ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

the elevation group facebook page has loads of chatter about this in the comments. unbelievably, even in the face of the obvious, there are still people that believe this rubbish, is that for real??
the elevation group facebook page has loads of chatter about this in the comments. unbelievably, even in the face of the obvious, there are still people that believe this rubbish, is that for real??

I guarantee you some of those idiots will be topping up their accounts with more cash as we speak. Then they will be in so deep they won't be able to admit to themselves they've been scammed.

Lives and families will be ruined because of this.
I guarantee you some of those idiots will be topping up their accounts with more cash as we speak. Then they will be in so deep they won't be able to admit to themselves they've been scammed.

Lives and families will be ruined because of this.

and it sad to learn pousa was laughing about it. as he would after fleecing the gullible of their money. there will sadly be the odd few that continue on, to have their last pennies stolen.

but really this incarnation is now finished, the scam being now plain to see. with hopefully that dunce dillard going down with it also.
the best lulz by far is the facebook page comments of prophetmax and elevation group.

the trouble with facebook is that scammers have control of their own content page, and is easily self cleansed. anyone attempting to point out the obveous and warn the unwary on the scam, will be removed. never trust a facebook page of anyone wanting money in exchange for a dubious service. we saw this first hand on the new turtle scam, aint that right broketurtle 😉
I am new to this forum and this is my first posting. I have read through the entire 56 pages and noted that my personal name was mentioned by "the pixel pusher" mid way through. He mentioned that a person by the name of "Jan Shimano" had questioned Mike Dillard on his EVG page regarding Mike doing his due diligence regarding Senen. I am Jan. It is true that I have been around Mike Dillard for a number of years and was one of the beta testers for the EVG. I have also met Mike personally and always thought highly of him.
I did a thorough investigation of Senen and did not like what I found. I attempted to warn others aboutdoing business with him. However, my postings on the EVG Facebook page were deleted by EVG. I asked if Mike himself had deleted the messages and he said he had because he had done his due diligence on Senen and he would trust him with his life.
This shocked me because I know that Mike is not a naive person. The only conclusion I could come to was that Mike knew exactly who Senen was and his shady past. I cannot speculate on what involvement Mike has with this but he has definitely sullied his reputation by being so supportive of Senen all along. I posted many videos on the EVG Facebook page regarding Senen and a previous company he was involved with but they were all deleted.
However, some people did see the messages before they were deleted and then wondered what had happened to them. They e-mailed me and I gave them what information I had.
It saddens me to see that at least one or two people that I tried to warn went ahead and invested only to now learn that they have lost over 60% in one day. They have been told that there was no glitch and that the money is truly gone.
The problem with following this on The Elevation Group Facebook page and Prophet=Max Facebook page is that the majority of the posts from angry persons have been deleted and you only get to read posts from folks that are still kind of supporting Senen.
I will be interested to see how Mike attempts to distance himself from all of this.
All in all, it is a very sad story for many people.
prophetmax facebook page has gone, the scammers have removed the lot.

that leaves the heat on dillards page. let's see how long that stays up 👎
The email from Senna posted by ProphetMax Member is very disturbing. It raises more questions than it answers. Anyone caught up in this needs to lodge complaints with ASIC immediately. Giving Senna the benefit of the doubt, allowing him more time will only ensure more of your money is lost.

There also appears to be a lot of confusion as to where clients actually deposited their funds and who is controlling them. If it was direct with a regulated broker the flow of communication, and method of withdrawal would be very different.

I respect ProphetMax member for his continued postings and putting his hand up admitting an error in judgement. I have the benefit of over 10 years in the industry and can spot these scams a mile away. Unfortunately for those a bit greener it is a lot harder to know what's legit and how things should operate.
prophetmax facebook page has gone, the scammers have removed the lot.

that leaves the heat on dillards page. let's see how long that stays up 👎

Yup. ProphetMax Facebook is wiped clean of any comments. How professional is that!? This a serious sign that something is verifiably wrong by this reaction. Not to mention the disconnect on his group email by suggesting a peaceful state of mind and not to expect any personal responses. I'd suggest the worldwide EVG members come together and pursue recovery of funds immediately before he totally drops out and beats a quick exit to some safe house country.

I wonder if this Forum Thread "Re: ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?", which has been up ranking on Google fairly high, caused them to fold this up before people woke up to the endgame?
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If this situation were a's be a tragicomedy like this.

This is the message from Mike Dillard on his EVG Facebook page in response to some comments being made.

"The Elevation Hey guys, Senen told me he was going to take down their FB page because they have not used it in months. They want any and all questions to be send to their support page and each one will be addressed. While I don't agree on the timing of taking it down now, they have not used it as a point of interaction since it was created."

Funny thing is, it has been used a great deal over the last few days. Now people have no way of communicating with each other, other than the EVG Facebook page. Not sure how Mike is going to handle this.
A search of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) which are the Australian securities authority reveal that the Senen Pousa's company has been inactive since 2004 and submitted the last Annual Report in 2003.
ASIC Free Company Name Search


He also says in his second video that you MUST sign a confidentiality agreement and agree to NEVER contact the bank where your funds are being sent to. If you do, then you forfeit ALL your funds.

Stay away from Senen Pousa, ProphetMax, anything this ripoff is involved with.

