ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?


Lest wait for the explenation from Senen what actiually went wrong.

What went wrong? Nothing, it went exactly as planned. Put out a lot of get rich quick marketing rubbish, take 20k off the gullible and then churn and burn their accounts.

Do you seriously think it was ever going to end up any other way?
Yeah, I got swindled. But people get swindled everyday. Today there is a whole new generation of neophyte investors ready to throw their money away on Facebook stock.

I trade FOREX 5 years now and i generate 3-5% monthy on avrage. My plan to invest in Senens compay was to divertisify my money to multuple investements to achive steday income on monthly basis. But after this event i see that the only person i can trust in this buissines is ME. Really am sorry for everyone! Some guy send mny 2 days ago and on the first trading day of his account he got a statement that he lost 62% of his money 🙁 it must hurt him so much ....
I don't think you were swindled. I think the desk junior hitched his algorithm up to the wrong account (note to trainee: Senen Pousa's client base is not the sim account on which you test your latest poorly coded scalping EA). Just look at a member statement for last nights trades - the instrument, position size, frequency and duration. They're not prop trades, they're bot trades. Massive fail. If this was an unfortunate mistake and ProphetMax is legit this will be cleaned up pretty quickly.

Let me guess, they made a lot of trades on instruments with high spreads and opened and closed positions quickly. That's how you churn and burn an account.
Mike Dillard was putting 6 figures into his ManagedFX account according to the follow up 5 hour webinar to the Intro Webinar. What has Mike said about all this? I wonder if he got paid to shill this and didn't tell about that.

Even if this was some error and everyone's money was okay, would anyone trust this clunky and haphazard setup Senen has going? He sends out a group email and cannot reply to individuals!?
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I don't think you were swindled. I think the desk junior hitched his algorithm up to the wrong account (note to trainee: Senen Pousa's client base is not the sim account on which you test your latest poorly coded scalping EA). Just look at a member statement for last nights trades - the instrument, position size, frequency and duration. They're not prop trades, they're bot trades. Massive fail. If this was an unfortunate mistake and ProphetMax is legit this will be cleaned up pretty quickly.

I agree with you, those trades are alghoritm trades not a prop trade!!! I dont understand what happened out there???
Mike Dillard was putting 6 figures into his ManagedFX account according to the follow up 5 hour webinar to the Intro Webinar. What has Mike said about all this? I wonder if he got paid to shill this and didn't tell about that.


I don't know why people can't see through this nonsense. The guy is the worst type of get rich quick marketer yet when he says he has put 6 figures into this everyone believes him. If he told you he lost 30 pounds taking slimming supplements that he sells you'd believe that too.
I don't know why people can't see through this nonsense. The guy is the worst type of get rich quick marketer yet when he says he has put 6 figures into this everyone believes him. If he told you he lost 30 pounds taking slimming supplements that he sells you'd believe that too.[/QUOT

You are so smart please show me the way where can i invest my money. Hedge Funds ??? Stocks ??? plese tell me smart boy...
I don't know why people can't see through this nonsense. The guy is the worst type of get rich quick marketer yet when he says he has put 6 figures into this everyone believes him. If he told you he lost 30 pounds taking slimming supplements that he sells you'd believe that too.[/QUOT

You are so smart please show me the way where can i invest my money. Hedge Funds ??? Stocks ??? plese tell me smart boy...

Keep it in the bank or you'll lose it all. There are thousands of scams out there and clearly you are not able to see through even the most blatantly obvious of them. There are much better concealed scams out there just waiting for you.
Keep it in the bank or you'll lose it all. There are thousands of scams out there and clearly you are not able to see through even the most blatantly obvious of them. There are much better concealed scams out there just waiting for you.

Where do you think banks invest your money ? You think that they have it in their safe. What will you do when banks start colapsing ? I rather losse it on my own then give it to the bank that he profits from it. Only my humbe opinion. Whole countris will go bankrupt so dont think the banks cant.
Where do you think banks invest your money ? You think that they have it in their safe. What will you do when banks start colapsing ? I rather losse it on my own then give it to the bank that he profits from it. Only my humbe opinion. Whole countris will go bankrupt so dont think the banks cant.

Well keep it under your bed then. Whatever you do don't give it to get rich quick scammers, that's just dumb.
I don't know why people can't see through this nonsense. The guy is the worst type of get rich quick marketer yet when he says he has put 6 figures into this everyone believes him. If he told you he lost 30 pounds taking slimming supplements that he sells you'd believe that too.

I didn't trust Mike Dillard or Senen Pousa and certainly didn't invest with them. I was restating what Mike said in the entertaining but red flag ridden webinars. This was my comment to have the EVG members here call Mike out on his complete role in this. EVG members may have some legal beagles at Mike's doorstep too since he may not have disclosed his role fully. I'd be interested in how cagey Mike Dillard gets when questioned about this. My bet is that he says that there was always the chance to lose most or everything and to leave EVG if you don't like it. He's been rude and cocky to members before.
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Where do you think banks invest your money ? You think that they have it in their safe. What will you do when banks start colapsing ? I rather losse it on my own then give it to the bank that he profits from it. Only my humbe opinion. Whole countris will go bankrupt so dont think the banks cant.

Not to further the OT remarks but the banks will never cover all the savings if a world-wide bank run happens, which could easily happen. With the international big banks screwing everyone at once it's likely everyone will be running to get money out before it collapses. MF Global, JP Morgan, Lehman, and on. It's a Ponzi scheme Senen would have loved to have run.

