts lost money. Some in fact generated a profit for the day. The legal terms and conditions that all clients of the proprietary trading group agreed to in order to open an account allowed for that degree of aggressive risk management and losses to that extent.

Thirdly, the reference to brokers and market makers is misleading and irrelevant. There is no broker involved in these transactions. The person making this claims again is not only falsely representing Mr. Pousa, IIC or ProphetMax and anyone reading his posts should understand this and should further understand that the legal action will harsh and conclusive.

Fourthly, this person does not appear to be a member. It was disclosed publicly and on video, before any member joined ProphetMax that IIC does not take any commissions from any third party service provider. Again, more untruths that are either intentionally or ignorantly purposed toward publicly misrepresenting the facts. In fact there is not a single shred of information in this post that is accurate.
EVG live webinar is going on right now!

Mike says he was on the 4 hrs. webinar.
He lost 65% also.
Waiting for next webinar from Senen and trader Kevin Monday nite.
Compiling questions and forwarding questions to Senen.
Mike will blog about his losses at his website.
Having a follow-up webinar next week.

We draw your attention to the following:

Firstly, Mr. Pousa does not refer anyone to any service. Investment Intelligence Corporation provides research and resources to the highest performing money managers and traders in the world. If a ProphetMax member chooses to contact any third party service provider it is the choice of the member.

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post implication that "it's highly possible that IIC pocketed a % of your loss. They took a cut of the spread, and they also took a cut of your loss", falls under that category. This member falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.

Secondly, not all accounts lost money. Some in fact generated a profit for the day. The legal terms and conditions that all clients of the proprietary trading group agreed to in order to open an account allowed for that degree of aggressive risk management and losses to that extent.

Thirdly, the reference to brokers and market makers is misleading and irrelevant. There is no broker involved in these transactions. The person making this claims again is not only falsely representing Mr. Pousa, IIC or ProphetMax and anyone reading his posts should understand this and should further understand that the legal action will harsh and conclusive.

Fourthly, this person does not appear to be a member. It was disclosed publicly and on video, before any member joined ProphetMax that IIC does not take any commissions from any third party service provider. Again, more untruths that are either intentionally or ignorantly purposed toward publicly misrepresenting the facts. In fact there is not a single shred of information in this post that is accurate.
TAke this SURVEY on PrphetMax
Your answers are ANONYMOUS (so go for it)

I have left spaces for you to add your own comments/vent.
I will post up stats and comments as they come in.

Prophetmax Survey

Here are the comments added by people who took the survey (anonymous)
* Where are the terms of the 2% stop loss Senen promised?

Mike needs to conduct and investigation Now and not wait. We need to file a joint law suit and report this ASAP, not wait. The longer we wait the less change of getting our money back

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post implication that * Where are the terms of the 2% stop loss Senen promised?", falls under that category. This member falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.
Bank was frozen on what date please?

We draw your attention to the following:

Firstly, Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law. This is not the case and has never been the case.

Secondly, not all accounts lost money. Some in fact generated a profit for the day.

The person making this claims again is not only falsely representing Mr. Pousa, IIC or ProphetMax and anyone reading his posts should understand this and should further understand that the legal action will harsh and conclusive.

There is not a single shred of information in this post that is accurate.
Bank was frozen on what date please?

We draw your attention to the following:

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post falls under that category and Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.
Bank was frozen on what date please?

We draw your attention to the following:

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.
Here is a summary of Senen's 4 hr. webinar:

1. 1 hr. 40 mins. of Mind-Emotions-Body noodling
2. 40 mins. of ProphetMax 2.o preview 👎
3. Senen says that everyone is sub-consciously greedy and their losses are justified
4. More mind control suggestions that the capital can be retrieved and a 100% return can be obtained this year!! 😆
5. Questions taken really were not relative to the trade.

In conclusion, Senen's answer was 'I don't know what happen'.

We draw your attention to the following:

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.
I don't know if there is anyone else here in the medical field; but I think Senen has some very real psychological issues. I wondered about him when I saw the introductory video. He has an extremely flat affect (expressionless face) and seems a little self-absorbed. he only types in capital letters indicating that nothing is more important than what he has to say; he is indifferent to other peoples financial losses claiming that they are thinking negatively or some other BS; he is a loner who spends a large portion of his day in meditation (probably dreaming up his next scam), he is inflexible (you have to follow his rules blindly), he is manipulative and is possessed of a total lack of accountability. In this recent fiasco, he blamed some lone-wolf trader for the gigantic losses sustained by his patrons. Yep, all the hallmarks of a personality disorder of the highest degree. Probably why he gets along so well with the narcissistic Dillard who may have just flown too close to the sun this time around.

Very sorry for everyone who lost money to these fraudsters.

We draw your attention to the following:

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.
Broketurtle you couldnt have said it better!

After reading all this pages I believe that this was all planned from the beginning with EVG and Pousa. They made money on the subscription to prophet max, but they didnt just stopped there, want advise on your taxes? here are our $450+ consult with our laywers, want to promote Prophet Max? become a Joint Venture paying $700+, they were milking the cow.

They traded 200+ times with our money in one day because they were making money in each trade. And as they didnt lose money in the first day, they traded again one second day. They didnt care if we made or lost our money, after all its just business to them and in the end we are all responsible as investors, they are not liable as we signed NDAs and agreed to their terms.

We draw your attention to the following:

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.
well whatever the outcome the truth of the matter is that dullard and pousa have your money, along the fx clowns that failed in epic style. but many of the punters don't now have a pot to p!ss in.

the lesson here is obveous... don't go near any clowns promising great riches for little or no work on your part. you gotta do some work, even if it's a web search on the clowns. see a google search full of idiots flogging it with great fanfare, walk away cos you looking at scam marketers selling you stuff you could get without paying clowns the hi fees.

get this ingrained into those thick bonces now!

dillard = clown!

pousa = clown!

clowns get rich on the stupid, don't be one of them again. get what's left of your money out, flip the finger at them, turn your back and walk away. do yourselves a favour and never look at a get rich scheme again, ever!

We draw your attention to the following:

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.
He did. Senen liked to brag about how much finders fees he paid out -- $600,000.

Apparently this is the #1 source for open public discussion.
Thanks for posting. 👍

We draw your attention to the following:

Investment Intelligence Corporation's legal team, Thynne & Macartney has initiated legal proceedings against trade2win and those people who have made posts that are defamatory and erroneous or that has breached the legal terms and conditions and non-disclosure agreements that all members have signed.

The above post falls under that category and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.
and we Thynne & Macartney will be prosecuting this individual to fullest extent of the law.

Just a thought ... I hope you clowns are better at defending than prosecuting ... you are going to have to be.

Mattie Ross: Give me my $25 back. Hand it over!
Rooster Cogburn: I spent it.
Mattie Ross: You sorry piece of trash!
Rooster Cogburn: I'll get it for you. I'll send it to you.
Mattie Ross: Aw, that's a big story. If you think you can cheat me, you're mistaken. You've not heard the last of Mattie Ross. You may well hear from my lawyer, Daggett.
Rooster Cogburn: [to LaBoeuf] Lawyer Daggett? Who's lawyer Daggett?
LaBoeuf: I wouldn't worry about him. I'd worry about our business at hand.