However I don't understand how a professional prop trading group can lose 65% of an account in one trading
* *

Isn't the answer rather obvious? They were never a professional prop trading group, there was never any evidence they were, they just said they were and you were all too willing to believe it because of this 100% a year nonsense that they peddled. If youd have looked at the background of those involved in this, particularly Mike Dillard, you'd have seen that they are all just get rich quick marketing guys. That's not to mention the lack of the required licences from ASIC. This was all pointed out very early on but nobody would listen, now your money is gone and these crooks are laughing at you. It was all so predictable.
the broker looks to be caymen island based. plus i can't find any regulatory infomation on the public broker page, nor their account management page. the only funds safety info i found so far is that if an account goes down below £500 only then will they stop trading it. so there's a way to go yet before near total clean out.
Hi Jan, I am one of those who never saw your research. Could you post it here so I could take a look at it now? I would certainly appreciate it.

For those that paid into this - contact ASIC in Australia or you can contact to report him.

Whether he is a scam - I don't know. But at the minimum, I suspect he needs an Australian Financial Services License to peddle things like the managed (poorly) FX. This loss should NEVER have occurred.

I asked a professional FX trader who does manage accounts about it. He said such a loss is due to irresponsible behavior. One can't blame the money manager for upheaval in the markets but it is his responsibility to have a proper stop loss in there. And that should have been at 15 or 20%. As for risk, this trader says 2 to 3% risk ( and each order of .08 to 1% per order) is only possible in slow and low volatility markets. More risk is required in higher volatily markets. ANd this managed forex trader said no one should ever expect a 65% loss.

The loss was always going to happen, I have never seen one of this schemes that didn't end up this way. It was all totally predictable from day one and sadly it will happen again and again due to people's greed. Just look at some of the comments from the start of this thread about making 100% a year, nobody wants to hear about the realities they just believe what they want to believe. These guys stitched you up with no more than a crappy website and a few lies about past and future returns.
ProphetMax - the easiest wealth transfer in the history of Forex?

Step 1: Flood the internet with spam articles / internet marketing related fluff pieces so that if anybody tries to do some basic research on you, it is not possible to do so, because it is buried under millions of useless internet pages. (Incidently, if you can find an internet marketing guru who would know how to pull this off and have the marketing network to do so, then brilliant!)

Step 2: Get access to thousands of middles class people who dream of a better future and are proven to be easily sold

Step 3: Sell them some fantastic stories of 100% returns with unproven and unsubstantiated past performances

Step 4: Straight from the start, sell the potential victims some fluff about remaining calm in all situations. this will work a treat when you cut them later on.

Step 5: Charge those thousands of people a $2000 membership and make your first several millions. (Give cut to said internet marketing guy)

Step 6: Have them wire funds to offshore accounts in one country. Funds which are traded by a trader in another country while the broker is an entirely different country.

Step 7: Throw the poor people a bone. Give them a month or two of profit, then wipe them clean with a 63% loss.

Step 8: When they come with pitchforks, play the stay calm card and if possible push the blame to them.

Step 9: Let the trader take the blame about human error (possibly freed) while pursuing profits. If it wasn't a glitch or negligence, no recourse possible.

Step 10: Collect money from the forex broker who are the shady sort and act as market makers and who will rebate money to the introducers.

Step 11: Rinse and repeat.
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I am new to this forum and this is my first posting. I have read through the entire 56 pages and noted that my personal name was mentioned by "the pixel pusher" mid way through. He mentioned that a person by the name of "Jan Shimano" had questioned Mike Dillard on his EVG page regarding Mike doing his due diligence regarding Senen. I am Jan. It is true that I have been around Mike Dillard for a number of years and was one of the beta testers for the EVG. I have also met Mike personally and always thought highly of him.
I did a thorough investigation of Senen and did not like what I found. I attempted to warn others aboutdoing business with him. However, my postings on the EVG Facebook page were deleted by EVG. I asked if Mike himself had deleted the messages and he said he had because he had done his due diligence on Senen and he would trust him with his life.
This shocked me because I know that Mike is not a naive person. The only conclusion I could come to was that Mike knew exactly who Senen was and his shady past. I cannot speculate on what involvement Mike has with this but he has definitely sullied his reputation by being so supportive of Senen all along. I posted many videos on the EVG Facebook page regarding Senen and a previous company he was involved with but they were all deleted.
However, some people did see the messages before they were deleted and then wondered what had happened to them. They e-mailed me and I gave them what information I had.
It saddens me to see that at least one or two people that I tried to warn went ahead and invested only to now learn that they have lost over 60% in one day. They have been told that there was no glitch and that the money is truly gone.
The problem with following this on The Elevation Group Facebook page and Prophet=Max Facebook page is that the majority of the posts from angry persons have been deleted and you only get to read posts from folks that are still kind of supporting Senen.
I will be interested to see how Mike attempts to distance himself from all of this.
All in all, it is a very sad story for many people.

Hey Jan:

I had my posts deleted also. Dillard was only interested in keeping the ones that were positive; so that actually makes him complicit in the perpetration of this massive fraud.
. . .Is This guy for real? Suggesting a Zen-like state while you calmly embrace your money being flushed down a toilet in ****'s office. This tragicomedy should be made into a movie with Borat's Sacha Baron Cohen playing Senen and Will Ferrel as the hapless trader ****'*.

Listening to the webinar, Senen spends nearly 2 hours talking about emotions, mind, thoughts. Before the questions come in. 😎