Back to OT discussion now.
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Not to further the OT remarks but the banks will never cover all the savings if a world-wide bank run happens, which could easily happen. With the international big banks screwing everyone at once it's likely everyone will be running to get money out before it collapses. MF Global, JP Morgan, Lehman, and on. It's a Ponzi scheme Senen would have loved to have run.

Back to OT discussion now.

Youve quoted me as saying that, I didn't.
just received this email . . .


Hi ***,

This is a long email to let you know that I have spoken with
***, the Director and head trader of ****.

I understand what has happened. I can confirm conclusively
that the losses on some accounts were indeed legitimate and
caused by ***'s (human) error, not by algorithmic trading.

I can also confirm that not all accounts lost money. Some in
fact made money yesterday. I can also confirm that nothing
like this has ever happened in ***'s entire trading career,
and that *** immediately took full responsibility for his error
without a single word of defensiveness, blame or justification.

***also feels confident that they will come out of the other side
of this and return the accounts back to where they were prior
to the losses. Having spoken to *** as often as I have and at
length today I too feel confident that this will happen.

It goes without saying that *** and his team will not be earning
any commissions until all accounts are returned to the account
balance (watermark) they showed prior to the losses.

I have asked *** to provide the following:

1. A full report on what happened over the last two days,
articulated in simple terms, without "tech or trade speak"
so that even a 10 year old can understand it.

2. Inclusive of the simple version, a "trading version" so that
bank traders and professional traders who are members will
understand it and can comprehend it from a technical

3. Screenshots of the MetaTrader platform so that you can
comprehend what occurred from a visual perspective.

4. A communication of what occurred by ***, as our guest, LIVE
on the next Level 3 Gathering plus answers to your questions by
him. This will be a Managed FX members-only webinar. We'll take
questions for as long as *** can spare the time.

*** agreed to all of the above - again without a moment of
hesitation or reservation.

*** has stopped all trading for 2 weeks to look into every
aspect of what has happened, plus to identify the best way(s)
to prevent this from ever happening again. When he has that
solution(s) he will document and report that solution(s), which
I will pass on to you. And, if necessary, he will share that with
you on a live Level 3 Gathering.

Keep in mind that when you lose money, so does *** and
his team, and they don't make any money until they recover
*all* of the losses.

The recording of the Level 3 Gathering from yesterday will be
up in the members' area within 48 hours and you will receive
an email to letg you know as soon as that has occurred.

While I appreciate the hundreds of thank you emails for
yesterday's Gathering, and while I know some of you are still
dealing with the emotional reaction to what has occurred
over the last couple of days (and are sending in hundreds of
emails to let us know), right now we have to deal with this in
the most leveraged way possible and what I have highlighted
above, is that way. One-by-one email responses to over a
thousand emails or support tickets is simply impractical and
impossible to do in less than a few weeks.

You will receive the report that *** is preparing by close of
business this coming Monday, Eastern Standard Time, i.e. New
York time.

The Level 3 Gathering where *** will come and speak LIVE,
will be held at 9pm - 11pm (EST), Monday, May 21st 2012 -
again that's New York, Eastern Standard Time -- and for some
members (like those of us in Australia) that's Tuesday 11am
to 1pm.

If you want to register for that webinar now, you can do so
by going to this link:

Have a wonderful weekend and practice what you are learning
relative to Adapting the Body-Mind to Zero-Point Consciousness.

And remember...

Life lessons never stop while we are alive. There is always a rite
of passage when moving to a higher level. That passage, in my
experience, is NEVER easy. But what I can tell you, is that it's worth
it. Mediocrity and living the reactive life of a victim, isn't!

But you have to make decisions based on your current stage of
growth. Idealism, as many of you have discovered, doesn't cut it.

As a wise man once said...

"Any fool can be relaxed and happy when things are going their
way, but only the wise can remain relaxed, peaceful and happy
when everything around them is collapsing."

And lastly...I'm reminded of Stan Druckenmiller who worked with
George Soros, and said that the biggest lesson he learned while
working with Soros was that George's demeanor was no different
when he lost hundreds of millions of dollars, than when he made
over $1 Billion in a single day. This is the response of a wise man.
And from my point of view we need to learn from the wise in our
moments failure - and our success.

Speak to you next week...

Warm regards,

Senen Pousa
Investment Intelligence Corporation

P.S. If you're not sure what time zone the webinar is in your "neck of the woods", when you click on the GoToWebinar link you will see (in blue) the words "Show in my Time Zone" in the upper right hand corner of the page...

...Just click on that link and select your time zone to display the time of the Gathering in your part of the world.
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He doesn't mention that the losses fall far outside of the promised ranges. People were interested in this because it was promised as a very, very safe investment. Markets are even more volatile these days and Kevin may have bigger losses or maybe even gains, but this is far more risky than was portrayed.

just received this email . . .

As a wise man once said...

"Any fool can be relaxed and happy when things are going their
way, but only the wise can remain relaxed, peaceful and happy
when everything around them is collapsing."

Is This guy for real? Suggesting a Zen-like state while you calmly embrace your money being flushed down a toilet in ****'s office. This tragicomedy should be made into a movie with Borat's Sacha Baron Cohen playing Senen and Will Ferrel as the hapless trader ****'*.
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As a fan of F1, if a pit crew worker performed this poorly under pressure, his services would exceed requirement. Or as they say here in the US, 'You're FIRED!'
sorry to hear you guys are out of pocket.

seems to appear that those with gbp or eur accounts only lost 30% those with usd accounts were down more than twice that. and some accounts actually making money?? whats going on there then??

if you not seen the trap closing by now, i think it a good time to attempt withdraw what's left of your funds before these clowns help themseves to the rest of it.

oh and don't forget to flip the finger to pousa on the way out.